It won’t happen, but I support

"Despite some national polls showing Harris in the lead, other national polls have Trump leading, and Trump currently leads or ties polling in all the most important swing states making him the current favorite to win the White House in November based on expected Electoral College votes."
Any reasonable person realizes that it is anyone's race at the moment. My hope is that people will take a good look at trump, and reject his ugly hatred, but I could be wrong.
And then you see trump using a fourth grade vocabulary, and wonder how the Republicans could have sunk so low.

Exactly. That's a very interesting study. I can't believe Hoover ranked the highest. I've seen studies where he was in the top ten of the U.S.'s worst presidents.
And then you see trump using a fourth grade vocabulary, and wonder how the Republicans could have sunk so low.

Trump received a Bachelor of Science in economics from the Wharton School of Economics, University of Pennsylvania in 1968.

That “trumps” your high school education, Walter.

Poor Walter.
Damn you are stupid. Pete speaks several languages and Trump speaks one badly. Pete is not the bottom, he is very smart and speaks eloquently. You are at the bottom. Harris is educated, experienced, and speaks well. She was a prosecutor, so she knows how to speak to criminals like Trump.
Both have failed in duties during Biden's 3 1/2 years....he as Transportation Secy and she as Border Tzar.
Exactly. That's a very interesting study. I can't believe Hoover ranked the highest. I've seen studies where he was in the top ten of the U.S.'s worst presidents.
Back then, Presidents liked to show off their education, and it was not a big deal, because they did not have much radio, or any TV. The people a President talked to tended to have educations also.
Both have failed in duties during Biden's 3 1/2 years....he as Transportation Secy and she as Border Tzar.
How many more times do you have to claim she is a border czar before it becomes a truth? To your mind, how many times does a lie have to be repeated before it becomes truth?
The recent NBC News poll found Biden and Harris running 2 points behind Trump nationally,
Back then, Presidents liked to show off their education, and it was not a big deal, because they did not have much radio, or any TV. The people a President talked to tended to have educations also.
It raises the question, does speaking at a higher level turn off voters because they think the guy is too hoity-toity?
Trump received a Bachelor of Science in economics from the Wharton School of Economics, University of Pennsylvania in 1968.

That “trumps” your high school education, Walter.
"Wharton School of Economics" does not exist. Could you be thinking of The Wharton School of Business?

trump got backdoored into UPenn, because he could not get in through regular admissions. Even though half the graduating class graduates with honors, trump had no honors. he was in the lower half of the graduating class. Even though he had a huge amount money behind him, he could not get into any of the law schools he applied to. he tried three years in a row, with lower and lower law schools, but could not get into even one. We do not know what his detailed school records were, but the general pattern is very clear.

I on the other hand have a masters degree, and over halfway to a PHD in engineering. The Ivy League PHD program I was in has continued to say I could come back at any time. I just do not have the time right now.

To put things into perspective, my academic research is regularly cited, while trump threatens to sue anyone who says anything about his academic history.
She didn’t drop out of the California primary specifically (our primary was on Super Tuesday) as she dropped out before Iowa.

The point being people in California are voting for the Democrat. Once can debate whether she’ll beat Biden’s 29% margin of victory, I think there’s a good chance she will, but that remains to be seen.
my point is; what percentage of demmycrat voters will object to not being allowed to participate in the nomination process......I anticipate large numbers sitting out this election......
my point is; what percentage of demmycrat voters will object to not being allowed to participate in the nomination process......I anticipate large numbers sitting out this election......
To me that’s more an element of wishful thinking but we’ll obviously find out one way or the other.

I remember in 2000 someone on the right here thought Trump had a chance to win California. I understand people not being from here don’t really understand the attitudes here. Kamala will win the state and it won’t be close.
Sadly, it does. trump's "charm" might be that his is a poorly educated, unintelligent, ball of rage.
Check out trump's screed from last night. "Pole" numbers. :LOL:

I was in for Shapiro but now think that Kelly would be great.
I don't know how we could ever replace them in their current positions, as they are the best at what they already do.

But I think Antony Blinken- Secretary of State or Jake Sullivan- National Security Advisor would be somewhat overkill, but would be excellent choices for VP!

Read their resumes, and there is just no other people on the planet that can match their resume of experience, education, and qualifications in Foreign Policy.

Now with Kamala Harris completing the ticket with her experience and knowledge in Domestic Policy pretty much rounds out the qualifications for the office of presidency.

Of course with Janet Yellen already at the Secretary of the Treasury spot, Harris already has the Fiscal Policy nailed down and covered. But Harris will have to get her to hammer the FRB to lower the interest rate in order to ease back the intentional inflation those high interest rates are causing. Although Biden has had her hammering the FRB since day one, he has not communicated that very well to the public who is blaming him for the inflation- when the inflation is directly being caused by the FRB by refusung to lower their Bank Rate.

There is no way inflation is going down until the FRB lowers the Bank rate. But that is a different story!
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