It's dangerous following Liberals

Have you thought of buying your yacht in another county and registering it, under that countries flag?
That way you could berth it here and have it at your disposal.

Really piss of the liberal moonbats and do it through some little known land locked country. :D

Funny you should ask that. Did you know, there are no more American yacht builders? There used to be several in California, but liberals got the bright idea that we should tax the yacht builders extra for every yacht they sold.... to punish the rich. The result: They moved to Canada, Mexico, and other countries to build their yachts.

My mentioning of a yacht was merely tounge-in-cheek, I don't really 'desire' a yacht. IF my money were here and I could use it to start up a successful business which generated several hundreds of thousands in income each year, I MIGHT consider buying a yacht. As it stands, I can live without a yacht. They are all kinds of expensive to upkeep and berth, and it's just not practical for me, I had rather save my money. But it's the kind of example of what people do when they have wealth at their disposal, as opposed to wealth they can't easily access.

My wealth is secure, I know exactly how much it takes to live on for the year, and that's how much of my dividend funds I receive. I haven't touched the principal, I live on a portion of the dividends from my investments. My children also get a dividend check each year, to supplement their own incomes. When my grandkids reach 18, they will also start receiving dividend checks. This is all money I get for people using my wealth, my actual wealth remains untouched. I don't have any problems with this arrangement, it has been working beautifully for me and my family, and we all enjoy every aspect of our lives in every way. Money doesn't buy happiness. Althea can think I am whining or miserable because I don't get to spend my millions, but I don't really care. I am content as can be with the situation, it suits me fine to continue it as has always been. I merely wanted to point out how utterly foolish the liberals are, to try and 'punish' the wealthy.
Just one more example showing your lack of comprehension. Taxes on income are never more than the income itself meaning one has to have received the money before any tax is due. The 48% who do not pay tax have not received sufficient money on which to pay tax.

I suppose you realize that Dixie also has not received money on which he has to pay a tax......
I suppose you realize that Dixie also has not received money on which he has to pay a tax......

BINGO! And not only that, but my home is paid for, my kids colleges are paid for, my grandkids have college funds set aside, I have ample retirement funds set aside, all my debts are paid and I owe no one. I pay a small amount of tax on dividend income, and my actual wealth continues to grow. Now, liberals are foaming at the mouth to up my dividend tax to 36.5%, same as income tax, and they might get enough pea-brain republicrats to go along with them on it, but I will cross that bridge when I come to it, for now, life is good.
You should try reading the entire thread, instead of just the last few posts; because Bravo has already said he would probably start up a business, which would mean he would hire employess, and then (since he's essentially lazy) he would probably end up hiring someone to run the business.
NOW; multiply that by hundreds, if not thousands, of people in the same situation.

Talking about reading the thread it was Dixie who said he would probably start up a business, not Bravo.

As for thousands of lazy, wealthy individuals starting up businesses and having other people run them....of course. Successful business persons don't like running things themselves. Laziness and a lack of self-confidence are two traits business people possess along with a lack of ego. Combine that with their universally acknowledged saintly demeanor and we'd see businesses springing up like magic mushrooms in farmer's fields just south-east of Vancouver, BC. ;) Unfortunately, just as happens with magic mushrooms one slowly returns to reality and sees it was all an illusion. The only jobs created would be the minimum wage hull scraping, car washing, lawn cutting, weed pulling, housekeeping tasks required to maintain their possessions but I'm sure they'd still claim they helped their country and gave dignity to the former welfare recipient who is now on their knees tending the back garden.

Regarding the wealthy business person it borders on the sacrilegious the way society wants to punish those veritable messengers from God. :crybaby:
Funny you should ask that. Did you know, there are no more American yacht builders? There used to be several in California, but liberals got the bright idea that we should tax the yacht builders extra for every yacht they sold.... to punish the rich. The result: They moved to Canada, Mexico, and other countries to build their yachts.

My mentioning of a yacht was merely tounge-in-cheek, I don't really 'desire' a yacht. IF my money were here and I could use it to start up a successful business which generated several hundreds of thousands in income each year, I MIGHT consider buying a yacht. As it stands, I can live without a yacht. They are all kinds of expensive to upkeep and berth, and it's just not practical for me, I had rather save my money. But it's the kind of example of what people do when they have wealth at their disposal, as opposed to wealth they can't easily access.

