It's dangerous following Liberals

Doesn't matter who would start the business.
Here we are on a very small message board (sorry Damo) and we have two individuals who would be able to start jobs for people, if the liberal moonbats would just step out of the way; but that's not enough to start jobs, they also have to give up a huge amount of their cash also.

What's wrong with letting some one run a business you start, seeing as how it employees yet another person?

Corporations are sitting on billions. Why are they not starting jobs?

There is no lack of money to start jobs. There are people here who have money and they hold on to it. A business has to supply a need and there are no needs that people are prepared to pay for right now. There are no shortages of things.

For every altruistic individual there are multitudes of greedy, selfish individuals who have no intention of starting anything with their money. There are corporations that already have barrels of money wanting to bring back more. Do you think they're going to start jobs or simply pack it away?

Sorry. The term "altruistic business person" is an oxymoron and anyone who believes that phrase is a moron.
Please tell how much it helped to tax them out of business and how it helped the employees when those doors were closed?

If a business is taxed out of business then it was a failure. As I said before taxes are paid on money already received. It's not like a hydo bill where one has to pay regardless of their income. If a business is running such a fine line then it's not successful.
My name is Dicksee. I have 9 million in germany and need $1,000 for legal paper work to be able to being it into the USA.
Please send me $1,000 and I will pay you $20,000 when I get the money from Germany.

I bet the email location ends with "NG"
most of the billions corporations are sitting on are being held by overseas corporations....they probably ARE being used to create Mexico and Romania.....

They have money here, PmP.

You see, the problem is they'll avoid taxes here, invest in Mexico and Romania and when a decent riot breaks out they'll cry to the military here to help them. Or petition our government to negotiate with their government and or Police Force to find the culprits. So, if they don't want to pay taxes here, fine. If terrorists or a government nationalizes their business, that's fine also. Let them petition the government in which country they're in. Sound fair?
Of course. Ensuring people have medical care is bad. Extending UI payments so people don't lose their home is unconscionable. Let's throw the ill and poor on the street like a decent Conservative government would do.

there you have it then....problems solved...
Utter hogwash. Businesses are taxed on profits. So your claim is that a flourishing business will be taxed out of existence due to what?

What's utter hogwash is your inane belief that taxes can't put a business out of business.
By the way, to help your myopic view; they normally don't go from flourishing to closed, in a single incident.
Most businesses try to downsize and stay open; but sometimes it just isn't possible.
Corporations are sitting on billions. Why are they not starting jobs?

There is no lack of money to start jobs. There are people here who have money and they hold on to it. A business has to supply a need and there are no needs that people are prepared to pay for right now. There are no shortages of things.

For every altruistic individual there are multitudes of greedy, selfish individuals who have no intention of starting anything with their money. There are corporations that already have barrels of money wanting to bring back more. Do you think they're going to start jobs or simply pack it away?

Sorry. The term "altruistic business person" is an oxymoron and anyone who believes that phrase is a moron.

Once you changed the goal posts from two individuals to Corporations, I decided to not play your game and stopped reading the rest.

We were talking about what two individuals could do.
If a business is taxed out of business then it was a failure. As I said before taxes are paid on money already received. It's not like a hydo bill where one has to pay regardless of their income. If a business is running such a fine line then it's not successful.

And when the tax on the item is raised and people stop buying the product; because they feel the tax is to high, the business and it's employees suffer.
But since it's a business, you really don't care about the employees.
And when the tax on the item is raised and people stop buying the product; because they feel the tax is to high, the business and it's employees suffer.
But since it's a business, you really don't care about the employees.

No, no, USF, you have it all wrong, you have to look at this from the Liberal understanding of how taxation works! You see, when we levy a tax on a corporation, that money comes from the big barrel of money they have stashed away somewhere, it doesn't effect profits or prices at all! Sometimes, it may even come directly out of the rich CEOs paycheck, punishing them for their success. But it never effects the price of a product or service... NEVER! //sarcasm
What's utter hogwash is your inane belief that taxes can't put a business out of business.
By the way, to help your myopic view; they normally don't go from flourishing to closed, in a single incident.
Most businesses try to downsize and stay open; but sometimes it just isn't possible.
If they're downsizing, then trouble was on the horizon.

Typically, demand keeps a business healthy. When demand falls off, as it has due to the income disparity in this country, businesses suffer.

It has nothing to do with taxation.

That's just an excuse you righties like to use in order to rally the base.

Unfortunately for you, there aren't that many delusional people around to listen to you.
If they're downsizing, then trouble was on the horizon.

Typically, demand keeps a business healthy. When demand falls off, as it has due to the income disparity in this country, businesses suffer.

It has nothing to do with taxation.

That's just an excuse you righties like to use in order to rally the base.

Unfortunately for you, there aren't that many delusional people around to listen to you.

See what I mean, USF?
If they're downsizing, then trouble was on the horizon.

Typically, demand keeps a business healthy. When demand falls off, as it has due to the income disparity in this country, businesses suffer.

It has nothing to do with taxation.

That's just an excuse you righties like to use in order to rally the base.

Unfortunately for you, there aren't that many delusional people around to listen to you.

Are you really trying to tell me that when you go to buy something, you don't figure in how much extra the tax is going to cost you??
Is that truly what you're trying to state and that you wouldn't buy something similar, if the tax was less?
