Jan 6th "Thug" called the "Praying Grandma" convicted...

Damo was the person who created this site

He must have had some incident in his life to cause him dain bramage

He was for years a completely honorable man who accepted provable FACTS

He believed all the facts that proved Bush was lying us to war

Now he sounds and reacts just like a kid who used to post here called Grind

That poster was made a mod by Damo

And then Damo started posting all the Hilary smear lies

Someone at the time showed me a legal filing that showed the site had recently changed hands legally

I think that is who this Damo poster is now

Otherwise Damo must have gone insane and decided facts need to be trashed so Republicans lies can get them what they want

The death of democracy

I do not know the history but if Damo was more open to fact, that poster is dead now. He would be a template person radicalized by Trump, suffering severe TDS.

He projects constantly saying 'we are the ones being gaslight by media if we believe the economy is doing well'. He accuses others of being gaslit pushing a lie (that he was gaslit with) that if you say 'mostly peaceful protesters', at the Antifa protests, that means 'you are calling the ones who burned property' that, and you are not referring to the multitudes more who refrained from that.

He echos and repeats the EXACT way Fox and right media spins the points into lies and if he does not do it purposely, as one of the gaslighters/liars, then the only answer is he is duped by them and believes it.

I have always said, i suspect the latter with him. he is duped and actually believes it.
god said he was wrong, to flood the earth to wash away vast segment of sinner humanity.

see noahide dispensation. and the origin of the rainbow.

So your religion loves to see new born babies and children murdered by god for the “sins” of one of their parents?

Another crazy assed destructive cult
So your religion loves to see new born babies and children murdered by god for the “sins” of one of their parents?

Another crazy assed destructive cult

stop don't

I do not know the history but if Damo was more open to fact, that poster is dead now. He would be a template person radicalized by Trump, suffering severe TDS.

He projects constantly saying 'we are the ones being gaslight by media if we believe the economy is doing well'. He accuses others of being gaslit pushing a lie (that he was gaslit with) that if you say 'mostly peaceful protesters', at the Antifa protests, that means 'you are calling the ones who burned property' that, and you are not referring to the multitudes more who refrained from that.

He echos and repeats the EXACT way Fox and right media spins the points into lies and if he does not do it purposely, as one of the gaslighters/liars, then the only answer is he is duped by them and believes it.

I have always said, i suspect the latter with him. he is duped and actually believes it.


Just like Grind always was

Grind always fought to defend Bush and his lies and crimes no matter what the FACTS said

Then the second the lies were outed and Obama won the election

Nearly every right wing poster here claimed


They all immediately started predicting a massive crash and chaos under Obama

I reminded them that their predictions were proven worthless after their utter failure to accept facts and predict results of an election and has proven that their complete failure rendered there posts worthless in a sane discussion

It’s still true

They doubled down on lies and stupid with their devotion to tRump

Their ideas keep failing horribly

Then expect their words to be respected?

They are LOSERS

they are FAILURES

and likely foreign influence shit lumps

They deserve no respect
Sure they never supported Bush

They were just on record carrying his water 24/7 on the internets here

Those posts are still here

And then they all started changing their names constantly

Trying to avoid being tagged with their OLD posts

Now no one is allowed to go into posts that old

Convenient huh

Just like Grind always was

Grind always fought to defend Bush and his lies and crimes no matter what the FACTS said

Then the second the lies were outed and Obama won the election

Nearly every right wing poster here claimed


They all immediately started predicting a massive crash and chaos under Obama

I reminded them that their predictions were proven worthless after their utter failure to accept facts and predict results of an election and has proven that their complete failure rendered there posts worthless in a sane discussion

It’s still true

They doubled down on lies and stupid with their devotion to tRump

Their ideas keep failing horribly

Then expect their words to be respected?

They are LOSERS

they are FAILURES

and likely foreign influence shit lumps

They deserve no respect

You seem incredibly unhappy with not only this forum in general but most of the people here...why linger?
Oh, you mean his kid. That Jesus guy.

So, which one of those three dudes was she praying to? One, two or all three? Wait, the three of them aren’t really three, are they? The three of them are really one. Or are they?

One got Mary pregnant.
One is the kid.
One is top dog.

Yet, they’re all the same.

Cuckoo for cocopuffs!

one.....incarnate.....God......It's okay if you don't believe it.....we don't believe in you, either.....
What part of "mostly peaceful" do you not understand? Burning property is the part that is NOT mostly peaceful.
People that are walking on the street and sidewalks are not committing a crime. Most of the people that were protesting in the BLM protests did not burn property or commit crimes. That would make the protests mostly peaceful since the majority didn't commit a crime. No one has said that the burning of the police station in Minneapolis was mostly peaceful. But the vastly larger group of people that marched and then went home 2 hours before the police station was burned were peaceful.

Why would she need a pardon? Most misdemeanor crimes committed by first offenders get no jail time. The maximum jail time for a misdemeanor is 1 year. She decided she wanted to fight this in court instead of pleading guilty to what she admits she did. The problem for her is that she is getting bad legal advice. No one has the right to illegally enter building to pray. She admits she entered the Capitol to protest. That is what she is charged with doing, picketing in the Capitol.

so can you explain why you don't prosecute the parts that aren't peaceful when the perps vote blue?........you aren't interested in mostly peaceful.......you're only interested in mostly ignored........
Quote Originally Posted by evince View Post
So your religion loves to see new born babies and children murdered by god for the “sins” of one of their parents?

murdering children?......sounds like some sort of Planned Parenthood cult.......
lol......never heard THAT one before.......

Isaiah 40:4-5

Every valley should be raised up, and every mountain and hill should be made flat. The rough ground should be made level, and the rugged ground should be made smooth. Then the glory of the LORD will be shown, and all people together will see it.