It Begins: Journalists start admitting Trump-Russia conspiracy was a fabricated lie

So if Trump really is a criminal traitor, you don't want to know???

I don't think that's what he's saying. If this does turn out to be something other than Democrats projecting their own trademark disloyalty and treason onto their opponents, no one is going to believe it from a discredited liar.
Even if it turns out Trump is a criminal—he is hardly alone.

You don’t care that crimes were committed in the origin of the Russian investigation??

Exactly. The person changing the subject at every turn is the one who needs to be answering the questions about whether or not they care about exposing the crimes that have been committed.
unfortunately this "investigation" and all of it's fabricated origin will leave a stain on the FBI, and all of it's associated departments. That we really need to have some sort of belief in it's credibility.

And all because it was "Hillary's Turn" and it didn't look like it was going to work out that way

Yahoo News’ Michael Isikoff (formerly of Newsweek and NBC News) has reversed course and started acknowledging that the left's projection of its own disloyalty and collusion with foreign powers against this country's interests, on vivid display in the Trump-Russia hoax, has been exhaustively investigated, that there is zero evidence of anyone but Democrats colluding with Russia or rigging elections, and that all the key pillars of this astonishingly dishonest scam are "likely false." He won't be the last to be forced to admit that Democrats invented the entire thing, just like they did with Roy Moore.

Dossier fails the test of time; Trump-Russia collusion claims now called 'likely false'

See also:

Woodward: No Evidence Of Trump-Russia Collusion, I Searched For Two Years

Dossier's 10 core collusion accusations remain unverified 20 months later

NO ONE has come up with ANY false details, misstatements or inaccuracies in the DOSSIER. Everything we know that is in the dossier, TO DATE, has been corroborated in various ways by numerous sources. With one exception and no one knows (although I'LL BET MUELLER DOES) whether anyone peed on Trump or he simply watched and/or paid for WOMEN TO PEE on each other.

(I can't believe I just typed 'that' out loud)
such a shame nothing in the Steele Dossier has been disproved

too funny!


This is an "ad ignorantium" fallacy (you can't disprove my evidence-free two-year smear campaign, therefore it must be true). The burden is on the accuser.

Try again.

Woodward: No Evidence Of Trump-Russia Collusion, I Searched For Two Years

Dossier's 10 core collusion accusations remain unverified 20 months later is ANYTHING unverifiable?


How often do you beat your wife? <=== Unverifiable accusation.
Trying to connect Trump to Russia is a waste of time & tax payer dollars, and you dumbfucks will learn that when America votes you idiots back into the minority.

The ironic thing us she claims to be a conservative yet consistently spouts progressive liberal platitudes.
It's illegal to do so for a FISA warrant

But crimes don't affect Democrats because they own the DOJ. Aren't you glad the Chicago thug ACORN president spent 8 years corrupting and politicizing every government institution to rig everything for Democrats?

NO ONE has come up with ANY false details, misstatements or inaccuracies in the DOSSIER. Everything we know that is in the dossier, TO DATE, has been corroborated in various ways by numerous sources. With one exception and no one knows (although I'LL BET MUELLER DOES) whether anyone peed on Trump or he simply watched and/or paid for WOMEN TO PEE on each other.

(I can't believe I just typed 'that' out loud)

lol......none of it has been shown to be true......
You are referring, at several removes, to the interview Isikoff gave to Ziegler earlier this month ...

Michael Isikoff, the chief investigative correspondent for Yahoo News, said Saturday during an interview on conservative commentator John Ziegler's "Free Speech Broadcasting" podcast that "Steele was clearly onto something" in his probe into the campaign's Russian connection but evidence has not surfaced to support some of his specific assertions.

Steele was correct to suspect "that there was a major Kremlin effort to interfere in our elections, that they were trying to help Trump's campaign, and that there were multiple contacts between various Russian figures close to the government and various people in the Trump campaign," Isikoff said.

Please point out where Isikoff made ANY of the "admissions" you claimed:

"the left's disloyalty and collusion with foreign powers"

"Democrats colluding with Russia"

"all the key pillars are likely false"

"Democrats invented the entire thing"


It should be really obvious that I was wording it in my own way. The actual quotes and link to the article were included to make this clear.

This is an "ad ignorantium" fallacy (you can't disprove my evidence-free two-year smear campaign, therefore it must be true). The burden is on the accuser.

Try again.

Woodward: No Evidence Of Trump-Russia Collusion, I Searched For Two Years

Dossier's 10 core collusion accusations remain unverified 20 months later

How often do you beat your wife? <=== Unverifiable accusation.

Claim: Elvis is camped out on the dark side of the Moon.

Unverifiable. Even though it’s not a false statement it can’t be proven or disproven. Lefties have been played by the Russians.
NO ONE has come up with ANY false details, misstatements or inaccuracies in the DOSSIER. Everything we know that is in the dossier, TO DATE, has been corroborated in various ways by numerous sources. With one exception and no one knows (although I'LL BET MUELLER DOES) whether anyone peed on Trump or he simply watched and/or paid for WOMEN TO PEE on each other.

(I can't believe I just typed 'that' out loud)


Translation: It doesn't matter if all the evidence presented shows the opposite. I know it's true because I keep telling me.


Newsflash: Wanting things to be true doesn't make them true.

Golden shower? Trump dossier authors doubt their most explosive allegation

But now there is new reporting to suggest the dossier's creators had serious doubts about the veracity of the "golden showers" story from the very beginning. Despite those doubts, dossier author Christopher Steele included the "golden showers" account in his collection of anti-Trump intelligence, and the dubious charges set off a series of events that changed the course of the Trump-Russia investigation.

"Facts are stubborn things." -John Adams