My wealth is secure, I know exactly how much it takes to live on for the year, and that's how much of my dividend funds I receive. I haven't touched the principal, I live on a portion of the dividends from my investments. My children also get a dividend check each year, to supplement their own incomes. When my grandkids reach 18, they will also start receiving dividend checks. This is all money I get for people using my wealth, my actual wealth remains untouched. I don't have any problems with this arrangement, it has been working beautifully for me and my family, and we all enjoy every aspect of our lives in every way. Money doesn't buy happiness. Althea can think I am whining or miserable because I don't get to spend my millions, but I don't really care. I am content as can be with the situation, it suits me fine to continue it as has always been. I merely wanted to point out how utterly foolish the liberals are, to try and 'punish' the wealthy.

Ah, yes. Expecting the wealthy to pay their share of taxes is punishment but expecting people who are barely surviving to pay tax on their meager income is the fair, decent thing to do. Those wealthy folks are the true salt of the earth.
Funny you should ask that. Did you know, there are no more American yacht builders? There used to be several in California, but liberals got the bright idea that we should tax the yacht builders extra for every yacht they sold.... to punish the rich. The result: They moved to Canada, Mexico, and other countries to build their yachts.

My mentioning of a yacht was merely tounge-in-cheek, I don't really 'desire' a yacht. IF my money were here and I could use it to start up a successful business which generated several hundreds of thousands in income each year, I MIGHT consider buying a yacht. As it stands, I can live without a yacht. They are all kinds of expensive to upkeep and berth, and it's just not practical for me, I had rather save my money. But it's the kind of example of what people do when they have wealth at their disposal, as opposed to wealth they can't easily access.

My wealth is secure, I know exactly how much it takes to live on for the year, and that's how much of my dividend funds I receive. I haven't touched the principal, I live on a portion of the dividends from my investments. My children also get a dividend check each year, to supplement their own incomes. When my grandkids reach 18, they will also start receiving dividend checks. This is all money I get for people using my wealth, my actual wealth remains untouched. I don't have any problems with this arrangement, it has been working beautifully for me and my family, and we all enjoy every aspect of our lives in every way. Money doesn't buy happiness. Althea can think I am whining or miserable because I don't get to spend my millions, but I don't really care. I am content as can be with the situation, it suits me fine to continue it as has always been. I merely wanted to point out how utterly foolish the liberals are, to try and 'punish' the wealthy.

That's how it should be.
Family first.
Talking about reading the thread it was Dixie who said he would probably start up a business, not Bravo.

As for thousands of lazy, wealthy individuals starting up businesses and having other people run them....of course. Successful business persons don't like running things themselves. Laziness and a lack of self-confidence are two traits business people possess along with a lack of ego. Combine that with their universally acknowledged saintly demeanor and we'd see businesses springing up like magic mushrooms in farmer's fields just south-east of Vancouver, BC. ;) Unfortunately, just as happens with magic mushrooms one slowly returns to reality and sees it was all an illusion. The only jobs created would be the minimum wage hull scraping, car washing, lawn cutting, weed pulling, housekeeping tasks required to maintain their possessions but I'm sure they'd still claim they helped their country and gave dignity to the former welfare recipient who is now on their knees tending the back garden.

Regarding the wealthy business person it borders on the sacrilegious the way society wants to punish those veritable messengers from God. :crybaby:

Doesn't matter who would start the business.
Here we are on a very small message board (sorry Damo) and we have two individuals who would be able to start jobs for people, if the liberal moonbats would just step out of the way; but that's not enough to start jobs, they also have to give up a huge amount of their cash also.

What's wrong with letting some one run a business you start, seeing as how it employees yet another person?
Ah, yes. Expecting the wealthy to pay their share of taxes is punishment but expecting people who are barely surviving to pay tax on their meager income is the fair, decent thing to do. Those wealthy folks are the true salt of the earth.

Please tell how much it helped to tax them out of business and how it helped the employees when those doors were closed?
My name is Dicksee. I have 9 million in germany and need $1,000 for legal paper work to be able to being it into the USA.
Please send me $1,000 and I will pay you $20,000 when I get the money from Germany.
My name is Dicksee. I have 9 million in germany and need $1,000 for legal paper work to be able to being it into the USA.
Please send me $1,000 and I will pay you $20,000 when I get the money from Germany.

the latest round is
"I am an FBI agent and we have been investigating illegal fund transfers from Nigeria. We ask your cooperation in this investigation. To clear you of suspicion regarding conspiring to defraud we need to verify that you have not participated in these fund transfers. We will need bank account numbers for any accounts that you have access to."
Please tell how much it helped to tax them out of business and how it helped the employees when those doors were closed?
Utter hogwash. Businesses are taxed on profits. So your claim is that a flourishing business will be taxed out of existence due to what?