It Begins: Journalists start admitting Trump-Russia conspiracy was a fabricated lie

When the Mueller report comes puppets of the right will cheer if it says what you want it to say...and call it a witch-hunt hatchet job if it doesn't.

That is the way puppets are designed to work. The puppet does what the puppet master wants it to do...AND NOT ONE GODDAM THING OTHER.

Good luck, Darth.

I hope the strings do not require you to do stuff even you will be able to see as daffy.

So you think the Puppet Strings are making Darth suck Trump's dick or Darth is doing it because he really likes it?
Just trying to get through that thick skull of yours, Darth. Sometimes it takes lots of doing.

Whatever you want to do in order to avoid simply saying, "I was wrong" okay with me. I don't expect an ethical response from you.

I do not know it is a worthless document...and neither do you.

Whether it was worthless or made its way there by the person who submitted it...submitting it.

The court accepted it. MY GUESS (and this is only a guess) is that the judges know more about its legality than you.

Do whatever you want, Darth. I don't give a shit. I know what you will not do. You will not acknowledge you are wrong when you are wrong. That's most of what I have to know about you.

You’re projecting on that, Frankie.

But if it makes you feel better to think you proved me wrong, have at it.

Back to the point: the Dossier was used to spy on Carter Page because the Dossier made the apparently worthless claim that Page was either a Russian agent or engaged in something illegal. We know it was a worthless claim because Page was unmolested by Mullet.

At least one of the central claims in the Dossier turned out to be worthless.

I’m sure Mullet would have liked to have charged Page with at least a FARA violation so he could be squeezed in order to get at Trump. That’s the whole point to this business, right Frankie? It’s not about ‘getting or stopping Russians’. You don’t buy that bullshit, do you?

It’s about getting or stopping Trump—-Trump has been the target from Day One. They just can’t come out and say it because that’s admitting to the whole world that it’s a Witch Hunt. And the mission is to remove Trump from office.

It’s unethical as hell, Frankie. In fact, Mullet is as sleazy as Cohen in his own right. This whole business is.

EVEN IF EVERYTHING YOU SAY ABOUT TRUMP IS TRUE—it’s still sleezy and unethical.

And not only do you refuse to recognize that, you applaud it, Frankie.
So you think the Puppet Strings are making Darth suck Trump's dick or Darth is doing it because he really likes it?

I think Darth, like so many others, have lost control of their minds because of their loathing of "government." They seem to see Donald Trump as some sort of savior...mostly, I suppose, because Trump mouths the same sort of simple-minded anti-establishment platitudes they spew.

Okay. It is a free country and they are allowed to vote for people like Donald Trump...even though he will fuck our nation and the world up...perhaps beyond repair.

Unfortunately, the rules allow that loathing-of-government group to have outsized we may all be stuck with the damage a minority has essentially created...and continues to create.

I see no realistic way out of the problem. (Balkanization or fragmentation of states are poor solutions.)

I hope better minds are able to do that.
You’re projecting on that, Frankie.

But if it makes you feel better to think you proved me wrong, have at it.


What I proved was that you are not man enough to acknowledge you are wrong when you are wrong.

Back to the point: the Dossier was used to spy on Carter Page because the Dossier made the apparently worthless claim that Page was either a Russian agent or engaged in something illegal. We know it was a worthless claim because Page was unmolested by Mullet.

At least one of the central claims in the Dossier turned out to be worthless.

You are a pathetic logician, Darth. You ought to stick to talking about music, television programs or movies.

I do not know if anything in the dossier was worthless...and neither do you.

I trust the opinions of the FBI, the DoJ, and the judges of the FICA courts more than your opinion.

They all seem to be okay with what happened. You, and the other Trump sycophants, are stuck claiming the entire universe is in a conspiracy to harm your Dear Leader.

I’m sure Mullet would have liked to have charged Page with at least a FARA violation so he could be squeezed in order to get at Trump. That’s the whole point to this business, right Frankie? It’s not about ‘getting or stopping Russians’. You don’t buy that bullshit, do you?

