It's dangerous following Liberals

See what I mean, USF?

You nailed it, right on the head.
I guess when the price of gas went up and the attached tax; that no small businesses went under, due to the increased shipping costs.
Seeing as how that small business would have to raise their prices, which would mean that the customers would pay more; but the customers WOULD NEVER go anywhere they could buy it cheaper.
You nailed it, right on the head.
I guess when the price of gas went up and the attached tax; that no small businesses went under, due to the increased shipping costs.
Seeing as how that small business would have to raise their prices, which would mean that the customers would pay more; but the customers WOULD NEVER go anywhere they could buy it cheaper.

That's precisely why it's so dangerous to follow Liberals, they are abject idiots when it comes to business and taxation. You see, you have to look at things from their perspective, when gas prices go up, it's the rich oil tycoons or 'speculators' who are at fault, and we need government to levy some heavy tax or regulatory burden on them... but it won't increase the price of gas a bit to do that. Whenever we have an oil spill, we have to bleed the culprit dry, and pass all kinds of new restrictions and mandates on the remaining cohorts, and THIS doesn't cause gas to increase in price one single penny. Oh... and things get moved to the store where you buy them by magic gnomes who work tirelessly in the night as we sleep... didn't you know that? Where have you been?
Are you really trying to tell me that when you go to buy something, you don't figure in how much extra the tax is going to cost you??
Is that truly what you're trying to state and that you wouldn't buy something similar, if the tax was less?

So your claim is that sales tax is causing businesses to go under?

We're laughing AT you, not with you.
If they're downsizing, then trouble was on the horizon.

Typically, demand keeps a business healthy. When demand falls off, as it has due to the income disparity in this country, businesses suffer.

It has nothing to do with taxation.

That's just an excuse you righties like to use in order to rally the base.

Unfortunately for you, there aren't that many delusional people around to listen to you.

Most downsizing is due to foreign competition or offshoring.
Once you changed the goal posts from two individuals to Corporations, I decided to not play your game and stopped reading the rest.

We were talking about what two individuals could do.

Could do. Could is the key word. Would do is something altogether different. And I'll let you in on a little secret. When a person starts out in the business world, obtaining their first business, they are "adventuristic". Daring. Take chances, Etc. Adrenalin coupled with having little to lose along with not knowing all the pitfalls they plow ahead. Once they "make it" they know the time and effort involved and, quite frankly, are much more cautious. After all, they don't want to lose everything they've already attained. Life is good.

Stated another way they are not going to be the avant-guard of the business world. While they may invest it will be in a proven money maker. They are not going to invest in some unknown venture. They are not going to be the knights in shining armor who save the unemployed although many who want to repatriate their funds try to give that perception.
And when the tax on the item is raised and people stop buying the product; because they feel the tax is to high, the business and it's employees suffer.
But since it's a business, you really don't care about the employees.

If we're going to subsidize the product and/or employees what's the point? Other companies are paying tax and producing the same product. If one company can't compete isn't the Romney way to let the company go bankrupt?
They quit buying the product because we can get it from China for 1/4 the cost of manyfacturing it here.
Very little of that cost is taxes, it is mostly several layers of labor costs.
And yes environmental costs as well becuase we unlike China want to live in a healthy land.
Could do. Could is the key word. Would do is something altogether different. And I'll let you in on a little secret. When a person starts out in the business world, obtaining their first business, they are "adventuristic". Daring. Take chances, Etc. Adrenalin coupled with having little to lose along with not knowing all the pitfalls they plow ahead. Once they "make it" they know the time and effort involved and, quite frankly, are much more cautious. After all, they don't want to lose everything they've already attained. Life is good.

Stated another way they are not going to be the avant-guard of the business world. While they may invest it will be in a proven money maker. They are not going to invest in some unknown venture. They are not going to be the knights in shining armor who save the unemployed although many who want to repatriate their funds try to give that perception.

