It Begins: Journalists start admitting Trump-Russia conspiracy was a fabricated lie

Always the word-gamer, Frankie lol.

Ok, the *most plausible* explanation *given the facts at hand* for the non-charge of Carter Page is that he committed no crime and that, contrary to the claims in the Dossier, he was not a Russian agent. If you want to believe otherwise, then you have to explain why Mullet is wasting time with Page instead of charging him and then squeezing him to get to Trump.

And let’s the drop the pretense that this is anything other than a ploy to get to Trump. Nobody cares about Carter Page.

Will you accept the most plausible explanation or continue to make lame excuses instead?
Occam's razor.
You’re projecting on that, Frankie.

But if it makes you feel better to think you proved me wrong, have at it.

Back to the point: the Dossier was used to spy on Carter Page because the Dossier made the apparently worthless claim that Page was either a Russian agent or engaged in something illegal. We know it was a worthless claim because Page was unmolested by Mullet.

At least one of the central claims in the Dossier turned out to be worthless.

I’m sure Mullet would have liked to have charged Page with at least a FARA violation so he could be squeezed in order to get at Trump. That’s the whole point to this business, right Frankie? It’s not about ‘getting or stopping Russians’. You don’t buy that bullshit, do you?

It’s about getting or stopping Trump—-Trump has been the target from Day One. They just can’t come out and say it because that’s admitting to the whole world that it’s a Witch Hunt. And the mission is to remove Trump from office.

It’s unethical as hell, Frankie. In fact, Mullet is as sleazy as Cohen in his own right. This whole business is.

EVEN IF EVERYTHING YOU SAY ABOUT TRUMP IS TRUE—it’s still sleezy and unethical.

And not only do you refuse to recognize that, you applaud it, Frankie.

"Insurance policy"
I addressed it TO YOU, Darth.

I am asking why Getin is not addressing her posts to anyone. She posted her last two comments without addressing them to anyone.

She is better than that.

Idk lol, why does that matter lol?

Why don’t you go shag some balls or something. Might clear your head.
Occam's razor.

Fuck Occam's of the two most useless philosophical protocols.

The best way to handle the Page question is: We do not know what is going on with regard to the issue...and there may be much more revealed. Making idiotic guesses like "Therefore he committed no crimes" is for morons.
They would have to literally spell out a step by step plan to sabotage Trump before you’d believe it, wouldn’t they lol.

Nah, you still wouldn’t believe it.

I do not do "believing."

But if you want to think that it makes more sense to suppose Donald Trump is honest and innocent and almost the entire rest of the world is in a plot to get him...okay with me.

I actually find it VERY AMUSING.'

The assholes who continue to support Donald Trump...

...actually think it is more likely that he is the innocent and truthful victim of a plot by the CIA, FBI, DoJ, FISA judges, the media of the world, and many of the leaders of our allied countries...

...than that he is a disgusting, incompetent, laying, classless boor.

Okay...that is their right.

My reaction still is...

I smell desperation

The Mueller official found the laptop but not the phone. Then in January 2018, after the Strzok-Page texts had become big news, Horowitz asked for the Page iPhone. Mueller's office couldn't find it. It was not until September 2018, not long ago, that they finally located the phone and gave it to Horowitz. Horowitz's experts discovered that the phone had been stripped of data — "reset to factory settings" — more than a year earlier, on July 31, 2017. Horowitz could find no data at all related to Page.

"Neither the [special counsel's office] nor [the Justice Department] had records reflecting who handled the device or who reset it after Page turned in her iPhone on July 14, 2017," Horowitz wrote. "[The special counsel's] Records Officer told the inspector general that she did not receive Page's phone following her departure from [the special counsel's office] and therefore did not review it for records that would possibly need to be retained prior to the phone having been reset."

Mullet’s crew ‘couldn’t find’ Page’s iPhone lol.

‘Oh, here it is, but it’s been wiped clean’. ‘You can have it now’.

Sometimes coming off as incompetent is better than the alternative, eh?
The Mueller official found the laptop but not the phone. Then in January 2018, after the Strzok-Page texts had become big news, Horowitz asked for the Page iPhone. Mueller's office couldn't find it. It was not until September 2018, not long ago, that they finally located the phone and gave it to Horowitz. Horowitz's experts discovered that the phone had been stripped of data — "reset to factory settings" — more than a year earlier, on July 31, 2017. Horowitz could find no data at all related to Page.

"Neither the [special counsel's office] nor [the Justice Department] had records reflecting who handled the device or who reset it after Page turned in her iPhone on July 14, 2017," Horowitz wrote. "[The special counsel's] Records Officer told the inspector general that she did not receive Page's phone following her departure from [the special counsel's office] and therefore did not review it for records that would possibly need to be retained prior to the phone having been reset."

Mullet’s crew ‘couldn’t find’ Page’s iPhone lol.

‘Oh, here it is, but it’s been wiped clean’. ‘You can have it now’.

Sometimes coming off as incompetent is better than the alternative, eh?

It is almost comical that some conservatives are still stuck on the Strzok-Page "deep state" conspiracies

Over five thousand plus Emailswere released and from a dozen or so phrases out of five thousand plus Emails they have reconstructed a complex conspiracy designed to bring down Trump. Common sense dictates that if such a plot ever did exist there would be more than a dozen or so phrases out five thousand plus Emails that would prove it

In addition, Trump's House lackeys have had both Strzok and Page under intense interrogation on numerous occasions, and the right wing media has litigated their case for close to two years now, and nothing further than pure inneundo has been proven. In fact, the IG report concluded just the opposite

Give it up
Woodward isn't on Mueller's team, is he?

If you read Woodward's book, he concludes that Trump is a liar.

I don't think many people would support anything other than Trump being a liar. The point is the collusion with the Russians to this point appears bogus.