It sure looks like the overlords are bringing mandatory masking back

If the American people were going to wise up in time and gain some bravery in time it would have happened by now.

Buckle Up!
I ask you to go out on your feet, fighting EVIL.

The people of the future might know what the Free Folk did.
Fauci should be far more scared that Americans will shove the masks he demands they wear up his scrawny ass with a jackhammer because that's damn likely this time around.

Fauci is Revolution Royalty, that crowd most certainly does not give a flying fuck what you think.
I bet you are so Butt Fugly, you didn't even get to wear a mask on Halloween when you were a kid!

Your parents said, "Well, he looks scary enough" and just turned you out in the neighborhood as you were! :laugh:

And after all that bloviating of yours masks STILL don't do a fucking thing to stop the spread of covid, but the useful idiots like you will once again fall in line. Either way I'd much rather be "fugly" than retarded like you.
I don't care if masks help or not.

If they annoy pachys, I'm all for mandating them in all public places.

That's the way they think.
Maybe we should try it too.
And after all that bloviating of yours masks STILL don't do a fucking thing to stop the spread of covid, but the useful idiots like you will once again fall in line. Either way I'd much rather be "fugly" than retarded like you.

I was just joking Yak!

I think the main reason why people are concerned about the spreading of dangerous Airborne viruses like Covid, is the fact that so many people carry the damn thing and don't even know it, and are passing it off to people that are more vulnerable to it like the elderly.

I'm not so certain masks are the single answer to that problem either. Covid is a stubborn SARS virus and obviously not going away anytime soon!

But, I certainly encourage hearing other people's ideas on how to lesson that problem!

It's like one of those million dollar answers!
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I was just joking Yak!

I think the main reason why people are concerned about the spreading of dangerous Airborne viruses like Covid, is the fact that so many people carry the damn thing and don't even know it, and are passing it off to people that are more vulnerable to it like the elderly.

I'm not so certain masks are the single answer to that problem either.

But, I certainly encourage hearing other people's ideas on how to lesson that problem!

It's like one of those million dollar answers!

Look I don't disagree with you but I think any fair minded person can see that the messages regarding masks was muddled at best. I get the argument that this was all new and we were learning as we went along. What I heard a lot was masks may not stop you from getting the virus but it helps prevent spreading the virus but fauci just admitted the evidence for that claim is not very strong.

If someone wants to wear a mask let them wear it. There clearly is no useful purpose in mandating that everybody wear one.
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It sure looks like the overlords are bringing mandatory masking back
"They are rubbing our noses in it"
Neil Oliver
Smart people get their shots and use caution to avoid being contaminated by dumbasses be it the flu or COVID.

I'm against State-sponsored death penalties for several reasons, but fully support stupid people removing themselves from the gene pool for several reasons:
1) They are sponges who suck the life out of others without giving back.
2) They contaminate the gene pool both genetically and ideologically.
3) If they remove themselves, then other poorly educated, unskilled dumbasses can be imported to give them a shot at bettering themselves.
I frankly don't give a fuck any longer. Let them kill themselves. I'll get the new booster, wear an N-95 if the infection rates start to get bad and watch the death cult kill off some more of their members. Good riddance. Fewer Trump voters, fewer traitors.

Someone should ask Darth about his stupid Covid take.

Oh wait, he's dead.
Agreed. Didn't dying RWers help Trump lose the 2020 election? LOL
Agreed. Didn't dying RWers help Trump lose the 2020 election? LOL


There is a real argument that the margins in tight swing States, that Biden won, were greatly helped by Trump voters killing themselves off.

This election cycle, we may see more Trumpers 'Babbitt' themselves to help Dems win in the tightest races.

We already have the build in bonus of the derps avoiding early voting and mail in voting, which is awesome as the GOP used to benefit greatly from that.

Any way you slice it, it is all good for democracy. Derps gonna derp.

There is a real argument that the margins in tight swing States, that Biden won, were greatly helped by Trump voters killing themselves off.

This election cycle, we may see more Trumpers 'Babbitt' themselves to help Dems win in the tightest races.

We already have the build in bonus of the derps avoiding early voting and mail in voting, which is awesome as the GOP used to benefit greatly from that.

Any way you slice it, it is all good for democracy. Derps gonna derp.

The Law of Unintended Consequences is always a fun one.

Agreed about Babbitting; the more radical Trump becomes, the more fervent his followers, but also the smaller the group who will actually vote for a demagogue nutjob.

There is a real argument that the margins in tight swing States, that Biden won, were greatly helped by Trump voters killing themselves off.

This election cycle, we may see more Trumpers 'Babbitt' themselves to help Dems win in the tightest races.

We already have the build in bonus of the derps avoiding early voting and mail in voting, which is awesome as the GOP used to benefit greatly from that.

Any way you slice it, it is all good for democracy. Derps gonna derp.

I was just joking Yak!

I think the main reason why people are concerned about the spreading of dangerous Airborne viruses like Covid, is the fact that so many people carry the damn thing and don't even know it, and are passing it off to people that are more vulnerable to it like the elderly.

I'm not so certain masks are the single answer to that problem either. Covid is a stubborn SARS virus and obviously not going away anytime soon!

But, I certainly encourage hearing other people's ideas on how to lesson that problem!

It's like one of those million dollar answers!

Masks do not stop a virus. If you are sick, stay home. Covid isn't dangerous. No variant of the Covid/SARS series has ever killed.
Masks do not prevent an airborne virus from being airborne. Neither does six feet.
Look I don't disagree with you but I think any fair minded person can see that the messages regarding masks was muddled at best. I get the argument that this was all new and we were learning as we went along. What I heard a lot was masks may not stop you from getting the virus but it helps prevent spreading the virus but fauci just admitted the evidence for that claim is not very strong.

If someone wants to wear a mask let them wear it. There clearly is no useful purpose in mandating that everybody wear one.

If someone wants to wear a mask to stop a virus, I make fun of them.
It sure looks like the overlords are bringing mandatory masking backSmart people get their shots and use caution to avoid being contaminated by dumbasses be it the flu or COVID.
Insulting people because they don't want to wear a mask (which doesn't work), or get The Shot (which doesn't work), is just an insult fallacy, Sock.
I'm against State-sponsored death penalties for several reasons, but fully support stupid people removing themselves from the gene pool for several reasons:
Covid does not kill.
1) They are sponges who suck the life out of others without giving back.
You are describing Democrats.
2) They contaminate the gene pool both genetically and ideologically.
There is no such thing as an 'idealogical gene pool'.