It's Over for Letterman

There is actually MORE evidence the universe is 6000 years old, than Obama being a natural born citizen at this point. Please explain why it is retarded to think Obama isn't a natural born citizen, in light of the fact he has not produced a certificate of live birth? Without that certified document, signed by the doctor who delivered him, there is no "proof" he was born here, so what you have is FAITH.

While you are explaining how yours is not a faith-based belief, perhaps you could also explain how legal court cases have been filed without any basis whatsoever? Seems to me, if this was some sort of off-the-wall baseless allegation, the court would have said, you don't have a case! Apparently, there is some legitimacy to the charge, whether it is true or not, remains to be seen.

This is why you're retarded:

And here's the picture of it:


Here's a picture of the local newspaper publishing news of his birth:





raised seal


The state officials in Hawaii also say it's perfectly legit.

You have a picture of the universe beginning 6000 years ago? Didn't think so.

And it's been examined:

The fact that you think there's any legitimacy to the idea that Obama isn't a natural born US citizen makes you 100 percent retarded.

It's not "faith" one's beliefs are based on overwhelming evidence.
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Its common practice for grandparents to put a birth notice in their local paper, even if the kid was born elsewhere. *shrug*

Most don't. Personally I think the whole birth certificate thing lost credence back in November. It's over.

On the other hand, Obama's problems regarding leading haven't lost squat. Too many seem hypnotized.
Most don't. Personally I think the whole birth certificate thing lost credence back in November. It's over.

On the other hand, Obama's problems regarding leading haven't lost squat. Too many seem hypnotized.
Lots of grandparents do. The only reason that the controversy is over is that The Chosen One managed to get himself elected. With all that power and Chicago-style machinations he can easily quash a little issue like where he was actually born.

With regards to his leading us into the great depression of the 21st Century, His Highness lied to get all these trillion dollar spending bills passed because he said unemployment would peak at 8% and now its up to 10 and still climbing, He obviously has no real plan, and He has no exit strategy. These are all things that Democrats complained about with Bush and now they are all silent.

This is why you're retarded:

And here's the picture of it:


Here's a picture of the local newspaper publishing news of his birth:





raised seal


The state officials in Hawaii also say it's perfectly legit.

You have a picture of the universe beginning 6000 years ago? Didn't think so.

And it's been examined:

The fact that you think there's any legitimacy to the idea that Obama isn't a natural born US citizen makes you 100 percent retarded.

It's not "faith" one's beliefs are based on overwhelming evidence.

Sorry, but I still don't see a certificate of live birth, signed by the physician who delivered him. What you have posted, and what Obama has presented, is a state issued "birth certificate" which can be applied for by anyone at any time, and does not confirm the actual live birth. Now, this is a document every person born in America has, and if they don't, the hospital does. Why hasn't it been produced? Seems that would be no problem, if Obama were legitimately born in America. Sorry Annie, you may have given up on this, and a lot of others have as well, and I have said myself, I doubt anything ultimately will result in Obama being removed from office over it, but the issue is still out there, still alive and well, and making it's way through the legal system. The TRUTH will eventually come out, and if what is alleged is proven to be the case, there will be repercussions and ramifications.
Obama won in spite of the questions regarding birth. It was a non-starter. He'll be good or bad, regardless. IMO he's been a disaster so far, but I don't think it has jack to do with place of birth.
Obama won in spite of the questions regarding birth. It was a non-starter. He'll be good or bad, regardless. IMO he's been a disaster so far, but I don't think it has jack to do with place of birth.

Well it's merely a matter of law and principle of the law. You are right, his presidency thus far is a complete disaster, and it has nothing to do with his birth place. Still, if he has lied about where he was born, and furthermore, if his political supporters have helped him conceal this fact from the public, it is a major no-no! Not only was he ineligible to run for office, he committed fraud in order to obtain the office of the president. I think that trumps Nixon and Clinton combined!
The idea that a candidate would base his entire political career on a forgery that could be debunked by cross checking the state medical records is ludicrous.

The state registrar happens to use a signature stamp to verify copies of birth certificates. It's there, it's verified by the state, Dixie is a racist punk.
The idea that a candidate would base his entire political career on a forgery that could be debunked by cross checking the state medical records is ludicrous.

The state registrar happens to use a signature stamp to verify copies of birth certificates. It's there, it's verified by the state, Dixie is a racist punk.

You are perfectly welcome to call me any name you like, but it doesn't make your case or prove Obama was born in this country, sorry!

Nothing has been verified as far as I know, because the actual certificate of live birth, issued by the physician who delivered baby Obama, has not been produced. What we have, is a state document which could A.) be forged, or B.) be fraudulently obtained. Since it appears to be legitimately verified by the state, that probably means it's not a forgery, but it doesn't mean it wasn't fraudulently obtained. The PROOF that Obama was born in the USA, is the certificate of live birth, which is issued to EVERY infant born in the USA. Where is Obama's???
You are perfectly welcome to call me any name you like, but it doesn't make your case or prove Obama was born in this country, sorry!

Nothing has been verified as far as I know, because the actual certificate of live birth, issued by the physician who delivered baby Obama, has not been produced. What we have, is a state document which could A.) be forged, or B.) be fraudulently obtained. Since it appears to be legitimately verified by the state, that probably means it's not a forgery, but it doesn't mean it wasn't fraudulently obtained. The PROOF that Obama was born in the USA, is the certificate of live birth, which is issued to EVERY infant born in the USA. Where is Obama's???


This is just like the ID crap. You won't believe it until you get in a time machine and travel back in time and deliver him yourself.

I lost my original birth certificate and got it reissued for my passport a couple years back. It's not a huge procedure because the state keeps records of such things and reissues them as needed with the signature of the state official who does such things. OMG That means I could have obtained it fraudulently! I might not be a natural born citizen!!! I'll never be able to prove it because I lost my original! OH NOEZ!

The fact is: overwhelming evidence has been provided to prove Obama was born in Hawaii. People have examined it, the state has certified it, nobody denies it except the looney fringe (Dixie, SM, and friends).
They call him a muslem and not a citizen and whine about a joke about palins slutty daughter. I thought harry Reid was weak.
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LOL 15 people showed up to protest. You can bet money that whenever Dixie predicts something, the opposite will happen. Haha