I've noticed a new attitude with main stream Republicans

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I dunno....maybe cause he's served his nation and went in harms way for this country and you haven't.

I wouldn't put on the patriot badge if I was you. Maineman's done more walking then you have talking.
He's spent time on a boat in the ocean far from any action during his time, and now sucking the teat of retirement cash. *shrug*
He's spent time on a boat in the ocean far from any action during his time, and now sucking the teat of retirement cash. *shrug*

and you served...how?:pke:

and are you suggesting that career military personnel don't deserve their retirement benefits?
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Serving on ship, especially during maineman's time (ante-bellum Navy wasn't exactly the most luxurious service), wasn't a vacation.
I know this conservative Republican will fight the rinos in our party who think we need to be more like a Democrat and adopt their views..that is not what our ideals are and I for one will not change..If I wanted to be like a Democrat and thought the way they did, I would become a damn Democrat..but I don't, and I never will..

The Rinos need to be kicked the hell out of the Republican party and let them go become a Democrat..

Let's hope more Americans wake up and join the fight to save our party and country.

So much for allowing Republicans to think for themselves!

YOU...the RINO!

You don't think EXACTLY like we TRUE conservatives...get the hell O-U-T!!

Thank you for the DEM wins in 2010 and 2012!
So much for allowing Republicans to think for themselves!

YOU...the RINO!

You don't think EXACTLY like we TRUE conservatives...get the hell O-U-T!!

Thank you for the DEM wins in 2010 and 2012!

should I call a wambulance for you?
you get the hell out.
and you served...how?:pke:

and are you suggesting that career military personnel don't deserve their retirement benefits?
I served by paying more taxes than you ever have. I think career military personnel deserve every cent that they can get; a dirt bag like you however, not so much *shrug*
and a "real man" like yourself would instead insult another man's dead parents... something you have never apologized for, by the way.

Actually I did apologize for insulting your father that you have discussions with late at night after your 6th scotch, and even thought you've continued to insult my young son in a sexually disgusting way, I've never mentioned your dear old dad until now. *shrug*
should I call a wambulance for you?
you get the hell out.

Well, one of us was whining, and since a quick re-read of my reply shows no indication of said whining, that can only mean...that you are just another crybaby who can't get past the fact McCain lost last year.

Oh, and btw?...


Not even bright enough to come up with something original, eh? Make sure you get some new insults from FreeDumb, he's got plenty of hate to go around.
"insultive" [sic]????????

you are a one trick pony... all you can do is "crude"....

"intelligent" and "insightful" are not in your repertoire.

myself, on the other hand... I can do intelligent and insightful, AND, when the occasion calls for it, crude.

"cry uncle"???? in your dreams, moron! :lmao:

FreeDumb has been NOTHING BUT "insultive"(??????) for the past 5-6 years.

Don't waste another nanosecond trying to debate him. He simply will not engage in civil discourse with you, unless you already agree with him.
Well, one of us was whining, and since a quick re-read of my reply shows no indication of said whining, that can only mean...that you are just another crybaby who can't get past the fact McCain lost last year.

Oh, and btw?...


Not even bright enough to come up with something original, eh? Make sure you get some new insults from FreeDumb, he's got plenty of hate to go around.

Ooooooooooo, what a burn. talk about not very bright, "FreeDumb"...go spread you bile on others, cause I don't care what you have to say...adios, bye bye, see ya wouldn't want to be ya...:cof1:
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like I said... you'll be able to make a point, if there is one to be made, in 2010.

keep your pants on.

If democrats still control both chambers of congress after the midterms, my guess is that your point will be not very valid....

don't you agree?

obviously everything can change maineman, but when people start making threads about how the republicans are irrelevant, how they are old news, how they have to change their positions to become viable... blah blah blah, it's very shortsighted to say so when the facts are that CURRENTLY (just months after the bush administration ended) likely voters are trusting republicans on 6 out of the top ten key issues, including the economy and government ethics.
I served by paying more taxes than you ever have. I think career military personnel deserve every cent that they can get; a dirt bag like you however, not so much *shrug*

you "served" by paying taxes?

I think you should go down to the local Legion Hall and try that one out there, Mr. Hero! :lmao:
Actually I did apologize for insulting your father that you have discussions with late at night after your 6th scotch, and even thought you've continued to insult my young son in a sexually disgusting way, I've never mentioned your dear old dad until now. *shrug*

Prove it.

Remember V, I have a section of a website dedicated to documenting your lies. :D

I don't need to prove anything. We both know that you have been apologized to and we both know that I have not.

the rest of the board is, I'm sure, growing tired of your obsession with me... but I know what you said and what you didn't say...

and the fact that you have a website dedicated to weird obsessive creeps like yourself to gather and share your hatred of me is pretty silly, but proof of nothing other than your own obsession.
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