It's Over for Letterman

Letterman's Ratings Soar On Palin Apology: Beats Conan By 700K Viewers

This is what is wrong with you pinheads. For whatever reason, ethics, morals, dignity, honesty, integrity... it all goes out the window for party loyalty. It doesn't matter that thousands have singed a petition to have this idiot fired for what he said, because he has millions of viewers... it doesn't matter what he said was inappropriate and wrong, his ratings are up!

Well add it to your fucking database of things you've distorted and taken out of context, I don't give a shit! LOL... it's flattering to me that you care so much about what I have to say!


As for Obama's birth certificate, that hasn't gone away. You have all launched a campaign to marginalize those who raised this issue, but the issue itself still remains, it won't go away. The truth will come out eventually, and if these people are correct, Obama will have to be removed from office, simple as that... we have laws. I don't proclaim to know what the truth is, I think it's awfully suspicious, and I don't know that I totally believe Obama, since he refuses to provide the certificate of live birth, which everyone has.

Give it up already, you're beating a dead horse. Wacko Philip Berg took this to the Supreme Court and demanded an injunction. Even a far-right hack like Scalia couldn't make it happen for him.

Berg filed a petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Supreme Court and also sought an injunction to suspend the election. The injunction was denied by Justice David Souter on November 3, 2008. Berg also sought an application for injunction pending the disposition of the petition for writ of certiorari; Justice Souter denied it, Berg refiled and submitted it to Justice Anthony Kennedy (who denied it), then refiled and submitted it to Justice Antonin Scalia, who referred it to the Court. On January 12, 2009, the Supreme Court denied Berg's petition for writ of certiorari,[12] and on January 21 the Court denied the application for injunction.[13]

Btw, did you demand this same level of proof from McCain, seeing that he was born outside the U.S.?

Curiously enough, there is no record of McCain's birth in the Panama Canal Zone Health Department's bound birth registers, which are publicly available at the National Archives in College Park. A search of the "Child Born Abroad" records of the U.S. consular service for August 1936 included many U.S. citizens born in the Canal Zone but did not turn up any mention of John McCain.
This is what is wrong with you pinheads. For whatever reason, ethics, morals, dignity, honesty, integrity... it all goes out the window for party loyalty. It doesn't matter that thousands have singed a petition to have this idiot fired for what he said, because he has millions of viewers... it doesn't matter what he said was inappropriate and wrong, his ratings are up!


Wow...a new speed record for backtracking....
I've not backtracked from a DAMN thing, I've always thought you people were unethical immoral scum!

I meant backtracking from your earnest contention that "It's over for Letterman."

I thought you spoke for America? You & the rest had "had enough!" and "weren't going to take it anymore!" Me the the small minority of lefties would "all see"...we had "no idea what was about to happen!" (where have I heard that before?) Why, people were signing petitions in droves, and this was "just the beginning!"

Another Dixie prediction down the tubes. Keep throwing them out there, though...they are endlessly entertaining.
Give it up already, you're beating a dead horse. Wacko Philip Berg took this to the Supreme Court and demanded an injunction. Even a far-right hack like Scalia couldn't make it happen for him.

Berg filed a petition for writ of certiorari to the United States Supreme Court and also sought an injunction to suspend the election. The injunction was denied by Justice David Souter on November 3, 2008. Berg also sought an application for injunction pending the disposition of the petition for writ of certiorari; Justice Souter denied it, Berg refiled and submitted it to Justice Anthony Kennedy (who denied it), then refiled and submitted it to Justice Antonin Scalia, who referred it to the Court. On January 12, 2009, the Supreme Court denied Berg's petition for writ of certiorari,[12] and on January 21 the Court denied the application for injunction.[13]

Btw, did you demand this same level of proof from McCain, seeing that he was born outside the U.S.?

