It's not just lack of God in schools

come on Dixie is your God omnipresent or not? Can governments ban God or not?

Can governments ban goblins or elves?
Stop Press: Rumpelstiltskin to be banished. Exiled to Montana (or somewhere similarly devoid of life)
come on Dixie is your God omnipresent or not? Can governments ban God or not?

Obviously governments can ban God, because at your behest, our government HAS banned God in schools. As for the inherent properties of "my God," it has no physical existence, therefore, can't "be" anywhere, yet is still everywhere because God IS. Equally as important is the opposite evil energy force which is just as negative as the positive energy force I call God. You may call this "Satan" or "The Devil." It also has no physical properties or existence, and can't "be" anywhere, yet is still everywhere. I know that concept is hard to wrap your little pinhead mind around, because you think of "God" as some physical manifestation of a human man, with superhuman powers.

I get your angle, you wish to conclude that "God is Everywhere" from the perversion of a Biblical explanation that God is omnipresent, and therefore, God was present in Adam Lanza as he mowed down little innocent kids. I reject your conclusion. God was certainly not present in Lanza, but it had nothing to do with government banning God from school. It had much more to do with new-age anti-God hipsters such as yourself, who think it's cool to encourage a culture where we run around denouncing God and bashing those who profess belief in him. The problem with insulating yourself from the energy force known as God, is manifest in the actions of Adam Lanza, who was consumed with the forces of Evil instead. The Christians are correct about "free will" and we all have a choice to open our hearts and minds and accept the positive energy of God, as well as accepting the negative energy forces of Evil. Adam Lanza was filled with Evil, not God.
No one has banned God...we have a separation of church and state because history shows what a bad idea it is to combine them. We don't allow a state religion...period. This whole war on xtianity is bullshit made out of whole cloth by the right to keep their sheeple fearful and angry.
Correction. Your founding fathers, whom you worship, banned God in schools.

Actually, the Founding Fathers had little problem with schools being run by actual churches in the day, there were no public schools. In the 1700s, when the Founding Fathers lived, most any school was held in a church building. It really wasn't until well after the Civil War that federal government even considered funding schools.

Isn't it amazing how this incurious dullard thinks it's an insult to me to imply the Founding Fathers are "whom I worship" as if that's a bad thing? I guess, as opposed to worshiping Marx and Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot, it must seem intimidating to him?

And no... separation of church and state was not a concept designed to keep church out of government, it was to keep government out of church, like the Church of England, where government literally wrote the religious dogma. People were free here to worship as they pleased, without governmental interference. George Washington, reported to be a Deist, not a Christian, said that trying to attempt to govern without God was foolish. That's from a fucking Deist!
No one has banned God...we have a separation of church and state because history shows what a bad idea it is to combine them. We don't allow a state religion...period. This whole war on xtianity is bullshit made out of whole cloth by the right to keep their sheeple fearful and angry.

The Founding Fathers actually allowed state religion. The official religion of Pennsylvania was Quaker. The official state religion of Virginia was Methodist. You've apparently been fed a bunch of lies about history, which does happen to people all the time, it's called "propaganda!"

What seems to be a very bad idea, is the culture of denouncing God and embracing Evil. Relegating LIFE to something unimportant and meaningless. Disrespecting, and outright condemning those who teach and preach Godly moral values. Those have turned out to be very bad ideas, because they've produced products of society like Adam Lanza... and you!
And this is what happens when someone fills their heart with nothing but pure hate for someone else. They simply can't be rational or reasonable about anything. I could sit here and tell you all how Stringy's mom is a saint and his dad is the smartest man on the planet, and Stringy would wade in right behind me to denounce that and call his mom a whore and his dad a drunk, for no other reason than to spite me. That's pure hate you are seeing displayed here. It is the kind of hate that is at the root of all evil deeds, like what happened in CT.

I don't care for fake and insincere people and you don't have any knowledge of that subject except what I have shared.

Your thread here is not about some sort of emotional reaction to this tragedy. That would be somewhat understandable. You claimed to think the solution was more theocracy or a return to some sort of traditional values. But as usual you are either to timid to actually support your initial assertion, so you claim that others are misrepresenting what you clearly implied, or just like in the other thread you simply throw out red herrings and absurdities to try to confuse the topic.

It appears, you now know that your dream of returning to a time when you could freely discriminate against minorities and anyone that dared challenge the Christian mainstream is finished and will never return. So, you have become a troll.

If you are going to make a claim that we need a return to traditional Christian morality then stand behind it.
The Founding Fathers actually allowed state religion. The official religion of Pennsylvania was Quaker. The official state religion of Virginia was Methodist. You've apparently been fed a bunch of lies about history, which does happen to people all the time, it's called "propaganda!"

What seems to be a very bad idea, is the culture of denouncing God and embracing Evil. Relegating LIFE to something unimportant and meaningless. Disrespecting, and outright condemning those who teach and preach Godly moral values. Those have turned out to be very bad ideas, because they've produced products of society like Adam Lanza... and you!

Pennsylvania never had an established church and Virginia's (Church of England) was disestablished before the Consitution went into effect.

To denounce the idea of a God or the Christian version of God does not equal an embrace of evil.

Where is your proof that this played any role in the attacker's life?
Obviously governments can ban God, because at your behest, our government HAS banned God in schools. As for the inherent properties of "my God," it has no physical existence, therefore, can't "be" anywhere, yet is still everywhere because God IS. Equally as important is the opposite evil energy force which is just as negative as the positive energy force I call God. You may call this "Satan" or "The Devil." It also has no physical properties or existence, and can't "be" anywhere, yet is still everywhere. I know that concept is hard to wrap your little pinhead mind around, because you think of "God" as some physical manifestation of a human man, with superhuman powers.

I get your angle, you wish to conclude that "God is Everywhere" from the perversion of a Biblical explanation that God is omnipresent, and therefore, God was present in Adam Lanza as he mowed down little innocent kids. I reject your conclusion. God was certainly not present in Lanza, but it had nothing to do with government banning God from school. It had much more to do with new-age anti-God hipsters such as yourself, who think it's cool to encourage a culture where we run around denouncing God and bashing those who profess belief in him. The problem with insulating yourself from the energy force known as God, is manifest in the actions of Adam Lanza, who was consumed with the forces of Evil instead. The Christians are correct about "free will" and we all have a choice to open our hearts and minds and accept the positive energy of God, as well as accepting the negative energy forces of Evil. Adam Lanza was filled with Evil, not God.

Ladies and gentlemen...I nominate the above post by Dixie a JPP verbal gymnastics award!

The unbelievable contortions and multiple double-twisting verbal u-turns Dixie makes in order to explain his hypocrisy is absolutely world class in the above post and should be acknowledged!
Obviously governments can ban God, because at your behest, our government HAS banned God in schools. As for the inherent properties of "my God," it has no physical existence, therefore, can't "be" anywhere, yet is still everywhere because God IS. Equally as important is the opposite evil energy force which is just as negative as the positive energy force I call God. You may call this "Satan" or "The Devil." It also has no physical properties or existence, and can't "be" anywhere, yet is still everywhere. I know that concept is hard to wrap your little pinhead mind around, because you think of "God" as some physical manifestation of a human man, with superhuman powers.

I get your angle, you wish to conclude that "God is Everywhere" from the perversion of a Biblical explanation that God is omnipresent, and therefore, God was present in Adam Lanza as he mowed down little innocent kids. I reject your conclusion. God was certainly not present in Lanza, but it had nothing to do with government banning God from school. It had much more to do with new-age anti-God hipsters such as yourself, who think it's cool to encourage a culture where we run around denouncing God and bashing those who profess belief in him. The problem with insulating yourself from the energy force known as God, is manifest in the actions of Adam Lanza, who was consumed with the forces of Evil instead. The Christians are correct about "free will" and we all have a choice to open our hearts and minds and accept the positive energy of God, as well as accepting the negative energy forces of Evil. Adam Lanza was filled with Evil, not God.

God is most certainly NOT BANNED from schools.

Any student in any school ANYWHERE in the USA can freely invite God into their heart anytime they wish while on school property.

As usual, Dix just makes up whatever nonsense seems to support his argument at the time.
I've not threatened to put a bullet in your head, I would never make such a threat. I did make you a promise, that if you come onto my property with the intention of taking my guns, you would get a bullet through your head, but that was a promise, not a threat. Get your facts straight.

It is interesting that Howey is more afraid of you than he is of taking an AIDS infested penis in his bunghole
Ladies and gentlemen...I nominate the above post by Dixie a JPP verbal gymnastics award!

