It's Over for Letterman

That's not what happened with the Limbaugh incident at all.

O'Brien's joke doesn't make fun of Chelsea- it makes fun of Bill.


And I notice you left McCains slur out of your reply.
Whom I am pretty sure you voted for.
At least you will never convince me that you did not vote for McCain.
47,000 huh? You realize that Dave has around 3.5 million viewers per night don't you. You just might eventually reach 2% of his total viewership if you keep up your hard work, big guy.

I'd also note that "hotness" on this board doesn't amount to much. It seems I recall the birther threads being pretty hot at one time but I still haven't seen the VAULT COPY.

I realize the network felt the heat, otherwise Letterman wouldn't have issued an apology. I also realize they felt even more intense heat, or he wouldn't have issued a second one. 47k is just the number of people who have legitimately signed a petition calling for him to be fired, it doesn't count the number who will never again watch his show, buy his advertisers products, or view programing on his network, unless they do the right thing and fire him.

And oh by the fucking way, the Obama birth certificate issue has not gone away, there are indeed legal actions being taken as we speak. At some point in time, the truth is going to come out about that, and if it's proven that Obama was illegally elected, he will be removed from office and replaced by his VP, in accordance to the law. You can pretend that issue is over all you like, but there are still pending court cases, and litigation ongoing. It ain't over!
I realize the network felt the heat, otherwise Letterman wouldn't have issued an apology. I also realize they felt even more intense heat, or he wouldn't have issued a second one. 47k is just the number of people who have legitimately signed a petition calling for him to be fired, it doesn't count the number who will never again watch his show, buy his advertisers products, or view programing on his network, unless they do the right thing and fire him.

And oh by the fucking way, the Obama birth certificate issue has not gone away, there are indeed legal actions being taken as we speak. At some point in time, the truth is going to come out about that, and if it's proven that Obama was illegally elected, he will be removed from office and replaced by his VP, in accordance to the law. You can pretend that issue is over all you like, but there are still pending court cases, and litigation ongoing. It ain't over!

Awesome. I bow to your wingularity.
"I'm not trying to out-outrage anyone"

Dixie, this thread is TEXTBOOK false outrage. It is over-the-top; the proverbial tempest in a teapot.

Is this really all conservatives have now? An off-color remark from a late night talk show host? I never really thought I'd feel bad for you guys after the Bush years & the deserved shellacking you took in the last election, but I'm starting to. It's only going to get worse if you continue down this path.

As it stands, I think you'd be hard-pressed to find any thread about Imus way back when that went this far over the top. I didn't even know Imus was considered "conservative." You've got your 47,000, which is probably about the same # that showed up for those crazily effective "tea parties."

It's all so silly. I'd throw in a requisite "it's so fun to watch," but it really isn't (see earlier comment on how I'm starting to feel kind of bad for you & the rest).....
"And oh by the fucking way, the Obama birth certificate issue has not gone away, there are indeed legal actions being taken as we speak. At some point in time, the truth is going to come out about that, and if it's proven that Obama was illegally elected, he will be removed from office and replaced by his VP, in accordance to the law. You can pretend that issue is over all you like, but there are still pending court cases, and litigation ongoing. It ain't over!"

Here's another fun prediction to bump in a few years, along with "it's over for Letterman"....
"I'm not trying to out-outrage anyone"

Dixie, this thread is TEXTBOOK false outrage. It is over-the-top; the proverbial tempest in a teapot.

Is this really all conservatives have now? An off-color remark from a late night talk show host? I never really thought I'd feel bad for you guys after the Bush years & the deserved shellacking you took in the last election, but I'm starting to. It's only going to get worse if you continue down this path.

As it stands, I think you'd be hard-pressed to find any thread about Imus way back when that went this far over the top. I didn't even know Imus was considered "conservative." You've got your 47,000, which is probably about the same # that showed up for those crazily effective "tea parties."

It's all so silly. I'd throw in a requisite "it's so fun to watch," but it really isn't (see earlier comment on how I'm starting to feel kind of bad for you & the rest).....

You may think it's silly, and you may think the outrage is false, but it isn't going away, it hasn't gone away in spite of two apologies and a conciliatory acceptance from Gov. Palin, because it is the principle of the matter. You may believe this will all blow over, but the number of signatures on the petition has doubled since the second Letterman apology, it doesn't indicate this is blowing over.

I never said Imus was conservative, it doesn't matter what he is, he was fired for making an inappropriate comment, just as Letterman needs to be fired. Rush Limbaugh was fired from the football gig for making an inappropriate remark, Jimmy The Greek was fired for this too, the list goes on and on. We have a standard of dealing with chunk heads who make inappropriate remarks in the media, and it applies to Chunkhead Letterman as well. If you think we're going to let this slide, you're out of your mind. And my advice to any liberal out there in the public eye, you best shut the fuck up about people's children, because it will no longer be tolerated. If you wish to condone such acts, that's fine, we'll marginalize you as well.
Trust me, Dix - it has blown over. 99% of America doesn't even see the conservative extremist blogs that you live on; it's over.