Are you suggesting that they WON'T hire anyone?
I can use my friend as an example.
He took his retirement money and started a business.
Within 6 months he opened a second one and now he's looking at a spot for his third, after less then 2 years.
He's also getting ready to branch out into on line marketing of clothing. as a sideline to his original business.

You have shown that you're truly a fool and that's probably why you got screwed trying to purchase windows so cheap.
If we're going to subsidize the product and/or employees what's the point? Other companies are paying tax and producing the same product. If one company can't compete isn't the Romney way to let the company go bankrupt?

Then what is your explanation as to why the businesses in question folded?
Are you suggesting that they WON'T hire anyone?
I can use my friend as an example.
He took his retirement money and started a business.
Within 6 months he opened a second one and now he's looking at a spot for his third, after less then 2 years.
He's also getting ready to branch out into on line marketing of clothing. as a sideline to his original business.

You have shown that you're truly a fool and that's probably why you got screwed trying to purchase windows so cheap.

Your friend is the exception. Take the average 50 year old. Are they going to risk their retirement funds on a new business? Maybe someone under 40 may take a chance but maybe not.

As for my window experience I told you we withheld 10% becaue we know "small business".

Considering this love affair you and others have with small business when you purchase a new car do you go to a dealer or purchase it from a lot that has a temporary trailer set up? When you purchase new appliances do you go to a well known store or some "small business" selling appliances? Have you ever tried to return something to a "small business"? Purchases at Costco can be returned for ANY reason.

The vast majority of people who champion small business are people who own a small business or hope to own one. Regarding the "trades" small business may offer lower prices than, say, a tradesman obtained through Sears. However, if there is a problem one quickly finds out why the difference in price. While not all small businesses are owned/run by lazy, thieving scoundrels if one is all they have to do is declare bankruptcy and the customer is screwed.

If people want to repatriate their money let them pay the tax on it. We can wait or do without the opening of a small business. I can't think of any dire need for a service/product that's lacking and requiring a small business to supply. Can you?
Then what is your explanation as to why the businesses in question folded?

They folded because the owner couldn't run a business. Either he had a product or service no one wanted or he charged too much for the product/service and no one was interested.

99.9999999% of people go into business for one reason; money. Whether they're a plumber or a programmer they work for a company, see the boss making good $$$ and say to themselves, "Why not me?" What they can't grasp is not everyone can run a business. So the answer to "Why not me" is "Because you don't know how."

Where do all these people get off thinking they can run a business? It takes a lot more than just knowing how to do a certain job. One has to be aware of various laws. They have to have sales experience. They have to be able to interact with government oversight. Basic financial experience. Motivating employees.....the list goes on.

There needs to be more government involvement before one starts a business. It would certainly lessen the bankruptcy rate and put an end to a lot of scams. The majority of small businesses fail within 5 years and someone pays for that. A lot of them get tax breaks or grants or subsidies which the tax payer paid for. The point being businesses are started when the only reason is for someone to make money. The product/service is not in great demand and, in many cases, is not demanded at all.

In today's society there is a disconnect between a job and the fact one requires money but that's for another thread.
They quit buying the product because we can get it from China for 1/4 the cost of manyfacturing it here.
Very little of that cost is taxes, it is mostly several layers of labor costs.
And yes environmental costs as well becuase we unlike China want to live in a healthy land.
Couple that with the fact that we are the only country who views healthcare as a for profit business venture.

We saddle business with the burden of supplying hc to employees (which ultimately comes out of taxpayer dollars). That puts us at a disadvantage when competing with other countries for jobs.
Are you suggesting that they WON'T hire anyone?
I can use my friend as an example.
He took his retirement money and started a business.
Within 6 months he opened a second one and now he's looking at a spot for his third, after less then 2 years.
He's also getting ready to branch out into on line marketing of clothing. as a sideline to his original business.

You have shown that you're truly a fool and that's probably why you got screwed trying to purchase windows so cheap.
How could he possibly do that, with the taxation issue you keep referring to?