It Begins: Journalists start admitting Trump-Russia conspiracy was a fabricated lie

Ahh, you can not own someone without being a slave owner, old timer.

Yeah...that is why I answered in the affirmative.

Keep up.

You should know that is a no no.

Not on an Internet forum.

It happens a lot. People like you come along and beg to be owned.

Out of pity...some of us take custody of you. ;)
Ahh, but the actuarial tables indicate that I will have a grand time longer than you...barring an encounter with a Mack truck.Lol. have it longer. I have no problem with that.

I just intend to have as much fun as I can before that end comes.
Your comment about Vanderbuilt...and your minors were not prompted by me flinging the words "stupid and uneducated" at you...BECAUSE I DID NOT DO THAT.

Stop with the bullshit.

You cannot get away with it in this forum.

I've been calm all along.

Go jerk-off, Jerk-off. You will have even more fun than we both are having now.
Read carefully:

"When the words "stupid and uneducated" are flung my way, I respond with my resume and ask for theirs, old timer."

They were flung my way on another thread on this forum.

Do you have a problem with Vanderbilt or just higher education in general?

I once wrote a political article praising Solzhenitsyn for the VOR (Voice of Russia). They asked me for an audio interview. I declined. True story.

Congratulations. I imagine you treasure that. As I treasure the many writing accomplishment that I've managed.

Gotta be careful with that stuff, though. Edges one toward self-aggrandizement.

One does not read a writer like him for pleasure but for enlightenment.

He is much too boring to enlighten me.

But if you are enlightened by all means. Read and re-read his stuff.
Congratulations. I imagine you treasure that. As I treasure the many writing accomplishment that I've managed.

Gotta be careful with that stuff, though. Edges one toward self-aggrandizement.

He is much too boring to enlighten me.

But if you are enlightened by all means. Read and re-read his stuff.

Perhaps there are too many polysyllabic words in his books. Lol

Some of the "useful idiots" (a reference to American liberals by the old USSR leaders) denied that the Gulags were places of obscene horror, torture and deprivation.

They, in effect, perpetuated their existence by their denials. The suffering continued.
Read carefully:

"When the words "stupid and uneducated" are flung my way, I respond with my resume and ask for theirs, old timer."

They were flung my way on another thread on this forum.

You addressed that remark to me...IN THIS THREAD.

Learn to say, "I made a mistake" when you make a mistake.

Do you have a problem with Vanderbilt or just higher education in general?


I have a degree in economics...with additional majors in Philosophy and Religion. Didn't have much in the way of financial resources, so I went to a less expensive Lutheran College (on the GI bill)...rather than university. Did graduate work at at university in psychology. (My interests were eclectic.)

I understand that Vanderbuilt is an excellent engineering school albeit a bit pricey. It does seem always to be fighting charges of having racist and homophobic tendencies.
Some of the "useful idiots" (a reference to American liberals by the old USSR leaders) denied that the Gulags were places of obscene horror, torture and deprivation.

They, in effect, perpetuated their existence by their denials. The suffering continued.

Fuck American liberals.

The gulags were disgusting...places of horror.

I do not remember any American liberal ever suggesting they were not.

If in fact, Soltzhenisyn meant "American liberals" when he talked about "useful idiots"...perhaps you can dig up something he said to that effect.

If that is merely something you manufactured...perhaps you can quote an American liberal denying they were horrendous places.

By the way, today's Russians seem to think American conservatives...and Donald Trump in particular, are useful idiots.
You addressed that remark to me...IN THIS THREAD.

Learn to say, "I made a mistake" when you make a mistake.


I have a degree in economics...with additional majors in Philosophy and Religion. Didn't have much in the way of financial resources, so I went to a less expensive Lutheran College (on the GI bill)...rather than university. Did graduate work at at university in psychology. (My interests were eclectic.)

I understand that Vanderbuilt is an excellent engineering school albeit a bit pricey. It does seem always to be fighting charges of having racist and homophobic tendencies.
I haven't heard those charges.Vanderbilt was ranked 13th overall recently by Forbes, I believe. They are a very liberal university. My father and all seven (7) of my siblings have degrees from there.

One of my three brothers joined the Communist party while there. We convinced him that he could either tear up his membership card or eat it. He tore it up.

My Son-in-Law has almost completed his PhD in Econ. He only has his dissertation to defend.

Good for you...if true.
Fuck American liberals.

The gulags were disgusting...places of horror.

I do not remember any American liberal ever suggesting they were not.

If in fact, Soltzhenisyn meant "American liberals" when he talked about "useful idiots"...perhaps you can dig up something he said to that effect.

If that is merely something you manufactured...perhaps you can quote an American liberal denying they were horrendous places.

By the way, today's Russians seem to think American conservatives...and Donald Trump in particular, are useful idiots.

Elinor Roosevelt was one...there were many more.
Fuck American liberals.

The gulags were disgusting...places of horror.

I do not remember any American liberal ever suggesting they were not.

If in fact, Soltzhenisyn meant "American liberals" when he talked about "useful idiots"...perhaps you can dig up something he said to that effect.

If that is merely something you manufactured...perhaps you can quote an American liberal denying they were horrendous places.

By the way, today's Russians seem to think American conservatives...and Donald Trump in particular, are useful idiots.

Well, old timer, desayuno calls. I believe that we are having my favorite...fried pork tenderloin, grits and biscuits and gravy.
Fuck American liberals.

The gulags were disgusting...places of horror.

I do not remember any American liberal ever suggesting they were not.

If in fact, Soltzhenisyn meant "American liberals" when he talked about "useful idiots"...perhaps you can dig up something he said to that effect.

If that is merely something you manufactured...perhaps you can quote an American liberal denying they were horrendous places.

By the way, today's Russians seem to think American conservatives...and Donald Trump in particular, are useful idiots.

I said the the old USSR leadership referred to American liberals as useful idiots, not Solzhenitsyn.
I haven't heard those charges.Vanderbilt was ranked 13th overall recently by Forbes, I believe. They are a very liberal university. My father and all seven (7) of my siblings have degrees from there.

One of my three brothers joined the Communist party while there. We convinced him that he could either tear up his membership card or eat it. He tore it up.

My Son-in-Law has almost completed his PhD in Econ. He only has his dissertation to defend.

Good for you...if true.

I understand all that earlier stuff...if true.
Elinor Roosevelt was one...there were many more.

You must mean Eleanor Roosevelt.

You have a quote from her saying the gulags were not terrible?

You have a quote from any American liberal (since you say there were many) saying the gulags were not terrible?
I said the the old USSR leadership referred to American liberals as useful idiots, not Solzhenitsyn.

You did, indeed.

I was totally are correct.

I apologize.

I would appreciate any links you can offer with American liberals saying the gulags were not terrible.
I did not infer that this is formal debate. I merely pointed out that using the Rubric Template, the score would be very low.

I have graded formal debate at the collegiate level and the parameters merit a quick perusal. Informal debate would be improved by a quick study of those parameters.

You didn't "infer", you implied.