It sure looks like the overlords are bringing mandatory masking back

"It sure looks like the overlords are bringing mandatory masking back."

There's no point in arguing whether this is a good idea or not.
We already know that we won't agree on that.

What's more interesting is correlating the position on masking with the position on Trump.

My assertion, or at least strong guess, is that the trumpanzees have more anti-mask people among them

while those of us who loathe the pigfucking orangutan are more amenable toward it if the medical profession suggests its helpfulness.

Since the Trump haters are obviously far more intelligent than the trumpanzeess--

that's a given among sane people--

then that alone is what proves that the masks are probably a good idea to mandate.
"It sure looks like the overlords are bringing mandatory masking back."

There's no point in arguing whether this is a good idea or not.

Indeed it's not a good idea, nor ever has been. In fact the CDC just recently destroyed the entire masking claim by telling people not to wear masks to protect themselves from wildfire smoke and that it doesn't keep the smoke out.... despite the fact that smoke particles are bigger than viral particles.
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Indeed it's not a good idea, nor ever has been. In fact the CDC just recently destroyed the entire masking claim by telling people not to wear masks to protect themselves from wildfire smoke and that it doesn't keep the smoke out.... despite the fact that smoke particles are bigger than viral particles.

The vehicle that the virus travels on if coughing, sneezing and exhaling. They are cut down by masks.
So YOUR mask doesn't work? YOUR "vaccine" doesn't work?

As for the vaccine, I haven't yet gotten sick with covid. [I've had five shots, I think, so far.]

As for the masks, I don't believe that I've given it to anyone either.

So far, they both seem to be working for me.:cool:
Nope. Both took vaxxes and both were dead within weeks. 'heart' problems that they'd never had before.

So you, as a brilliant medical doctor with a long career in virology, concluded this was due to the vaccine.

Your statement is so completely fucking stupid that it doesn't really deserve a response. you claim to have lost two relatives. That would suggest that literally MILLIONS died of the vaccine. I'm pretty sure there were not millions of excess deaths. Or thousands. Or even hundreds. You are yet another antivax fucking moron. Congrats. By the way, you are almost certainly lying, even about the facts of the matter. Because you lack personal integrity.
As for the vaccine, I haven't yet gotten sick with covid. [I've had five shots, I think, so far.]

As for the masks, I don't believe that I've given it to anyone either.

So far, they both seem to be working for me.:cool:
"Vaccine": I haven't yet gotten sick with covid.
Mask: I don't believe that I've given it to anyone either.

So far, avoiding both of them seems to be working for me.:cool:
"Vaccine": I haven't yet gotten sick with covid.
Mask: I don't believe that I've given it to anyone either.

You could conceivably be right, gfm7175. I wouldn't know.

Due mainly to my unfortunate character flaws, however,

I'd still chuckle if you were run over by a Greyhound bus.

Maybe you should find an inoculation that prevents that,

or better yet, wear a blindfold instead of a mask

when you're out on the streets.
Then why did you use one? In fact, the stubbornness of the Trumpys in my family got them killed.

Funniest fucking post of the day. He literally posts an anecdote and then tells us his post was completely meaningless. Gardner is a nazi, but a really fucking stupid one, so likely harmless. But we should work to exterminate nests of Trump supporters.
This is not about a virus (likely man made, facilitated and partly funded by America), this is about obedience....separating out those who might go to UTOPIA from those who certainly wont.
Right now, it appears that the powers-that-be are only testing the waters for a new set of mandates. Likely, they will create a crisis over Chinese Disease during the presidential campaign to use as an excuse for Biden to not have to be out in public speechifying and such...
That is true, but stupid. There are lots of people who will follow what the medical professionals say we should do. Using superlatives is poor debate. The minority will follow anti-science, anti-medical crap posted in right wing sites. You want the lowest level of people to make the rules. Forget scientific expertise, it is Trumpys who should make all the rules.

But Nordberg...isn't the question here if masking is good?

Do you know? (I do)

Do you even care?