It's dangerous following Liberals

Oh really you took your millions out of the country? Did you bring them to Iraq when you were over there fighting in the war and live posting it?

Hmm first I have heard of this....
Been fussin with Dixie since the late 90's.
I can't recall exactly, I think I paid 19~20% on the actual 'income' when earned, and the investment dividends are about the same as the US, maybe a little less. I just remember it was going to cost me somewhere upwards of $3 million, if I were paid here and claimed the money as US income. It's historically much cheaper to keep your wealth in a foreign country, as opposed to claiming it here. Can you even imagine how much old money is out there, which could be brought back here to spend and create jobs, if we declared some kind of moratorium on taxation of repatriated wealth? Or even if we simply reduced the rate of taxation to some reasonable amount? Hundreds of billions would come flooding back here, and economic prosperity could not help but abound.

But.... You're a socialist who doesn't want capitalism and economic prosperity... you need to destroy capitalism so socialism can prevail.

Maybe you should move to Germany with your millions. They would love your company!
I can't recall exactly, I think I paid 19~20% on the actual 'income' when earned, and the investment dividends are about the same as the US, maybe a little less. I just remember it was going to cost me somewhere upwards of $3 million, if I were paid here and claimed the money as US income. It's historically much cheaper to keep your wealth in a foreign country, as opposed to claiming it here. Can you even imagine how much old money is out there, which could be brought back here to spend and create jobs, if we declared some kind of moratorium on taxation of repatriated wealth? Or even if we simply reduced the rate of taxation to some reasonable amount? Hundreds of billions would come flooding back here, and economic prosperity could not help but abound.

But.... You're a socialist who doesn't want capitalism and economic prosperity... you need to destroy capitalism so socialism can prevail.
Repatriated money doesn't create jobs. Don't pretend it does.

So you paid app. $1.5 million (probably more) in German taxes. You're now whining about not being able to enjoy your money in this country. You kept app. $5.5 million, as opposed to $4 million in the United States. That's '90s money.

And you lament not being able to enjoy your money?

Perhaps you should lament being a fool.
You just don't get it, do you?

When you bring your money back and don't pay taxes on it here you're a freeloader. You get to use the local park and enjoy the safety of the downtown area traffic lights and drink water from the water purification plant and you never contributed to any of the cost. In fact, you get to enjoy the security of the military, the very people who protect you from foreigners stealing your money and you never paid your share. So don't talk about people taking your money. It's you using other people's money. The money other people paid for water and roads and lighting and Police and the military and everything else society offers.

Now do you get it?

Nope, I don't get it. I pay my taxes every year. Please show me where I ever said I didn't pay my taxes, or didn't believe in paying my taxes?

Besides, you don't live here, stop acting like you do.
Repatriated money doesn't create jobs. Don't pretend it does.

So you paid app. $1.5 million (probably more) in German taxes. You're now whining about not being able to enjoy your money in this country. You kept app. $5.5 million, as opposed to $4 million in the United States. That's '90s money.

And you lament not being able to enjoy your money?

Perhaps you should lament being a fool.

How could repatriated money NOT contribute to the economy? Please explain? The way I see it, if the money is here and not there, just that alone, would help the economy... banks would have it available to loan out, etc., even if the wealth owner did nothing but move the money to the US. And I can't help but think, at least some portion of the wealth would be spent, which would also stimulate the economy. Perhaps it wouldn't ALL be used to create jobs, but we would still be much better off with the money HERE as opposed to elsewhere. Then again.... you are a socialist who wants to destroy capitalism, this is the sort of thing that could derail that plan in a heartbeat... so I don't blame you for falsely claiming it wouldn't help.

$1.4 mil versus $2.8 mil.... I know that doesn't sound like a lot to you, but it's not your money. I have not "whined" about not being able to enjoy my money. In fact, in one of my previous posts, I stated the fucking polar opposite, I enjoy the shit out of my wealth. SOCIALISTS don't get to "enjoy my money" THAT what you meant???
Maybe you should move to Germany with your millions. They would love your company!

I really though about it at one time, but all my family lives here, and I am happy in America.

But you do have a point, quite a few people who have earned wealth overseas, do indeed move to where their money is, as opposed to bringing it home. Again, this doesn't really do much to help our struggling economy, does it?
How could repatriated money NOT contribute to the economy? Please explain? The way I see it, if the money is here and not there, just that alone, would help the economy... banks would have it available to loan out, etc., even if the wealth owner did nothing but move the money to the US. And I can't help but think, at least some portion of the wealth would be spent, which would also stimulate the economy. Perhaps it wouldn't ALL be used to create jobs, but we would still be much better off with the money HERE as opposed to elsewhere. Then again.... you are a socialist who wants to destroy capitalism, this is the sort of thing that could derail that plan in a heartbeat... so I don't blame you for falsely claiming it wouldn't help.
History proves you wrong. What happened when Bush granted a tax holiday?

$1.4 mil versus $2.8 mil.... I know that doesn't sound like a lot to you, but it's not your money. I have not "whined" about not being able to enjoy my money. In fact, in one of my previous posts, I stated the fucking polar opposite, I enjoy the shit out of my wealth. SOCIALISTS don't get to "enjoy my money" THAT what you meant??? were whining.
History proves you wrong. What happened when Bush granted a tax holiday? were whining.

Nope, I didn't whine, sorry you misinterpreted it.

Your article is about multi-national corporations returning profits to the US. The fact that they use the word "repatriate" doesn't mean they are talking about what I am talking about, they are two entirely different things. I still disagree with the OPINION analysis in the article you posted. It's a biased piece of liberal socialist conjecture, and nothing more. The fact that you seem to want to act like this is "history" and we've already done it, is just plain dishonest lying.
Nope, I didn't whine, sorry you misinterpreted it.

Your article is about multi-national corporations returning profits to the US. The fact that they use the word "repatriate" doesn't mean they are talking about what I am talking about, they are two entirely different things. I still disagree with the OPINION analysis in the article you posted. It's a biased piece of liberal socialist conjecture, and nothing more. The fact that you seem to want to act like this is "history" and we've already done it, is just plain dishonest lying.
There's a lot of info in that link. If you prefer, just google Bush's tax holiday, and show us how many jobs were created the last time we allowed people like yourself to repatriate money.

History is history.
Nope, I don't get it. I pay my taxes every year. Please show me where I ever said I didn't pay my taxes, or didn't believe in paying my taxes?

You refuse to bring your money here because you don't want to pay taxes on it. You want to benefit from it without paying your share towards the upkeep of the country. That's not being a good citizen, Dix.

Besides, you don't live here, stop acting like you do.

As I've said before I have friends and family in the US. Regardless, the US being the only world power and the leader of the free world it's everyone's business what happens there.

Perhaps you recall the near financial meltdown worldwide? Who was the biggest player?
Whatever. It's probably a poor choice of words on my part. I should have said, "bring it home to papa!" instead.

To summarize briefly; A German company paid me for a patent on film processing for a particular type of high-speed film. Because of the tax liability, it was cheaper for me to claim the wealth in Germany, where I was paid, as opposed to being paid in the US, and paying (at the time) 39% of it to the government. I saved about 20% of my wealth by doing that. I can still transfer funds as I need them, but I am careful about how much and I avoid the thresholds which would trigger increases in tax rates, etc. Some of my wealth is invested in Germany, and I get dividend income from that, sometimes I go ahead and transfer that and claim it here, at 15% tax rates, and sometimes I leave it in Germany. I've also diversified my portfolio into Australia, so I may also transfer wealth to Australia. I would LOVE for the government to lower taxation of repatriated wealth, because I could then bring my wealth all home to where I am, and my family is. I'm never going to live in Germany, or Australia... although I do like to visit.

It's a shame that my money, along with TRILLIONS in other people's money, is out there somewhere in the world, doing our economy not one bit of good. If I had the wealth here, I would probably start some kind of business to dabble in, because I tend to get bored. I am smart enough to make it a success, so I would probably have to hire some people to run it, and because I am also lazy sometimes, I would probably buy a yacht or something to occupy my leisure time. I wouldn't even really mind paying the 35% luxury tax on it, because I had my wealth here with me, and not in Uncle Sam's pocket.

