It Begins: Journalists start admitting Trump-Russia conspiracy was a fabricated lie

half the country thinks like you do, and half the country thinks like we do.

problem is my half had more electoral votes, and your half doesn't believe in the Democratic process.

which is sad, this is America, and that's the way things are suppose to work, our forefathers laid it out pretty clearly

Hey math wiz.... 30% to 40% is not "half" of anything.
Woodward isn't on Mueller's team, is he?

If you read Woodward's book, he concludes that Trump is a liar.
Trying to connect Trump to Russia is a waste of time & tax payer dollars, and you dumbfucks will learn that when America votes you idiots back into the minority.
Trying to connect Trump to Russia is a waste of time & tax payer dollars, and you dumbfucks will learn that when America votes you idiots back into the minority.


Apparently "Granule" refers to the size your brain.
WELL...there are you fellow assholes who would disagree with you.

They think the FBI and the CIA and the entire of the DoJ...are also in a conspiracy to "get" you dickheads...and the FBI and CIA are more than just leftovers from "the Obama" administration.
you don't understand "IC leadership" think the political appointees. It was a tight cabal not "the institutions"
you don't understand "IC leadership" think the political appointees. It was a tight cabal not "the institutions" are only digger deeper...when you are more than deep enough.

You fools have started to trash ALL the institutions of our nation in an attempt to bolster the disgusting abomination you have managed to get elected as our president.

The FBI, the CIA, the DoJ, the media...all supposedly in a conspiracy to damage Donald Trump.

TOTALLY UNNECESSARY: Donald Trump does more than enough damage to himself. He doesn't need any help. are only digger deeper...when you are more than deep enough.

You fools have started to trash ALL the institutions of our nation in an attempt to bolster the disgusting abomination you have managed to get elected as our president.

The FBI, the CIA, the DoJ, the media...all supposedly in a conspiracy to damage Donald Trump.

TOTALLY UNNECESSARY: Donald Trump does more than enough damage to himself. He doesn't need any help.
your an idiot Frank. it's been broken down for you multiple times. Happy New Year however.
your an idiot Frank.

If you are going to call someone an idiot, not to do it by saying "YOUR an idiot."

it's been broken down for you multiple times. Happy New Year however.

The only thing broken down the American conservative thinking that defends the abomination Donald Trump.


Happy New Year to you and yours, Noise. I hope 2019 is a healthy, content year for you.
Yahoo News’ Michael Isikoff ... has reversed course and started acknowledging that the left's projection of its own disloyalty and collusion with foreign powers against this country's interests, on vivid display in the Trump-Russia hoax, has been exhaustively investigated, that there is zero evidence of anyone but Democrats colluding with Russia or rigging elections, and that all the key pillars of this astonishingly dishonest scam are "likely false." He won't be the last to be forced to admit that Democrats invented the entire thing.

You are referring, at several removes, to the interview Isikoff gave to Ziegler earlier this month ...

Michael Isikoff, the chief investigative correspondent for Yahoo News, said Saturday during an interview on conservative commentator John Ziegler's "Free Speech Broadcasting" podcast that "Steele was clearly onto something" in his probe into the campaign's Russian connection but evidence has not surfaced to support some of his specific assertions.

Steele was correct to suspect "that there was a major Kremlin effort to interfere in our elections, that they were trying to help Trump's campaign, and that there were multiple contacts between various Russian figures close to the government and various people in the Trump campaign," Isikoff said.

Please point out where Isikoff made ANY of the "admissions" you claimed:

"the left's disloyalty and collusion with foreign powers"

"Democrats colluding with Russia"

"all the key pillars are likely false"

"Democrats invented the entire thing"

As far as I know most of the raw intelligence has been cross verified by European intelligence sources. They were watching Trump for years because they were following Russian money laundering in NY, Hamburg and London.

No. It is a matter of record at this point that the DNC-funded dossier was a completely staged political hit used to illegally spy on a presidential campaign in the middle of a major national election (about a thousand times worse than Watergate, but zero consequences because it was Obama) and then to endlessly hamstring (overthrow) a duly elected president (who is the threat to 'our democracy' here?).

Comey’s confession: dossier not verified before, or after, FISA warrant

Why not wait until its over.

Says the people who benefit from endless, provably false scandal-mongering against a president for getting in the way of Democrat power.

I would be very surprised if Trump isn't a criminal since he has always surrounded himself with criminals and otherwise shady characters.

I will save you the suspense. Politicians are almost always criminals (Obama and Hillary top among them). They are the scum of the Earth, which is why those who comprehend human nature and learn from history always try to stop idiot liberals from concentrating maximum power into the hands of the few. And considering the news sources you take seriously, I would wager there is a great deal that you will be surprised about in the end.
If they knew Trump was laundering money for years, why didn’t they charge him years ago?

That tangent aside, here is Isikoff:

“When you actually get into the details of the Steele dossier, the specific allegations, we have not seen the evidence to support them, and in fact, there is good grounds to think that some of the more sensational allegations will never be proven and are likely false.”

That makes some significant people liars, right? Isn’t spreading *that kind* of misinformation a kind of lie?

Maybe slightly more insidious than exaggerating one’s net worth in a political campaign?

And this is coming from Isikoff...the guy who wrote Russian Roulette, the book that tried to prop up the accusations against President Trump. Now here we sit, watching him completely reverse course and admit that it was all a lie.
Well, Woodward is an investigative journalist, he's not FBI or CIA and probably isn't highly connected to government intelligence in the UK, Holland or Germany.

So now it's...switch gears to questioning how connected the most reputable and credentialed investigative journalist in the country is...the guy who brought down Nixon.

Regardless of what Mullet turns up or doesn’t turn up ‘we’ will continue to call bullshit on the origin of the Russian investigation. And the role the Dossier played in it.

Or, we can just let it slide and decide ‘this is the way this game will be played’ from now on.

It's bigger than that. A blatantly fraudulent, DNC-funded partisan stunt being at the base of this thing means that illegal warrants were secured and criminal spying on a presidential campaign during a major national election was conducted. Serious crimes have been committed that make Watergate look like jaywalking. People need to end up in jail for it.