The unbelievable contortions and multiple double-twisting verbal u-turns Dixie makes in order to explain his hypocrisy is absolutely world class in the above post and should be acknowledged!

more derision and petty personal attacks

I don't care for fake and insincere people and you don't have any knowledge of that subject except what I have shared.

Your thread here is not about some sort of emotional reaction to this tragedy. That would be somewhat understandable. You claimed to think the solution was more theocracy or a return to some sort of traditional values. But as usual you are either to timid to actually support your initial assertion, so you claim that others are misrepresenting what you clearly implied, or just like in the other thread you simply throw out red herrings and absurdities to try to confuse the topic.

It appears, you now know that your dream of returning to a time when you could freely discriminate against minorities and anyone that dared challenge the Christian mainstream is finished and will never return. So, you have become a troll.

If you are going to make a claim that we need a return to traditional Christian morality then stand behind it.

That might work if I were a Christian advocating that we put God back in schools and teach kids about the Bible and stuff, but my very first paragraph states quite the opposite. I'm glad you admit my point about emotional reaction to tragedy is understandable, but isn't it fascinating you can't just give me credit for making a brilliant point, agreeing with me, and then moving on? Isn't it amazing how you (and others) must twist my words, contort my points, and pretend that I have stated things I never said, in order to continue propagating your hate for me?

I am not the one who advocates discrimination, that is consistently YOU. Whether it's discriminating against religious belief or unconventional sexuality, you are all about justifying a bigoted one-sided view, yours! And you don't really care if you discriminate, in fact, life is all about discrimination for you, from the moment you wake until you lay your head on your pillow at night, you think of ways to discriminate against people who don't believe the same as you.
Pennsylvania never had an established church and Virginia's (Church of England) was disestablished before the Consitution went into effect.

To denounce the idea of a God or the Christian version of God does not equal an embrace of evil.

Where is your proof that this played any role in the attacker's life?

20 dead 6-year-olds... that's my proof that God wasn't in Adam Lanza's heart.

"Pennsylvania never had an established church..."


The state of Pennsylvania was founded by William Penn in 1682, as a safe place for Quakers to live and practice their faith.

This was very common in the day, most states began and were established on the basis of religion. Most colonial states had in their constitutions, the delegation of an official state religion. This continued into the early 1800s, when a movement began called "disestablishment" or those who sought to disestablish state religions. These people were opposed by those who didn't want to disestablish, and thus was born the longest word in the dictionary... Antidisestablishmentarianism.
It is interesting that Howey is more afraid of you than he is of taking an AIDS infested penis in his bunghole

They are ALL afraid of me. That's why you will often see them team up to derail threads where I have schooled them. They generally like to do this by throwing up many of the various arguments over the years, where they have misconstrued or perverted my arguments into something that was never said, as if there was a time and place where I wasn't kicking their ass all over the board with my brilliance.
They are ALL afraid of me. That's why you will often see them team up to derail threads where I have schooled them. They generally like to do this by throwing up many of the various arguments over the years, where they have misconstrued or perverted my arguments into something that was never said, as if there was a time and place where I wasn't kicking their ass all over the board with my brilliance.

No, usually Y-O-U derail your threads with incredibly stupid claims.

Stupid claims like:

Obviously governments can ban God, because at your behest, our government HAS banned God in schools.

God is not, and never has been banned from school.

You like to pretend it's true because it allows you to perpetuate the "poor, poor persecuted worshippers of God" whine everyone gets treated to from time to time.

The truth is...any student in any school in any district in any state in these great United States can invite GOD into their hearts anytime they wish at any time during the school day.
20 dead 6-year-olds... that's my proof that God wasn't in Adam Lanza's heart.

"Pennsylvania never had an established church..."


The state of Pennsylvania was founded by William Penn in 1682, as a safe place for Quakers to live and practice their faith.

This was very common in the day, most states began and were established on the basis of religion. Most colonial states had in their constitutions, the delegation of an official state religion. This continued into the early 1800s, when a movement began called "disestablishment" or those who sought to disestablish state religions. These people were opposed by those who didn't want to disestablish, and thus was born the longest word in the dictionary... Antidisestablishmentarianism.

It is also evidence that no such thing as god exists.
Interesting how god is the supreme being in the universe and politicians can ban him form anyplace they want?

Pretty pithy supreme powers if you ask me.

Zapp is right, you take god with you if you have/believe in god.