I think people like you are fucking insane, Darth. That is what I think.

It’s about getting or stopping Trump—-Trump has been the target from Day One. They just can’t come out and say it because that’s admitting to the whole world that it’s a Witch Hunt. And the mission is to remove Trump from office.

Absolutely fucking insane.

It’s unethical as hell, Frankie. In fact, Mullet is as sleazy as Cohen in his own right. This whole business is.

EVEN IF EVERYTHING YOU SAY ABOUT TRUMP IS TRUE—it’s still sleezy and unethical.

And not only do you refuse to recognize that, you applaud it, Frankie.

I hope 2019 brings you some peace, Darth.

What I proved was that you are not man enough to acknowledge you are wrong when you are wrong.

You are a pathetic logician, Darth. You ought to stick to talking about music, television programs or movies.

I do not know if anything in the dossier was worthless...and neither do you.

I trust the opinions of the FBI, the DoJ, and the judges of the FICA courts more than your opinion.

They all seem to be okay with what happened. You, and the other Trump sycophants, are stuck claiming the entire universe is in a conspiracy to harm your Dear Leader.

I think people like you are fucking insane, Darth. That is what I think.

Absolutely fucking insane.

I hope 2019 brings you some peace, Darth.

I’m pretty excited about 2019, actually lol.

For reasons that have nothing to do with politics. But same to you, Frankie.

If they didn’t charge Page—one is forced to surmise it’s because they didn’t have anything to charge him with and the claims in the Dossier were worthless. And that Page was illegally spied on by the IC.

And you aren’t even slightly curious about—any of it, because you are blinded by TDS.
I’m pretty excited about 2019, actually lol.

For reasons that have nothing to do with politics. But same to you, Frankie.

Thanks, Darth. I'm hoping I find the swing I can use regularly on the course this year. It would be a big improvement.

If they didn’t charge Page—one is forced to surmise it’s because they didn’t have anything to charge him with and the claims in the Dossier were worthless. And that Page was illegally spied on by the IC.

Once again...your "logic" is not logical...on a couple of levels. is not forced to surmise it's because they didn't have anything to charge him with. is not forced to surmise the claims in the dossier are worthless.

You cannot see the future...and charges may still be brought...or there may be good and compelling reasons for not charging Page despite evidence that could lead to charges.

WE DO NOT YET KNOW. is not forced to surmise that Page was illegally spied on by the IC...who actually did not spy on him. The FBI surveilled him. ALL of it was legal. YOUR opinion that it was not legal does not trump (!) the opinions of the FBI, the DoJ, and the FISA court judges...that it was.

And you aren’t even slightly curious about—any of it, because you are blinded by TDS.

I AM curious about it...but strange as this may sound to you, I actually give more weight to the opinions of the FBI, the DoJ, and the FISA court judges than yours on the matter.

I keep my mind open enough to want to see how this plays out. The fat lady has not yet sung.

YOU are the one blinded, Darth. Your absurd loyalty to this disgusting abomination in the White House IS BLINDING YOU.
We can only speak truth to the "investigation" if we admit it's genesis, IMO.

The existing administration and their biased support for one candidate led to some pretty nefarious goings on in the "justice" department.
The FISA warrant was obtained to spy on her opponent based on unverified information. And that should never happen.

Now what was uncovered afterwards is an entirely different matter,
if ends justify the means in your opinion.

But continuing to deny the FISA warrant was a crime in the way it was obtained is a non starter
We can only speak truth to the "investigation" if we admit it's genesis, IMO.

The existing administration and their biased support for one candidate led to some pretty nefarious goings on in the "justice" department.
The FISA warrant was obtained to spy on her opponent based on unverified information. And that should never happen.

Now what was uncovered afterwards is an entirely different matter,
if ends justify the means in your opinion.

But continuing to deny the FISA warrant was a crime in the way it was obtained is a non starter

That cannot be admitted.

It cannot be admitted that the genesis to the Trump/Russia investigation involved corruption in the DOJ.
Yahoo News’ Michael Isikoff (formerly of Newsweek and NBC News) has reversed course and started acknowledging that the left's projection of its own disloyalty and collusion with foreign powers against this country's interests, on vivid display in the Trump-Russia hoax, has been exhaustively investigated, that there is zero evidence of anyone but Democrats colluding with Russia or rigging elections, and that all the key pillars of this astonishingly dishonest scam are "likely false." He won't be the last to be forced to admit that Democrats invented the entire thing, just like they did with Roy Moore.

Dossier fails the test of time; Trump-Russia collusion claims now called 'likely false'

See also:

Woodward: No Evidence Of Trump-Russia Collusion, I Searched For Two Years

Dossier's 10 core collusion accusations remain unverified 20 months later

Thanks, Darth. I'm hoping I find the swing I can use regularly on the course this year. It would be a big improvement.

Once again...your "logic" is not logical...on a couple of levels. is not forced to surmise it's because they didn't have anything to charge him with. is not forced to surmise the claims in the dossier are worthless.

You cannot see the future...and charges may still be brought...or there may be good and compelling reasons for not charging Page despite evidence that could lead to charges.

WE DO NOT YET KNOW. is not forced to surmise that Page was illegally spied on by the IC...who actually did not spy on him. The FBI surveilled him. ALL of it was legal. YOUR opinion that it was not legal does not trump (!) the opinions of the FBI, the DoJ, and the FISA court judges...that it was.

I AM curious about it...but strange as this may sound to you, I actually give more weight to the opinions of the FBI, the DoJ, and the FISA court judges than yours on the matter.

I keep my mind open enough to want to see how this plays out. The fat lady has not yet sung.

YOU are the one blinded, Darth. Your absurd loyalty to this disgusting abomination in the White House IS BLINDING YOU.

Always the word-gamer, Frankie lol.

Ok, the *most plausible* explanation *given the facts at hand* for the non-charge of Carter Page is that he committed no crime and that, contrary to the claims in the Dossier, he was not a Russian agent. If you want to believe otherwise, then you have to explain why Mullet is wasting time with Page instead of charging him and then squeezing him to get to Trump.

And let’s the drop the pretense that this is anything other than a ploy to get to Trump. Nobody cares about Carter Page.

Will you accept the most plausible explanation or continue to make lame excuses instead?
Carter Page left the Trump campaign in September 2016:

So why did the FBI put Page under surveillance in October 2016? If their purpose was to spy on Trump's campaign, why didn't they pick someone who was still active in it?


Once they got authorization to spy on Page they could go back and see what he was saying to, whomever, in the Trump campaign.

Apparently, their random crime search of Page came up empty. Btw, that is exculpatory evidence—if you’re thinking about Russian collusion.
We can only speak truth to the "investigation" if we admit it's genesis, IMO.

The existing administration and their biased support for one candidate led to some pretty nefarious goings on in the "justice" department.
The FISA warrant was obtained to spy on her opponent based on unverified information. And that should never happen.

Now what was uncovered afterwards is an entirely different matter,
if ends justify the means in your opinion.

But continuing to deny the FISA warrant was a crime in the way it was obtained is a non starter

If the people who have to defend their Dear Leader want to suppose the genesis of the investigation was flawed...they can do so...and those of us who say we are inclined to think the opinions of the FBI, DoJ, and FISA court judges are more valuable than the guesses of you people....can just laugh at you.

I am laughing...and I suspect many others are also.

Always the word-gamer, Frankie lol.

Ok, the *most plausible* explanation *given the facts at hand* for the non-charge of Carter Page is that he committed no crime and that, contrary to the claims in the Dossier, he was not a Russian agent. If you want to believe otherwise, then you have to explain why Mullet is wasting time with Page instead of charging him and then squeezing him to get to Trump.

And let’s the drop the pretense that this is anything other than a ploy to get to Trump. Nobody cares about Carter Page.

Will you accept the most plausible explanation or continue to make lame excuses instead?

Allow me to reply to all this nonsense by borrowing from Bourbon's post:
