January 6 ‘was a coup organized by the president’, says Jamie Raskin


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Donald Trump attempted a coup on 6 January 2021 as he tried to salvage his doomed presidency, and that will be a central focus of forthcoming public hearings of the special House panel investigating events surrounding the insurrection at the US Capitol, the congressman Jamie Raskin has said.

This was a coup organized by the president against the vice-president and against the Congress in order to overturn the 2020 presidential election,” Raskin said in an interview with the Guardian, Reuters news agency and the Climate One radio program.

“We’re going to tell the whole story of everything that happened. There was a violent insurrection and an attempted coup and we were saved by Mike Pence’s refusal to go along with that plan,” said Raskin.
With or Without Trump, the MAGA Movement Is the Future of the Republican Party

The fissures in the Democratic Party are on display for all to see, since it is the party in power, but the divisions in the Republican Party and the conservative movement are deeper, wider and far more threatening.

Matthew Continetti, a senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, describes the developments that have brought the conservative movement to a boil in his new book, “The Right: The Hundred-Year War for American Conservatism.”

“We’re going to tell the whole story of everything that happened. There was a violent insurrection and an attempted coup and we were saved by Mike Pence’s refusal to go along with that plan,” said Raskin.

we weren't saved by Pence. It failed, MISERABLY, because the moronic cowards were too pussified and wimpy to be serious about it
Raskin told the Guardian, however, that the panel’s hearings would demonstrate to the American public the actions Trump, and the cohort who went along with his efforts, took to overturn the election result.

If the attack on the Capitol had succeeded in preventing the certification of Biden as the incoming president, Raskin asserted that “Trump was prepared to seize the presidency and likely to invoke the Insurrection Act and declare martial law”.

we weren't saved by Pence. It failed, MISERABLY, because the moronic cowards were too pussified and wimpy to be serious about it

if you care about the constitution and what it contains, you would know there was absolutely nothing that could be done on that day in January. If you are more interested in violent overthrow, you lost as well.
They should have killed some cops?

If they were seriously intent on 'saving' their country (sarcasm), they would all have been heavily armed and started the gunfighting..........

they either weren't that interested, wanted to make a bullshit show of 'patriotism', or were too cowardly to act out their intentions and beliefs
If they were seriously intent on 'saving' their country (sarcasm), they would all have been heavily armed and started the gunfighting..........

they either weren't that interested, wanted to make a bullshit show of 'patriotism', or were too cowardly to act out their intentions and beliefs

I'll put you down as an enemy of the United States.
if you care about the constitution and what it contains, you would know there was absolutely nothing that could be done on that day in January. If you are more interested in violent overthrow, you lost as well.

agreed...........the last time I stated what SHOULD have happened, both lefties and righties on here went ballistic on me..............it was quite hilarious
Fearing a Trump Repeat, Jan. 6 Panel Considers Changes to Insurrection Act

While Mr. Trump never invoked the law, he threatened to do so in 2020 to have the military crack down on crowds protesting the police killing of George Floyd. Stephen Miller, one of his top advisers, also proposed putting it into effect to turn back migrants at the southwestern border, an idea that was rejected by the defense secretary at the time, Mark T. Esper.

And as Mr. Trump grasped for ways to overturn his defeat in the 2020 presidential election, some hard-right advisers encouraged him to declare martial law and deploy U.S. troops to seize voting machines. In the run-up to the Jan. 6 attack, members of right-wing militia groups also encouraged Mr. Trump to invoke the law, believing that he was on the brink of giving them approval to descend on Washington with weapons to fight on his behalf.

Donald Trump attempted a coup on 6 January 2021 as he tried to salvage his doomed presidency, and that will be a central focus of forthcoming public hearings of the special House panel investigating events surrounding the insurrection at the US Capitol, the congressman Jamie Raskin has said.

This was a coup organized by the president against the vice-president and against the Congress in order to overturn the 2020 presidential election,” Raskin said in an interview with the Guardian, Reuters news agency and the Climate One radio program.


Of course it was. Several "Oath Keepers" have been charged with Sedition.