It's Over for Letterman

I suppose if one of Obama's daughters had proven to be incapable of keeping her knees together when her boyfriend was trying to get busy, then she would be fair game also.

How about you back off and let Bristol accept the consequences that go along with being the mother of a bastard child.

How's that bastard daughter of yours doing??
Yes, it was! And this is precisely why the issue needs to be pressed. Idiots like you, think it's perfectly acceptable for a 62 year old man to make reprehensible and vile sexual jokes about a teenage girl! It is disgusting, regardless of which daughter he was referring to, but the fact is... the 14 year old was the one at the baseball game with her mother.

Can you even imagine the outrage in a few more years, if some right-winger made a joke about one of Obama's girls being raped or having sex? Oh no! Democrat Liberals kids are off limits! We can't make jokes about them! We can't even mention them! It is just more of the typical double standard applied by Liberals! This shit has gone on for way too long, and it is going to stop now.

The whole comparison the libs are using with Chelsea and the Palin daughters is preposterous! Infering someone is ugly is mean, but not on the same level as what Letterman suggested. It wasn't just the comment about a daughter having sex with the baseball player, let's not forget the comment about Spitzer, insinuating that the daughter is also a hooker...

It's OK though we can just tuck this away for a rainy day fund.
Whether you call it pregnant, knocked up, or "in the family way" really doesn't matter. The point is that Letterman made a JOKE about someone, of legal age, getting pregnant. Bristol was already used by her mom to promote her campaign. This joke was not a filthy joke or even a misogynistic joke. It was a low class joke for sure, but certainlynot worthy of intrusion by the FCC.

No, there is quite the difference when it comes to respect in the way you talk about it. For you to pretend otherwise is disingenuous...

Letterman made a joke that was disgusting about a young woman who got preganant at 16. Palin did not "use" her daughter. You really are a piece of shit to say so.

Bristol was preganat when Palin was asked to join McCain's team. That is not using her daughter.

The FCC is the regulatory agency that censors content appropriate for television. They ARE the agency to decide, it's not intrusion. To make a regulation that says its not OK to insinuate rape of women of any age or to call a young woman a prostitute seems within their regulatory authority. Fining a network if they break that regulation would go a long way in curbing the misogynistic appetites of old men and partisan assholes who think this sort pof thing is funny or OK. In addition it would then allow the assholes to be sued for defamation.
Do you really think they'll be able to get him off the air for a classless joke? If the right were actually successful getting him off the air because he made a classless and thoughtless joke then they have far more power than I have given them credit for.

I believe you have gotten what you will out of David, and the issue is already losing traction.
Do you really think they'll be able to get him off the air for a classless joke? If the right were actually successful getting him off the air because he made a classless and thoughtless joke then they have far more power than I have given them credit for.

I believe you have gotten what you will out of David, and the issue is already losing traction.

But they've got 52,000 signatures!
Lots of grandparents do. The only reason that the controversy is over is that The Chosen One managed to get himself elected. With all that power and Chicago-style machinations he can easily quash a little issue like where he was actually born.

With regards to his leading us into the great depression of the 21st Century, His Highness lied to get all these trillion dollar spending bills passed because he said unemployment would peak at 8% and now its up to 10 and still climbing, He obviously has no real plan, and He has no exit strategy. These are all things that Democrats complained about with Bush and now they are all silent.

Unemployment is at 9.1, and not projected to even hit 10% until August. Where did you get your number from?
Last fall there were tons of jokes about Palin and her daughters.

"On Sept. 2, during the presidential campaign, Leno, for example, told this joke on "The Tonight Show": "Governor Palin announced over the weekend that her 17-year-old unmarried daughter is five months pregnant. And you thought John Edwards was in trouble before! Now he has really done it."

On Oct. 10, O'Brien, then host of "Late Night," quipped: "Sarah Palin is going to drop the first puck at the Philadelphia Flyers hockey game. Then Palin will spend the rest of the game trying to keep the hockey players out of her daughter's penalty box."