Curiously enough, there is no record of McCain's birth in the Panama Canal Zone Health Department's bound birth registers, which are publicly available at the National Archives in College Park. A search of the "Child Born Abroad" records of the U.S. consular service for August 1936 included many U.S. citizens born in the Canal Zone but did not turn up any mention of John McCain.

1.) Berg's case is one of dozens which have been dismissed, but only one of hundreds which have been filed. Many cases remain pending, because the proper evidence to prove Obama legitimate, does not exist. The SCOTUS decision was regarding postponement of a national presidential election, which has a significantly different set of circumstance to consider. They did NOT rule on the actual eligibility of Barack Obama, that was not what their case was about. But don't let that detail stop the spin cycle!

2.) McCain was born to US Military personnel, residing on a US Military base, and pursuant to the law, this is an accepted exemption from the 'born on US soil' provision. I don't know whether McCain was legitimately born on a US Military base, and it doesn't matter anyway, the SCOTUS has determined you can't stop a national presidential election because of that possibility. Had McCain won, I am sure some pinheads would be filing these cases against him, if they had a case. But he didn't win, and is not the president, so what was your point of bringing this up?
whatever happened to what the Democrats and liberals continually Scream about-leave the children out of it??

Well, as we always see time and time, the Democrats only mean, leave our Democrats children out of it, but any Conservatives are fair game..

Letterman is an old, bitter, hateful little man, who by the way, got his dog ugly girlfriend knocked up before marriage...yet he doesn't even see his hypocrisy, because he now has to goosestep to the party, and he has sinking rating's so he believes if he bashes Sarah Palin and her kids, it will help his stinking ratings...Just think the OUTRAGE if he had said anything of the sort about "the Obama's little girls"...

Left-wingers are so transparent and looking in them can be ugly..

And David Letterman can go to hell with the rest of those bitter, hateful, small minded old liberals, as far as I'm concerned..
whatever happened to what the Democrats and liberals continually Scream about-leave the children out of it??

Well, as we always see time and time, the Democrats only mean, leave our Democrats children out of it, but any Conservatives are fair game..

Letterman is an old, bitter, hateful little man, who by the way, got his dog ugly girlfriend knocked up before marriage...yet he doesn't even see his hypocrisy, because he now has to goosestep to the party, and he has sinking rating's so he believes if he bashes Sarah Palin and her kids, it will help his stinking ratings...Just think the OUTRAGE if he had said anything of the sort about "the Obama's little girls"...

Left-wingers are so transparent and looking in them can be ugly..

And David Letterman can go to hell with the rest of those bitter, hateful, small minded old liberals, as far as I'm concerned..

as far as I am concerned - and the businesses that advertise on national networks are concerned - you should just stick to watching the 700 Club on CBN because you represent such a minuscule slice of the market demographic that nobody really gives a damn what you think about Letterman - or anything else, for that matter.:cof1:
Conflict breeds interest. The "outrage" of the right will only fuel higher ratings for his show.

Again, the best move of the conservatives would be to point out the hypocrisy, let others make note of it, then move on.
Conflict breeds interest. The "outrage" of the right will only fuel higher ratings for his show.

Again, the best move of the conservatives would be to point out the hypocrisy, let others make note of it, then move on.

I agree completely.

the more conservatives wail about this, the bigger Letterman wins.
as far as I am concerned - and the businesses that advertise on national networks are concerned - you should just stick to watching the 700 Club on CBN because you represent such a minuscule slice of the market demographic that nobody really gives a damn what you think about Letterman - or anything else, for that matter.:cof1:

you are a hateful little man..and you call yourself a preacher..what do you preach, HATE...I feel pity for the people who attend your church, that is if you really do have one...and I don't give a damn what you think or say about ANYTHING..
Conflict breeds interest. The "outrage" of the right will only fuel higher ratings for his show.

Again, the best move of the conservatives would be to point out the hypocrisy, let others make note of it, then move on.

I believe it is over for us, it's the media who is keeping this alive..we have spoken and Dave Letterman was thoroughly humiliated that he had to apologize on his show...job well done..:clink: