It's time to talk about Trump's advanced age

The GOP is dead. It is the Trump party now and he is taking them down with him. You do not see the Repubs anymore. They were not allowed at the Trump party convention and inauguration. What has McConnell said about the race?
GOP is the party of upper class interests. Trump is exactly that. So, same GOP.

It’s time to talk about Donald Trump’s age​

At 78, former President Donald Trump is now the oldest presidential nominee in American history. If he wins re-election in November, Trump will end his term just a few months shy of his 83rd birthday, making him two years older than President Joe Biden is now.

In short, Donald Trump has a serious age problem.

Comparing footage from Trump’s 2015 presidential announcement to footage from earlier this year shows that Trump isn’t quite the man he used to be. The former president now routinely confuses names when speaking off the cuff — including the name of his own doctor — and struggled to finish his sentences during a Nashville rally earlier this year. How can the American people be sure Trump’s stumbles aren’t part of a sustained pattern of cognitive decline?

His memory problems are well-documented; the former president doesn’t seem able to recall what he was doing or who he spoke to for most of the day on Jan. 6, 2021. He also regularly forgets who the sitting president is, often confusing Joe Biden and Barack Obama during unscripted remarks. That seems pretty important.

Indeed. His rally was a dementia filled disaster.


It’s time to talk about Donald Trump’s age​

At 78, former President Donald Trump is now the oldest presidential nominee in American history. If he wins re-election in November, Trump will end his term just a few months shy of his 83rd birthday, making him two years older than President Joe Biden is now.

In short, Donald Trump has a serious age problem.

Comparing footage from Trump’s 2015 presidential announcement to footage from earlier this year shows that Trump isn’t quite the man he used to be. The former president now routinely confuses names when speaking off the cuff — including the name of his own doctor — and struggled to finish his sentences during a Nashville rally earlier this year. How can the American people be sure Trump’s stumbles aren’t part of a sustained pattern of cognitive decline?

His memory problems are well-documented; the former president doesn’t seem able to recall what he was doing or who he spoke to for most of the day on Jan. 6, 2021. He also regularly forgets who the sitting president is, often confusing Joe Biden and Barack Obama during unscripted remarks. That seems pretty important.

His physical age worries me far less than his mental and emotional maturity, which is forever stuck at around age 13. His mental illnesses -- egomania, narcissism, defiant disorder, sociopathy -- worry me even more than his physical and mental ages do.
Yes, it's about age but as much as that it's about the vibrancy and vitality of that person. We all know two people can be the same age (whatever age that is) and be in very different places physically and mentally.

The fact that you see Democrats saying they were upset because they felt Biden's inner circle kept his true condition from them (us) tells you all you need to know. Say what you will about Trump but compared to Biden he came across with more energy and vibrancy. Now matched against someone younger Trump's (old) age may be exposed and people who didn't question it as much before will start to do so.
Were you really surprised by Biden’s “condition”? I was not.
Were you really surprised by Biden’s “condition”? I was not.
Not particularly, but that was the argument made by some Democrats who supported him not running. (And I'm sure the argument is there is a difference between slowly aging and what they saw on the debate stage.)
Not particularly, but that was the argument made by some Democrats who supported him not running. (And I'm sure the argument is there is a difference between slowly aging and what they saw on the debate stage.)
So where does the argument come from that Harris was complicit in some sort of cover-up?
His physical age worries me far less than his mental and emotional maturity, which is forever stuck at around age 13. His mental illnesses -- egomania, narcissism, defiant disorder, sociopathy -- worry me even more than his physical and mental ages do.
You're right.
Some of his cabinet members and staff said he was dumb as shit and had the intelligence of a third grader. And that was five years ago before his senility got worse.
Were you really surprised by Biden’s “condition”? I was not.
If you are referring to Biden in the debate, hell yes I was surprised. I have heard him make small gaffes for 50 years. They bothered me. He was frozen in the debate. I have never seen him close to that.
Trump was giving a well-rehearsed rally speech full of lies. That was no surprise at all.
Not one single time. So...stop the bullshit.

The faux fretting about age is YOUR'S, not mine.
So you are claiming you never remarked about Joe Biden's age.

Here are remarks about Joe Biden's age right here in this thread:

Just a week-ish ago, you were perfectly willing to vote for a currently 81 year old man (with dementia, no less), so don't try to pretend that you all of a sudden give a shit about age.

Stop pretending.


And don't pretend to give a shit about age. Just a week-ish ago, you were willing to vote for an 81 year old man with dementia.

Stop pretending to care about age. Just a week-ish ago, you were willing to vote for an even OLDER man, WITH DEMENTIA (mind you). You can stop with the BS any time now....
If you are referring to Biden in the debate, hell yes I was surprised. I have heard him make small gaffes for 50 years. They bothered me. He was frozen in the debate. I have never seen him close to that.
Trump was giving a well-rehearsed rally speech full of lies. That was no surprise at all.
Good point, he was much worse in the debate than I expected.

It's time to talk about Trump's advanced age​

Decades of rolling in wealth at the expense of others have eroded any moral backbone that he might have been born with.
I understand you didn’t make that argument, I’m asking what you think about those who are making it.
I suppose it’s not unreasonable for people to think the vice president would be in the know about the presidents condition. That said, the vice president does not live at the White House and every president and VP have a different relationship. Therefore it’s possible the president could keep the VP at a distance and the VP only interacts with the president during scripted setting scenarios.

Do we really expect the VP is going to call a press conference and announce to the world that she doesn’t think the president is in condition to continue his job and thus should drop out of the race and/or leave the presidency and she should take over? (I’m sure almost any VP would love that outcome but wouldn’t be the one to initiate it.)