But now the jokes matter? Huh? Or is it that Palin is out of the spotlight now and her righteous indignation gets her back in front of her adoring fans and on the front page again?

A study showed that Letterman actually made fewer jokes about Palin's daughter than his competition did.

But I guess its all about timing rather than whether its offensive.

Word has it that 47,000 people signed a petition to have Letterman fired.
Not that it can be proven, but I would wager that the majority of these people
never ever watched Letterman prior to this situation, and they are just trying to raise
a stink (FALSE OUTRAGE).
There was a poll concerning who was the new leadership for the republican party. Palin registered in at 1%.

That is the reason for her making noise.
No, there is quite the difference when it comes to respect in the way you talk about it. For you to pretend otherwise is disingenuous...

Letterman made a joke that was disgusting about a young woman who got preganant at 16. Palin did not "use" her daughter. You really are a piece of shit to say so.

Bristol was preganat when Palin was asked to join McCain's team. That is not using her daughter.

The FCC is the regulatory agency that censors content appropriate for television. They ARE the agency to decide, it's not intrusion. To make a regulation that says its not OK to insinuate rape of women of any age or to call a young woman a prostitute seems within their regulatory authority. Fining a network if they break that regulation would go a long way in curbing the misogynistic appetites of old men and partisan assholes who think this sort pof thing is funny or OK. In addition it would then allow the assholes to be sued for defamation.

Oh I guess you do want the govt. to regulate shit. Hypocritical douche.
I know that many on the pinhead left think it is much ado about nothing, and following Letterman's contrite apology, and Palin's acceptance of it, that this will all blow over in time. But it won't.

Many comparisons have been made to the Don Imus comments about the basketball team, but Rev. Al Sharpton disagrees, he thinks there is no comparing the two incidents. I have to agree Al, they are completely different! In one instance, a radio host made an off-the-cuff comment about his impression of how a group of female college athletes looked, on live radio. In the other, a 62-year-old man told a scripted and recorded joke about a minor child having sex. Not even in the same ball park, in my opinion.

What Imus said was terrible, not making excuses for that... but he was fired from his job in spite of his almost immediate apology, including an in-person meeting with the women he insulted, and a personal apology to each of them. Dave Letterman gave a sarcastic and smarmy attempt at apology, which sounded more like an excuse, then after a week of public outcry, delivered a more sincere effort. It may have been enough for Sarah Palin, but the public is not satisfied.

This was a written and prepared joke! A series of people had to be aware of it, Letterman had to approve it, and then it was pre-recorded, so there was ample time for someone to step forward and say... this isn't such a good idea! Imus didn't have that luxury, it came out on live radio, and was not something planned at all. In the case of Imus, it simply didn't matter how much he apologized, or how sorry he was for making the comment, he was still fired from his job. It was the principle of the matter.

Letterman is going to be made an example of. For far too long, those of us on the right have endured this double standard, putting up with endless jokes and insults, having our children attacked on a daily basis by left-wing scum who don't have the decency to leave the kids out of it. Enough is enough! This will serve as the line in the sand. We will no longer tolerate this sort of thing, and let this serve as a notice to the left, we're through being civil about it.

The next time some right-winger makes an idiotic comment about someone on the left, I don't want to hear a word about it! Not a fucking peep! You people don't have some invisible force field which makes you impervious to criticism over stuff like this, and you best stop acting like you do. If we are going to establish the standard that people lose their jobs for this sort of thing, it is going to apply to left-wingers just as it applies to right-wingers.

In light of that.... Buh-bye Dave!

Retard. Dave Letterman should be REWARDED for his SERVICES to the American people for making that joke!

There is no double-standard for conservatives. Conservatives just say much more sickening things much more often. They GET OFF THE HOOK for it ALL THE TIME too, just because THEY'RE CONSERVATIVES! That's the double-standard!
...There is no double-standard for conservatives. Conservatives just say much more sickening things much more often. They GET OFF THE HOOK for it ALL THE TIME too, just because THEY'RE CONSERVATIVES! That's the double-standard!