Lame excuse is all I can say. Seed money for a new business wouldn't be that much, since you have millions and there would be tax incentives is my guess.
There's a lot of info in that link. If you prefer, just google Bush's tax holiday, and show us how many jobs were created the last time we allowed people like yourself to repatriate money.

History is history.

Okay, I Googled "Bush Tax Holiday" and mostly what I got, was talk of Democrats wanting to have a payroll tax holiday. Several links about the Bush tax cuts, and a one or two propaganda pieces from biased liberal organizations, criticizing this part of the Bush tax cuts. I found NOTHING from a credible news outlet to support what you claimed.
You refuse to bring your money here because you don't want to pay taxes on it. You want to benefit from it without paying your share towards the upkeep of the country. That's not being a good citizen, Dix.

I'm fine with paying 15% on dividends, that's my fair share. I do benefit from it, and I am a great citizen. I'm not a stupid citizen, I am not going to give the tax man more than I have to. And this is often the case with wealthy people, they aren't going to stupidly hand over their wealth to government, if it can be avoided. But it's nice to know that you believe 48% of Americans who don't pay income tax, are not good citizens.

As I've said before I have friends and family in the US. Regardless, the US being the only world power and the leader of the free world it's everyone's business what happens there.

Perhaps you recall the near financial meltdown worldwide? Who was the biggest player?

There are other world powers, apple. China and Russia come to mind. We have no Constitutional obligation to afford you free speech rights when it comes to our politics. Sorry!
I'm fine with paying 15% on dividends, that's my fair share. I do benefit from it, and I am a great citizen. I'm not a stupid citizen, I am not going to give the tax man more than I have to. And this is often the case with wealthy people, they aren't going to stupidly hand over their wealth to government, if it can be avoided. But it's nice to know that you believe 48% of Americans who don't pay income tax, are not good citizens.

Just one more example showing your lack of comprehension. Taxes on income are never more than the income itself meaning one has to have received the money before any tax is due. The 48% who do not pay tax have not received sufficient money on which to pay tax.

I didn't realize your lack of comprehension is as severe as it is. I'll bear that in mind should I attempt to explain something to you in the future.

There are other world powers, apple. China and Russia come to mind. We have no Constitutional obligation to afford you free speech rights when it comes to our politics. Sorry!

I don't need a constitutional right. I have my own right. :)
Just one more example showing your lack of comprehension. Taxes on income are never more than the income itself meaning one has to have received the money before any tax is due. The 48% who do not pay tax have not received sufficient money on which to pay tax.

So 48% (nearly HALF) benefit from their money without paying their fair share for the upkeep of the country?
That's very white of you. As long as I don't get any of your money you're happy not getting it either. Bravo! I can certainly live with that.

What you fail to understand, is that he can "get it" any time he wants or needs to; while you and the other liberal moonbats CAN'T. :D
I can't recall exactly, I think I paid 19~20% on the actual 'income' when earned, and the investment dividends are about the same as the US, maybe a little less. I just remember it was going to cost me somewhere upwards of $3 million, if I were paid here and claimed the money as US income. It's historically much cheaper to keep your wealth in a foreign country, as opposed to claiming it here. Can you even imagine how much old money is out there, which could be brought back here to spend and create jobs, if we declared some kind of moratorium on taxation of repatriated wealth? Or even if we simply reduced the rate of taxation to some reasonable amount? Hundreds of billions would come flooding back here, and economic prosperity could not help but abound.

But.... You're a socialist who doesn't want capitalism and economic prosperity... you need to destroy capitalism so socialism can prevail.

Have you thought of buying your yacht in another county and registering it, under that countries flag?
That way you could berth it here and have it at your disposal.

Really piss of the liberal moonbats and do it through some little known land locked country. :D
Repatriated money doesn't create jobs. Don't pretend it does.

So you paid app. $1.5 million (probably more) in German taxes. You're now whining about not being able to enjoy your money in this country. You kept app. $5.5 million, as opposed to $4 million in the United States. That's '90s money.

And you lament not being able to enjoy your money?

Perhaps you should lament being a fool.

You should try reading the entire thread, instead of just the last few posts; because Bravo has already said he would probably start up a business, which would mean he would hire employess, and then (since he's essentially lazy) he would probably end up hiring someone to run the business.
NOW; multiply that by hundreds, if not thousands, of people in the same situation.