jacksonsprat22, banned 7 days...

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So I tell you my sock accounts. Even give Mods the OK to verify it and that still isn't good enough for you? OK, since you want to fuck around. I am creating a new sock account you will never know. It is going to be a NeverTrumper and you will make bestest friends with you and you won't even know it

Channelling your inner schizophrenia?
There's Teflon Don. He likes homoerotic fantasies. Example of just one of his milder fantasies:

That's just a typical run-of-the-mill uninteresting typical insult. I didn't see Jackson's posts so can't comment on them as to content. But I *have* seen plenty from Jack and others that are very detailed, graphic, sick fantasies of what he'd like to do or see -- directed at female posters. Possibly males as well since I don't read his crap. My ignore list is extensive so I'm spared a lot of that stupidity.
I didn't see what he said so I have no opinion on that. However, I know more than one poster here who enjoys writing sexually graphic crap, sometimes AT a poster, sometimes involving his sick fantasies about them. Jack comes to mind. We've all seen his lurid porno filth involving golden showers, clitoris pumps, and so on. Most of those have been removed as far as I know. Jack isn't the only one, of course.

Try enforcing the rules even-handedly.

We also have subhumans here who routinely call black posters n×ggers but they are provided safe harbor and welcomed here with open arms
I sometimes wonder how many of the ppl on my ignore list are just socks of each other. lol

No doubt several all. Nice people can act like assholes but it's very difficult for an asshole to act like a nice person. They might be able to do it for a post or two, but eventually they'd reveal their true assholish nature. Therefore an asshole with 3 or even 20 socks would see people identifying him/her as asshole and ignoring them one way or another.

This is why Teflon Don's threat was so silly, and even welcomed, since it would be funny to see how long a demented asshole like him could keep up the ruse. I'm guessing not very long at all.

So I tell you my sock accounts. Even give Mods the OK to verify it and that still isn't good enough for you? OK, since you want to fuck around. I am creating a new sock account you will never know. It is going to be a NeverTrumper and you will make bestest friends with you and you won't even know it
I didn't see what he said so I have no opinion on that. However, I know more than one poster here who enjoys writing sexually graphic crap, sometimes AT a poster, sometimes involving his sick fantasies about them. Jack comes to mind. We've all seen his lurid porno filth involving golden showers, clitoris pumps, and so on. Most of those have been removed as far as I know. Jack isn't the only one, of course.

Try enforcing the rules even-handedly.

Have you reported it at all? Do you think I read every post? I have over 22K unread posts...
We also have subhumans here who routinely call black posters n×ggers but they are provided safe harbor and welcomed here with open arms

A management decision: Calling people racial epithets is okay but Trump supporters being told to "go fuck yourself" is not okay.
A management decision: Calling people racial epithets is okay but Trump supporters being told to "go fuck yourself" is not okay.

You wish that was what it was... Folks nearly constantly tell Trump supporters to go and f*ck themselves on this board, it's absurd to pretend that they don't. They also talk about how often those same people have sex with him in weird and gross fan fic fashion...

It was a bit more than that.
That's just a typical run-of-the-mill uninteresting typical insult. I didn't see Jackson's posts so can't comment on them as to content. But I *have* seen plenty from Jack and others that are very detailed, graphic, sick fantasies of what he'd like to do or see -- directed at female posters. Possibly males as well since I don't read his crap. My ignore list is extensive so I'm spared a lot of that stupidity.

Jackson's problem is that he's young and stupid. Even stupid people like Teflon Don can pick up things after 40+ years of fucking up. Jackson's only been an adult for a few years. Eventually he'll be able to match Teflon Don in being an experienced asshole. ;)
You wish that was what it was... Folks nearly constantly tell Trump supporters to go and f*ck themselves on this board, it's absurd to pretend that they don't. They also talk about how often those same people have sex with him in weird and gross fan fic fashion...

It was a bit more than that.

Dude, I've been told to go fuck myself by both the far Left and far Right. It's a political forum and expected. I never take it personally because it's just an indication the person has run out of intellectual ammunition.

I doubt anyone thinks Jacksonsprat22 is anything more than a dumb, punk ass kid. The only difference between someone like him and the TD Twins, Grokmaster or any of the RWNJs is about 40-50 years of bitterness.

If you're taking a vote, I vote to let him return. Keep giving him vacations like Steven M often receives, but I'm against perm bans except in circumstances where it becomes a liability for the owners.
There's Teflon Don. He likes homoerotic fantasies. Example of just one of his milder fantasies:

If you are so confident that what I posted was a violation of the rules, I strongly suggest you report it to the Mods. You do know how to use the report function right?

I really can't believe how deeply imbedded in your brain I am. It isn't even rent free anymore. You are paying me to stay there
If you are so confident that what I posted was a violation of the rules, I strongly suggest you report it to the Mods. You do know how to use the report function right?

I really can't believe how deeply imbedded in your brain I am. It isn't even rent free anymore. You are paying me to stay there

He pays dividends in hilarity every single day.
If you are so confident that what I posted was a violation of the rules, I strongly suggest you report it to the Mods. You do know how to use the report function right?

I really can't believe how deeply imbedded in your brain I am. It isn't even rent free anymore. You are paying me to stay there

Your paranoia is working against you again, son. I never said you violated the rules so take a pill and calm down.

You are free to think you make a difference in people's lives, and no doubt you do...just not in any good ways. How many relatives beg off having to spend time with you? Is that your real problem? You're alone in your little room and "no one wuvs poor widdle Donnie? Awww." That would explain your behavior.
A 7 day ban isn't a "perm ban".

Is it?

No, it's not. Did you even bother to read the OP or do you not comprehend it? Here, let me help you:
Convince me he deserves a second chance if you want him back before that.

12(c) - Language that is sexually violent (e.g. rape/incest/graphic sex details that simply go 'too far') and/or is used in a manner to harass other users may be removed at moderator discretion without notice or apology, and could end up resulting in a ban if we get tired of repeatedly having to edit posts made by the same individuals over and over.
Not being given a second chance = Perm ban, Legion. :)

Have you been perm banned, Legion? Is that why you're so sensitive to the topic? Is Jacksonsprat your friend?
How uncharacteristically perspicacious of you.

At no time was "perm ban" mentioned or even suggested in the OP. Damocles invited pleas to reduce the 7 day ban.

Have you tried a remedial reading course?
Correct perm ban wasn't mentioned. I can see how it can be read that way.

Still, does anyone expect people like you, Jacksonsprat or Teflon Don to change? Let Jackson back after his 7 day ban. I give it a week before he starts pulling the same shit again....just not against Damocles. ;)
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