In spades! Where was the conservative chucklehead outrage when Rusty DePass made his ignorant comment about Michelle Obama this week? Oh, yeah, it was "clearly in jest".

Damn MSM, picking on the lousy dems but giving a pass to this rancid piece of crap. :rolleyes:

South Carolina GOP activist and former chairman of the state elections commission Rusty DePass has apologized for saying a gorilla that escaped from a zoo was an "ancestor" of Michelle Obama.

The controversy started when FITSNews, a local politics Website, obtained a screengrab of DePass's comment on Facebook.

After an aide to state Attorney General Henry McMaster detailed the escape of the gorilla from Columbia's Riverbanks Zoo, DePass responded with a comment: "I'm sure it's just one of Michelle's ancestors - probably harmless."

DePass later admitted to WIS News that he was referring to Michelle Obama and said, "I am as sorry as I can be if I offended anyone. The comment was clearly in jest."
There is no way the writers would have written a joke about a 14 year old being knocked up by a pro baseball player. That is just bullshit.

Yes it was tasteless. But it is certainly not worth all the fuss or someone being fired. And I would say that regardless of the political party.

then Don Imus shouldn't of been fired for his remarks, the team looked like a bunch of- Nappy headed ho's. it was just a tasteless crack..what was all the FUSS about? huh?
Ice dancer just bent over winterborn. Pwned him hard.

Sexual fantasies aside, AssHat. David Letterman may not be gone, but he sure as hell is uncomfortable and for that no talent with the Chrysler Grill and the palor of a corpse, is fine by me. He looks like a life version of the Mad Magazine guy only not as attractive.

The liberal news media would be whining for years if someone alluded beyond the obvious fact that Chelsea Clinton and Amy Carter who are tragically homely, anything of a demeaning sexual nature and everyone knows it.

The irrational hatred and animus towards Sarah Palin and all associated with her is beyond hysterical. How can a woman SOOOO inconsequential create the frenzy she does without her having some kind of perceived power over the people she incites to act the complete fools?

In the grand scheme of things, who gives a shit about Letterman? I know I don't.
Oh I guess you do want the govt. to regulate shit. Hypocritical douche.
Most of the religious support language censoring on public airwaves, it isn't hypocritical for her to continue to support it, in fact it would be hypocritical for her to suddenly support entirely uncensored television on public airwaves.

It would also be hypocritical for me to support further censoring, we've already got enough, and I believe that reasonable people are smart enough to shut off the TV if they feel their children will learn something bad or feel offended.
Most of the religious support language censoring on public airwaves, it isn't hypocritical for her to continue to support it, in fact it would be hypocritical for her to suddenly support entirely uncensored television on public airwaves.

It would also be hypocritical for me to support further censoring, we've already got enough, and I believe that reasonable people are smart enough to shut off the TV if they feel their children will learn something bad or feel offended.

Should a network censor the term "nigger"? If so, then should they not censor the blatant sexually demeaning hostility towards women and children?

My point is there is a place for the hateful and raunchy and I am pretty sure its isn't television. I will agree that "late night" should allow for more adult programming. I personally think that good FCC regulations with regards to content is appropriate...parents should be able to walk out of a room anytime before 9 PM and not worry.
Should a network censor the term "nigger"? If so, then should they not censor the blatant sexually demeaning hostility towards women and children?

My point is there is a place for the hateful and raunchy and I am pretty sure its isn't television. I will agree that "late night" should allow for more adult programming. I personally think that good FCC regulations with regards to content is appropriate...parents should be able to walk out of a room anytime before 9 PM and not worry.
I believe that after a certain time at night pretty much any language should go. Should they have free porn tv? No, that's a waste of public airwaves there is already enough of that crap on cable and the internet.

To me, had it been on kid's TV and my kids were watching I'd be a bit more outraged, but at this time all we need to really do is just give them the rope to hang themselves. Point out the obvious then stand back.