It's not just lack of God in schools

I most certantly did, but intellegent people have the ability to simply LOOK at the TITLE of this thread. So, thats backed up AGAIN! Sorry Dixie, you can scurry around and try to pretend you did not write what you wrote.... but its there in plain English. Hell, its even spelled correctly.. so that must mean you are smart!

Yep, you're absolutely correct, the title as well as my OP are in plain English for all to read. Unfortunately, some of us are illiterate, and can't read, like you.
Apparently your God wasn't present in Adam Lanza. What happened?

He chose as all can.
But if a person has god they have god if not then they do not and the place they are in has nothing to do with it.
If it does then they do not have god.
He chose as all can.
But if a person has god they have god if not then they do not and the place they are in has nothing to do with it.
If it does then they do not have god.

Yeah, but he said HIS God was everywhere and in all things. I was just making an observation.

Look, I am a psychology major who has spent most of his life studying human nature. Whether any of you want to give me credit for that or not, really doesn't bother me. What I know is; Whenever something like this happens, we naturally try to find justification for it. We look for reasons why it happened, we try to imagine ways we can prevent it from happening again, and we very often find ourselves blaming things that may or may not have anything at all to do with the act itself. (I'm as guilty of this as the next person.) We don't know what was going on in Adam Lanza's head, we can't rationalize why anyone would do such a thing, and therefore, we believe that there is something we did wrong, as a society, or something we allowed, that prompted this. We think there are things we could have done, or that we can do in the future, to absolutely prevent such tragedies, but the thing is, we will never be able to prevent all bad things from happening.

This happened, not because we don't have strict enough gun laws, not because we don't have God in schools, not because we let crazies run loose in society, not because of his mother or his father, not because of bullying or social stigma, not because of violent video games... these are all the various reasons we create in our heads to try and rationalize something we simply can't rationalize. This happened because sometimes bad things happen. In spite of all we do, and all we think we can do, bad things will still happen. It may be sad, but nothing we can ever do will change that fact of life.


Yeah, but he said HIS God was everywhere and in all things. I was just making an observation.

Look, I am a psychology major who has spent most of his life studying human nature. Whether any of you want to give me credit for that or not, really doesn't bother me. What I know is; Whenever something like this happens, we naturally try to find justification for it. We look for reasons why it happened, we try to imagine ways we can prevent it from happening again, and we very often find ourselves blaming things that may or may not have anything at all to do with the act itself. (I'm as guilty of this as the next person.) We don't know what was going on in Adam Lanza's head, we can't rationalize why anyone would do such a thing, and therefore, we believe that there is something we did wrong, as a society, or something we allowed, that prompted this. We think there are things we could have done, or that we can do in the future, to absolutely prevent such tragedies, but the thing is, we will never be able to prevent all bad things from happening.

This happened, not because we don't have strict enough gun laws, not because we don't have God in schools, not because we let crazies run loose in society, not because of his mother or his father, not because of bullying or social stigma, not because of violent video games... these are all the various reasons we create in our heads to try and rationalize something we simply can't rationalize. This happened because sometimes bad things happen. In spite of all we do, and all we think we can do, bad things will still happen. It may be sad, but nothing we can ever do will change that fact of life.

I had a dog once that studied the mystery of doorknobs all it's life and never figured them out.

You studied psychology most of your life and the best you and come up with is sometimes bad things happen?
Ohh come on now.

Everything happens because of a reason or a complex set of reasons.
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how can you claim you're not talking about school prayer? that is exactly what you're talking about. you even just admitted it by saying the school board. zappa even claimed you never mentioned school prayer.

Yeah, but he said HIS God was everywhere and in all things. I was just making an observation.

Look, I am a psychology major who has spent most of his life studying human nature. Whether any of you want to give me credit for that or not, really doesn't bother me. What I know is; Whenever something like this happens, we naturally try to find justification for it. We look for reasons why it happened, we try to imagine ways we can prevent it from happening again, and we very often find ourselves blaming things that may or may not have anything at all to do with the act itself. (I'm as guilty of this as the next person.) We don't know what was going on in Adam Lanza's head, we can't rationalize why anyone would do such a thing, and therefore, we believe that there is something we did wrong, as a society, or something we allowed, that prompted this. We think there are things we could have done, or that we can do in the future, to absolutely prevent such tragedies, but the thing is, we will never be able to prevent all bad things from happening.

This happened, not because we don't have strict enough gun laws, not because we don't have God in schools, not because we let crazies run loose in society, not because of his mother or his father, not because of bullying or social stigma, not because of violent video games... these are all the various reasons we create in our heads to try and rationalize something we simply can't rationalize. This happened because sometimes bad things happen. In spite of all we do, and all we think we can do, bad things will still happen. It may be sad, but nothing we can ever do will change that fact of life.

You are guilty of it. Period. That's what this thread was about and you also tried to blame it on video games. The next guy may or not be guilty.

You do this because you are a piece of shit that does not really care about solutions but instead wants to make sure no one will interfere with your hobby of playing with guns. Further, you are trying to create political opportunity for theocracy. You probably would have welcomed the news if you could have figured out a way to blame Obama, like with Benghazi.
You are guilty of it. Period. That's what this thread was about and you also tried to blame it on video games. The next guy may or not be guilty.

You do this because you are a piece of shit that does not really care about solutions but instead wants to make sure no one will interfere with your hobby of playing with guns. Further, you are trying to create political opportunity for theocracy. You probably would have welcomed the news if you could have figured out a way to blame Obama, like with Benghazi.

And this is what happens when someone fills their heart with nothing but pure hate for someone else. They simply can't be rational or reasonable about anything. I could sit here and tell you all how Stringy's mom is a saint and his dad is the smartest man on the planet, and Stringy would wade in right behind me to denounce that and call his mom a whore and his dad a drunk, for no other reason than to spite me. That's pure hate you are seeing displayed here. It is the kind of hate that is at the root of all evil deeds, like what happened in CT.
And this is what happens when someone fills their heart with nothing but pure hate for someone else. They simply can't be rational or reasonable about anything. I could sit here and tell you all how Stringy's mom is a saint and his dad is the smartest man on the planet, and Stringy would wade in right behind me to denounce that and call his mom a whore and his dad a drunk, for no other reason than to spite me. That's pure hate you are seeing displayed here. It is the kind of hate that is at the root of all evil deeds, like what happened in CT.

You seem to be describing someone, but its not Superstring. Now who could that be? Could it be the Southern Wack who threatened to put a bulleit in my head?
Ok, first for you non-firearms trained morons, a. 223 round is the standard NATO round. It was selected decades ago because its capacity for horrible wounds was so high. The bushmaster he carried is identical to the M-16 I carried in the Army. It shoots supersonic rounds that have the propensity to bounce around inside the human body doing horrible damages. No reason to ban it, but when you make fun of the round it shows you have no clue about weapons.

Second, God has not been removed from our schools. Children can pray alone or in groups, they can bring bibles to school and read them on tjeir own time. ALL the Supreme Court said is that school officials cannot lead children in prayer

Not identical. The M-16 has a slector switch to enable full or semi-auto. The AR-15 is semi only.
You seem to be describing someone, but its not Superstring. Now who could that be? Could it be the Southern Wack who threatened to put a bulleit in my head?

I've not threatened to put a bullet in your head, I would never make such a threat. I did make you a promise, that if you come onto my property with the intention of taking my guns, you would get a bullet through your head, but that was a promise, not a threat. Get your facts straight.
I've not threatened to put a bullet in your head, I would never make such a threat. I did make you a promise, that if you come onto my property with the intention of taking my guns, you would get a bullet through your head, but that was a promise, not a threat. Get your facts straight.

No, it was not about your property... But thats the Dixie we know and love!
Why would I need to back up my claim with what an idiot wrote? That's your field of expertise!

Why, you need to back up your claim so others might not consider you just another internet blowhard with no proof to back up his unfounded hearsay, as most on these boards do.

The discussion is about belief in a deity, not a critique of the adherents. There are good Catholics (I know several), there are good Protestants (I know several), many child molesters are probably atheists, muslims and jews. I don't know any who wear their belief for others to see.
The main point is that once you allow religion into schools it becomes a weapon of division and, in certain circumstances, it can be a dangerous element that should not be the concern of innocent children.
And this is what happens when someone fills their heart with nothing but pure hate for someone else. They simply can't be rational or reasonable about anything. I could sit here and tell you all how Stringy's mom is a saint and his dad is the smartest man on the planet, and Stringy would wade in right behind me to denounce that and call his mom a whore and his dad a drunk, for no other reason than to spite me. That's pure hate you are seeing displayed here. It is the kind of hate that is at the root of all evil deeds, like what happened in CT.

The most generous thing I can say regarding your comments is that you are mistaken.
I dont know what you are claiming I said. Sorry. Im not following you.

you said you were not talking about school prayer...yet you mentioned government sanctioned prayer and then i asked, what entity and you said the school board.

so, how is it you claim you were not talking about school prayer?
I've not threatened to put a bullet in your head, I would never make such a threat. I did make you a promise, that if you come onto my property with the intention of taking my guns, you would get a bullet through your head, but that was a promise, not a threat. Get your facts straight.

There's a lot of trailer parks in Monroe. Finding the one you live in would be difficult. Unless one in were to follow the smoke signals.