It Begins: Journalists start admitting Trump-Russia conspiracy was a fabricated lie

Frankie, the error would be if I said ‘the claim is false’ but I said no such thing.

Here is Isikoff in his own words:

“When you actually get into the details of the Steele dossier, the specific allegations, we have not seen the evidence to support them, and in fact, there is good grounds to think that some of the more sensational allegations will never be proven and are likely false.”

Straight-up, he is saying the specific *allegations* in the Dossier lack evidence and that the sensational claims will never be proven and are likely false [unverifiable].

Or in a word, worthless.

No one cares if the Dossier nailed the weather in Moscow on a specific date. It’s the ALLEGATIONS that matter, Frankie.

The real question is how a worthless document found its way into the FISA court. Answer me that one.
The pee tape, they may never see the pee tape. It seems the rest of the intel is slowly being verified.
It is a matter of record at this point that the DNC-funded dossier was a completely staged political hit used to illegally spy on a presidential campaign.

Presumably the illegal spying was intended to uncover stuff that could be used against Trump in the campaign. So what did they find out and why the hell didn't it work?

Or failing that, why didn't they just splash the dossier all over the media? That would have done the trick, eh?

Seems to me those IC globalist deep-state democrats were pretty bungling conspirators after all.
Frankie, the error would be if I said ‘the claim is false’ but I said no such thing.

Here is Isikoff in his own words:

“When you actually get into the details of the Steele dossier, the specific allegations, we have not seen the evidence to support them, and in fact, there is good grounds to think that some of the more sensational allegations will never be proven and are likely false.”

Straight-up, he is saying the specific *allegations* in the Dossier lack evidence and that the sensational claims will never be proven and are likely false [unverifiable].

Or in a word, worthless.

No one cares if the Dossier nailed the weather in Moscow on a specific date. It’s the ALLEGATIONS that matter, Frankie.

The real question is how a worthless document found its way into the FISA court. Answer me that one. either are fucking terminally stupid...or you recognize that you are wrong and simply are not able to acknowledge it.

Here is the statement: "Elvis is camped out on the dark side of the Moon."

Here is what you say about THAT statement: "Even though it’s not a false statement..."

In fact, let's just eliminate the "it" part of what you had to say. It then becomes: Even though the statement "Elvis is camped out on the dark side of the moon" IS NOT A FALSE STATEMENT...

Are you terminally stupid, Darth...or can you see that you were saying that "Elvis is camped out on the dark side of the moon...IS NOT A FALSE STATEMENT. cannot be shown to be false or true...although goddam near anyone hearing the statement would say that it is FALSE. You are asserting IT IS NOT FALSE.

Either your wording is fucked up or your thinking is fucked up.

After all this discussion...I am coming to the conclusion that your wording and your thinking ARE BOTH FUCKED UP.
No. It is a matter of record at this point that the DNC-funded dossier was a completely staged political hit used to illegally spy on a presidential campaign in the middle of a major national election (about a thousand times worse than Watergate, but zero consequences because it was Obama) and then to endlessly hamstring (overthrow) a duly elected president (who is the threat to 'our democracy' here?).

Comey’s confession: dossier not verified before, or after, FISA warrant

Says the people who benefit from endless, provably false scandal-mongering against a president for getting in the way of Democrat power.

I will save you the suspense. Politicians are almost always criminals (Obama and Hillary top among them). They are the scum of the Earth, which is why those who comprehend human nature and learn from history always try to stop idiot liberals from concentrating maximum power into the hands of the few. And considering the news sources you take seriously, I would wager there is a great deal that you will be surprised about in the end.

Trump is a criminal and MOST politicians are not criminals.. Trump's record goes back to the 1970s.. Do you think he has changed?
The pee tape, they may never see the pee tape. It seems the rest of the intel is slowly being verified.

The pee tape is the equivalent of Elvis hiding out on the Dark Side of the Moon lol. It’s a worthless claim.

Did you mean to imply it *wasn’t* verified when the criminals used it to get a FISA warrant on Carter Page?

Was that an oopsie? either are fucking terminally stupid...or you recognize that you are wrong and simply are not able to acknowledge it.

Here is the statement: "Elvis is camped out on the dark side of the Moon."

Here is what you say about THAT statement: "Even though it’s not a false statement..."

In fact, let's just eliminate the "it" part of what you had to say. It then becomes: Even though the statement "Elvis is camped out on the dark side of the moon" IS NOT A FALSE STATEMENT...

Are you terminally stupid, Darth...or can you see that you were saying that "Elvis is camped out on the dark side of the moon...IS NOT A FALSE STATEMENT. cannot be shown to be false or true...although goddam near anyone hearing the statement would say that it is FALSE. You are asserting IT IS NOT FALSE.

Either your wording is fucked up or your thinking is fucked up.

After all this discussion...I am coming to the conclusion that your wording and your thinking ARE BOTH FUCKED UP.

Omg you can be tedious, Frankie.

How about a big WHATEVER on me not saying it was a false claim—or whatever the hell it is you’re having me saying. I give up, you win. You wore me down.

Now answer the question: how did a worthless document *that you now admit is loaded with unverifiable claims* find its way into the FISA court?