And I'll be bumping this thread in a month when Letterman's ratings are up, and in a year when they're up further.
It is going away. The issue is already dead, cept in the minds of the loonies. David Letterman isn't going to get fired. I'd bet a good deal of money on it if Dixie wasn't a welcher.
"And oh by the fucking way, the Obama birth certificate issue has not gone away, there are indeed legal actions being taken as we speak. At some point in time, the truth is going to come out about that, and if it's proven that Obama was illegally elected, he will be removed from office and replaced by his VP, in accordance to the law. You can pretend that issue is over all you like, but there are still pending court cases, and litigation ongoing. It ain't over!"

Here's another fun prediction to bump in a few years, along with "it's over for Letterman"....

Well add it to your fucking database of things you've distorted and taken out of context, I don't give a shit! LOL... it's flattering to me that you care so much about what I have to say!

For the record, I haven't "predicted" anything, I just said it ain't going away, and it ain't! It's not going to go away! Letterman might not ultimately be fired, but his career has taken a huge hit, and he'll never be the same again. Also, his network has taken a huge hit, and continues to take a hit, which is why he has issued two apologies already. That has to be tough in these tough economic times, and if they want to endure it, that's all good with me. They should do the right thing and can his ass, that's what I would do if I were the network executive in charge here, because at least they could begin to do some damage control and start to rebuild their image, but sticking to their guns and standing behind Letterman, is not going to be conducive to a prosperous future for them. Just saying.

As for Obama's birth certificate, that hasn't gone away. You have all launched a campaign to marginalize those who raised this issue, but the issue itself still remains, it won't go away. The truth will come out eventually, and if these people are correct, Obama will have to be removed from office, simple as that... we have laws. I don't proclaim to know what the truth is, I think it's awfully suspicious, and I don't know that I totally believe Obama, since he refuses to provide the certificate of live birth, which everyone has.
Trust me, Dix - it has blown over. 99% of America doesn't even see the conservative extremist blogs that you live on; it's over.

And I'll be bumping this thread in a month when Letterman's ratings are up, and in a year when they're up further.

Well... I am sorry Onzies... I don't trust you! I don't think I could ever trust a perpetual liar like you, if I ever felt compelled to put my trust in you, I would probably just blow my brains out, because it would be a sure sign of insanity.

I don't even know of any conservative extremist blogs, I live here most of the time... is THIS a conservative extremist blog?

Letterman's ratings probably went up slightly in the past few days, because people were tuning in to see if he was going to be decent enough to issue an apology to the Governor, and with all the media coverage, it's like a car wreck, everyone has to have a peek. But mark my words, this is going to hurt his ratings overall, as well as the ratings of his network and the sales of his advertisers, and that is the important thing. But you keep on supporting Letterman, keep on justifying what he did! I want you to rant about it every day, in fact, I may post a thread regularly for you to do just that! I think it illustrates just how little ethics and class you have, and further illustrates why your little party of hypocrites need to be run out of Washington on a rail.

Dixie's still pushing the line that Obama isn't legitimately president. FUNNY!

No, and you lying about it doesn't make it so! I clearly stated that I DON'T KNOW! If the allegations are true, he is not eligible to run for president, therefore, he is not legitimate. But I don't know the truth, it hasn't been determined yet. I do know there are people looking into it, and court cases will be heard regarding it. Yeah, I would say, the chances that he is actually removed from office at this point, are slim, but the issue is not over, and this hasn't been determined conclusively yet. Yeah, if I were a pinhead liberal, I would be acting all cocky and arrogant about it like you are, and I would be calling the other side names and making fun of them. But fortunately, I don't suffer from the brain-rot of liberalism.
No, and you lying about it doesn't make it so! I clearly stated that I DON'T KNOW! If the allegations are true, he is not eligible to run for president, therefore, he is not legitimate. But I don't know the truth, it hasn't been determined yet. I do know there are people looking into it, and court cases will be heard regarding it. Yeah, I would say, the chances that he is actually removed from office at this point, are slim, but the issue is not over, and this hasn't been determined conclusively yet. Yeah, if I were a pinhead liberal, I would be acting all cocky and arrogant about it like you are, and I would be calling the other side names and making fun of them. But fortunately, I don't suffer from the brain-rot of liberalism.

Yeah, and it's still debated whether the universe is 13.7 billion years old or 6000 years old. The truth will come out! And Obama will be removed from office! LOLZ

Retarded. You have to be extra special retarded to think there's any chance Obama isn't a legitimate, natural born US citizen.
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Well, since that blog youlinked to is simply PACKED with transcripts and archival footage to back up his little fantasy, I will have to defer to Sentaor Franken.

That blog was written in 2007, that guy must have one helluva memory.
Apparently he has a better memory than Franken. I heard Rush go over the incident exactly earlier this week. *shrug*
Yeah, and it's still debated whether the universe is 13.7 billion years old or 6000 years old. The truth will come out! And Obama will be removed from office! LOLZ

Retarded. You have to be extra special retarded to think there's any chance Obama isn't a legitimate, natural born US citizen.

There is actually MORE evidence the universe is 6000 years old, than Obama being a natural born citizen at this point. Please explain why it is retarded to think Obama isn't a natural born citizen, in light of the fact he has not produced a certificate of live birth? Without that certified document, signed by the doctor who delivered him, there is no "proof" he was born here, so what you have is FAITH.

While you are explaining how yours is not a faith-based belief, perhaps you could also explain how legal court cases have been filed without any basis whatsoever? Seems to me, if this was some sort of off-the-wall baseless allegation, the court would have said, you don't have a case! Apparently, there is some legitimacy to the charge, whether it is true or not, remains to be seen.