It sure looks like the overlords are bringing mandatory masking back

NEW COVID VARIANTS: Dr. Robert Malone On The Government Fear Porn To Push Vaccines

A jolt of electricity kills FBI nanobots. Jus' sayin'. :thup:
The evidence that they do work never existed, and the proof that they dont is irrefutable.

And yet the Regime is still pushing masking...and the Death Jabs.

This is not about our health, this is about something else.

It is a conspiracy. You like conspiracies. You have so many. Perhaps it is the Bulderberg plot to cull the population. It could be mind-control nanobots. Perhaps it is 83-year-old Fauci trying to take over the world .
It is a conspiracy. You like conspiracies. You have so many. Perhaps it is the Bulderberg plot to cull the population. It could be mind-control nanobots. Perhaps it is 83-year-old Fauci trying to take over the world .

The definition of conspiracy is "That which the bosses dont want you to know or believe"

Ya, I am Free Folk....I am a dissident.

Eat Me.
Masks do not stop a virus. If you are sick, stay home. Covid isn't dangerous. No variant of the Covid/SARS series has ever killed.
Masks do not prevent an airborne virus from being airborne. Neither does six feet.
Sadly, this mask/jab tyranny shit does seem to be making a comeback, meaning that the overlords are ramping up the fear mongering again. First, announcing that Jill Biden "has covid" (look what good the supposed umpteen jabs and masking has done HER, but I digress). Now, they keep announcing that Joe Biden has "tested negative", "has no symptoms", and is "taking precautionary measures in accordance with CDC recommendations". blah blah blah, the exact same messaging as last time to get people all hyped up and worried about it and talking about it again... just in time for (s)election season, ergo I usually dub it something along the lines of the '(s)election variant'... others have appropriately dubbed it the BS.24.7 variant. Either way...
Agreed. Didn't dying RWers help Trump lose the 2020 election? LOL
There was no 2020 election TO lose, but you're sort of right in the fact that any RWers who died DID in a way help Democrats usurp the Presidency because dead people overwhelmingly vote Democrat.
I frankly don't give a fuck any longer.

Let them kill themselves.
I'm doing just fine, thank you.

I'll get the new booster,
Good for you. It won't protect you from COVID though, but you do you.

wear an N-95 if the infection rates start to get bad
Good for you. It won't protect you from COVID though, but you do you.

and watch the death cult kill off some more of their members. Good riddance. Fewer Trump voters, fewer traitors.
Continued bigotry and general hate.

Someone should ask Darth about his stupid Covid take.

Oh wait, he's dead.
How do you know this?
I guess COVID magically suspended its threat for those moments of time...

Well, if we don't eat and drink, we'll die anyway--even without covid.

Fucking without kissing is also considered déclassé in some circles,
but I shan't be judgmental about that.:laugh:
IBDM talking to his alter egos again, I see. It's like Clark Kent's 'secret disguise'. Yeah, a pair of glasses isn't really fooling us, Superman.
Well, if we don't eat and drink, we'll die anyway--even without covid.

Fucking without kissing is also considered déclassé in some circles,
but I shan't be judgmental about that.:laugh:
Great, so you'll be dead either way, so why even bother with the damn masks and jabs?