And don’t Segway into one of your anti-Trump word salad diatribes or I’ll ignore your response.
The pee tape is the equivalent of Elvis hiding out on the Dark Side of the Moon lol. It’s a worthless claim.

Did you mean to imply it *wasn’t* verified when the criminals used it to get a FISA warrant on Carter Page?

Was that an oopsie?
They didn’t need to verify the pee tape, there were many more elements to the dossier that were verified.

The laws for the FISA were followed, Nunes and all his flunkies are chasing a dead end.
Comey: Dossier Was Unverified Before And After FBI Used It To Obtain Spy Warrants
Former FBI Director James Comey told Congress that the Steele dossier was unverified when it was used to apply for spy warrants against former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page.
Comey said it was “not necessary” for the FBI to validate the sources that dossier author Christopher Steele used to compile his report.
The former FBI chief signed off on three out of four spy warrants granted against Page.

Former FBI Director James Comey told Congress Friday that the FBI had not verified the Steele dossier prior to relying on the salacious document to obtain spy warrants against former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page.

According to a transcript of Comey’s testimony released on Saturday, the former FBI chief also asserted that it was “not necessary” for the FBI to assess the sources that dossier author Christopher Steele used to compile his report, which was funded by the Democratic National Committee and Clinton campaign.

“I think I’ve dealt with warrants where you just identify that your primary [confidential informant], or primary source, has subsources, and so long as the court is aware of that phenomenon and that you’re speaking to the reliability of the primary source, to my mind, that’s a totally legit warrant application,” he said.
^gross violation of Woods Procedure and FISA requirements.

Comey is saying Steele is a reliable source,so the FISA was OK.. But as usual Comey is a LIAR.
Simply having a reliable source is NOT sufficient for the FISA ex parte court
They didn’t need to verify the pee tape, there were many more elements to the dossier that were verified.

The laws for the FISA were followed, Nunes and all his flunkies are chasing a dead end.

Isikoff disagrees.

He plainly stated that ‘specific allegations lacked evidence’ [aka unverified] and that some were unverifiable and likely false.

The word ‘allegations’ is critical because whatever claims are in the Dossier that are verified—but don’t allege a crime, will not and should not, get a FISA warrant.

Unless, someone was breaking laws.
Omg you can be tedious, Frankie.

Just trying to get through that thick skull of yours, Darth. Sometimes it takes lots of doing.

How about a big WHATEVER on me not saying it was a false claim—or whatever the hell it is you’re having me saying. I give up, you win. You wore me down.

Whatever you want to do in order to avoid simply saying, "I was wrong" okay with me. I don't expect an ethical response from you.

Now answer the question: how did a worthless document *that you now admit is loaded with unverifiable claims* find its way into the FISA court?

I do not know it is a worthless document...and neither do you.

Whether it was worthless or made its way there by the person who submitted it...submitting it.

The court accepted it. MY GUESS (and this is only a guess) is that the judges know more about its legality than you.

And don’t Segway into one of your anti-Trump word salad diatribes or I’ll ignore your response.

Do whatever you want, Darth. I don't give a shit. I know what you will not do. You will not acknowledge you are wrong when you are wrong. That's most of what I have to know about you.
Washington Times...might as well be Breitbart. I stopped reading after this lie
Srteele met w/ Isikoff and leaked the dossier ( why he was not paid by the FBI).

THEN the FISA Farce used BOTH Isikoff & and Steele as a separtae source listing -but they wre one and the same.
That's "circular sourcing) another untruth for the FISA
They didn’t need to verify the pee tape, there were many more elements to the dossier that were verified.

The laws for the FISA were followed, Nunes and all his flunkies are chasing a dead end.

Yup...and the dupes are buying into it.

Poor souls.
^gross violation of Woods Procedure and FISA requirements.

Comey is saying Steele is a reliable source,so the FISA was OK.. But as usual Comey is a LIAR.
Simply having a reliable source is NOT sufficient for the FISA ex parte court

The FISA court should decide that...not some asshole like you in an Internet forum.
^gross violation of Woods Procedure and FISA requirements.

Comey is saying Steele is a reliable source,so the FISA was OK.. But as usual Comey is a LIAR.
Simply having a reliable source is NOT sufficient for the FISA ex parte court

One of the most complex aspects of the framework is the
Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA). This article
reviews the FISA and its implementing mechanism, which is
contained in procedure 5 of Department of Defense (DOD)
Directive 5240.1-R.

At the operational level, judge advocates
need to have a clear understanding of when FISA authorization
is necessary and what information is required by statute to
obtain authorization. This article describes the step-by-step
process for getting FISA authorization when required.
Claim: Trump paid Russian hookers to pee on the bed.

Unless someone has the video: unverifiable.

The trick is to load the Dossier with some insignificant but verifiable facts but leave it unverifiable on its significant claims.

Feed it to a compliant media and, bingo, you have yourself a Russian conspiracy—set up by the Russians themselves. I’m sure Putin gets a good belly-laugh out of it.

A whole bunch of people have been had, Frankie.
"salacious and unverified" but boy did it make the news!

Now think of the texts specifically the one's on leaking where Strzok praises Page
They ginned it up. It was a bunch of noise -but it fueled the Russian collusion meme