Jan 6th "Thug" called the "Praying Grandma" convicted...

Your attempt at gaslighting your way out of this by attempting to rewrite history has been noted.

It is a description of what happened, not a strawman. Explain your support of one over the other, or do you believe that they too should have faced consequences? (This is an easy one, if you are into lying to yourself you can say they "should" have and lament while tearing up and tearing your hair out while crying out about how upset you are that they didn't face consequences in order to "prove" me wrong. You can even do this while pretending you cannot remember what I am talking about, in other words you can even keep trying to gaslight the history right out of existence, but it won't really work).

They are not connected. Her case is about what she did. She participated in an insurrection and broke laws. Tell that to a judge in court and watch him laugh at that defense. It is like people being pulled over by police for a traffic infraction and telling the police that they should be spending time catching murderers.
Your attempt at gaslighting your way out of this by attempting to rewrite history has been noted.

It is a description of what happened, not a strawman. Explain your support of one over the other, or do you believe that they too should have faced consequences? (This is an easy one, if you are into lying to yourself you can say they "should" have and lament while tearing up and tearing your hair out while crying out about how upset you are that they didn't face consequences in order to "prove" me wrong. You can even do this while pretending you cannot remember what I am talking about, in other words you can even keep trying to gaslight the history right out of existence, but it won't really work).

What description? That she joined the break into the Capitol for ten minutes, and made a prayer while doing it?

The break was a statutory crime. The prayer is irrelevant. Your point is what?
She prayed in the middle of a very violent insurrection? That did not work very well. Unless she was praying for more violence and hurt police. Then her prayers were answered.
She prayed in the middle of a very violent insurrection? That did not work very well. Unless she was praying for more violence and hurt police. Then her prayers were answered.

I'm always interested in folks who say that something cannot be answered in the negative....

Such folks say: You prayed for health and then caught a cold, it was not answered!

Were these folks never told "no" when they asked their parents for something? Do they not understand that sometimes the answer is "no" even when it doesn't make sense?

If these gods folks worship exist, then sometimes the answer to prayer would be "no". If not then everyone would always share a $1 portion of a 300,000,000 pot in the Mega Millions... and there would never have been such a thing as "health care".
I'm always interested in folks who say that something cannot be answered in the negative....

Such folks say: You prayed for health and then caught a cold, it was not answered!

Were these folks never told "no" when they asked their parents for something? Do they not understand that sometimes the answer is "no" even when it doesn't make sense?

If these gods folks worship exist, then sometimes the answer to prayer would be "no". If not then everyone would always share a $1 portion of a 300,000,000 pot in the Mega Millions... and there would never have been such a thing as "health care".

At the same time, however, I would challenge anybody to explaining the logic of a perfect deity creating a highly imperfect universe.
The first sentient creature that experienced suffering was irrefutable proof, from a logic perspective,
that the universe is a random manifestation and not a divine creation.
At the same time, however, I would challenge anybody to explaining the logic of a perfect deity creating a highly imperfect universe.
The first sentient creature that experienced suffering was irrefutable proof, from a logic perspective,
that the universe is a random manifestation and not a divine creation.

That's one way to look at it.

Many think a perfect deity created this universe specifically to be imperfect. It's the hit & miss experiences of this physical plane that end up making the deity perfect, by creating a full understanding of what it means to choose love over hate (just as an example).
At the same time, however, I would challenge anybody to explaining the logic of a perfect deity creating a highly imperfect universe.
The first sentient creature that experienced suffering was irrefutable proof, from a logic perspective,
that the universe is a random manifestation and not a divine creation.

Imperfections were introduced through sin. It's in their book...

Even in the end times, the earth becomes perfectly spherical again in the end, no hills, etc. (I wouldn't want to live without Mountains, this has never enticed me to believe)... Anyway, before Adam and Eve were cast out the perfection you think should exist did. Humans messed it up... as we are wont to do.
Imperfections were introduced through sin. It's in their book...

Even in the end times, the earth becomes perfectly spherical again in the end, no hills, etc. (I wouldn't want to live without Mountains, this has never enticed me to believe)... Anyway, before Adam and Eve were cast out the perfection you think should exist did. Humans messed it up... as we are wont to do.

God is real because the bible says so.

The bible is accurate because its the word of god.

If my mind accepted circular logic of this kind,
maybe I'd be religious as well.
God is real because the bible says so.

The bible is accurate because its the word of god.

If my mind accepted circular logic of this kind,
maybe I'd be religious as well.

Maybe. Though that is not the reason most folks who do believe... well, believe. I'm not here to convince you to believe, I just noted that even their book says sometimes the answer will be "no"... So, saying they were not answered because what they asked for didn't magically appear is a bit like this same circular logic you give above... my brain rejects that the answer to a request from a god you are supposed to call "dad" or "father" will always be "yes"... Very few folks would have had that experience with their own father, why should they expect it from the magical one in the sky?
Okay, now read these:

The vast majority of citations and charges against George Floyd protesters were ultimately dropped, dismissed or otherwise not filed, according to a Guardian analysis of law enforcement records and media reports in a dozen jurisdictions around the nation.

In most of a dozen jurisdictions examined, at least 90% of cases were dropped or dismissed. In some cities, like Dallas and Philadelphia, as many as 95% of citations were dropped or not prosecuted.


Why Charges Against Protesters Are Being Dismissed by the Thousands

Almost Half of Federal Cases Against Portland Rioters Have Been Dismissed
Many charged in connection with violence surrounding last year’s racial-justice protests have completed community service and won’t be tried


Charges against hundreds of NYC rioters, looters have been dropped

Thanks for getting the proof that they were over prosecuted you fucking idiot
Maybe. Though that is not the reason most folks who do believe... well, believe. I'm not here to convince you to believe, I just noted that even their book says sometimes the answer will be "no"... So, saying they were not answered because what they asked for didn't magically appear is a bit like this same circular logic you give above... my brain rejects that the answer to a request from a god you are supposed to call "dad" or "father" will always be "yes"... Very few folks would have had that experience with their own father, why should they expect it from the magical one in the sky?

My own dad never claimed to be omniscient, omnipotent, or all-perfect in any way.
And he has resorted to LYING a lot, and accusing others of gaslighting when he says something stupid that is a lie.

No one. NO ONE, called those 'burning property' the 'mostly peaceful protestors'. That never happened.

But just like with Jan 5th where Magats point out and we accept, that MOST of the people who walked to the Capital did not enter the Capital and engage in crimes and just protested, we can ALSO support the arrest and jailing of those who were NOT the peaceful protesters. Same for the Antifa riots. Stating that most of them were not engaging in 'burning property', is, in no way an appeal to not prosecute those caught doing it. And no one on this forum has any issue with those law breakers being prosecuted.

So the post below is simply ....ummmmm.... gaslighting.

Damo was the person who created this site

He must have had some incident in his life to cause him dain bramage

He was for years a completely honorable man who accepted provable FACTS

He believed all the facts that proved Bush was lying us to war

Now he sounds and reacts just like a kid who used to post here called Grind

That poster was made a mod by Damo

And then Damo started posting all the Hilary smear lies

Someone at the time showed me a legal filing that showed the site had recently changed hands legally

I think that is who this Damo poster is now

Otherwise Damo must have gone insane and decided facts need to be trashed so Republicans lies can get them what they want

The death of democracy
I've said it before as i do not think Damo purposely lies for the Magat cause, as someone like Marjorie Greene does.

Damo is the Mark. The person the lies are directed at to deceive. And he is the perfect mark.

Time and again he PROVES he has swallowed the Magat talking point, and believes it, even when it is ridiculous and wrong.

So when Magats spread the lie that no one left of them wanted people 'burning property' prosecuted, he buys it. He then posts with his righteous and misguided rage about it.

He simply cannot help himself.

I knew him to be an honorable man that accepted provable fact

He is no longer that man

I want to believe the real Damo is still that man

This incarnation of that poster is not the same person

Dain Bramage or a new owner who now owns everything on the site

Including the Damo persona

I prefer to remember my honorable friend still exists

He was a wonderful person even if we didn’t always agree
I knew him to be an honorable man that accepted provable fact

He is no longer that man

I want to believe the real Damo is still that man

This incarnation of that poster is not the same person

Dain Bramage or a new owner who now owns everything on the site

Including the Damo persona

I prefer to remember my honorable friend still exists

He was a wonderful person even if we didn’t always agree
