January 6 ‘was a coup organized by the president’, says Jamie Raskin

Donald Trump attempted a coup on 6 January 2021 as he tried to salvage his doomed presidency, and that will be a central focus of forthcoming public hearings of the special House panel investigating events surrounding the insurrection at the US Capitol, the congressman Jamie Raskin has said.

This was a coup organized by the president against the vice-president and against the Congress in order to overturn the 2020 presidential election,” Raskin said in an interview with the Guardian, Reuters news agency and the Climate One radio program.


I look forward to seeing a lot of Trump staffers go to prison but strongly doubt that will happen to Trump. At best, TrumpCo will be shattered and his little empire will crumble.

You explain what Rittenhouse has to do with the House Comm. saying it has evidence Trump organized the coup.

it's the propaganda you listen to. you listened to the narrative about rittenhouse and believed it. You listen to the narrative by this near sham of a house committee and believe it. It's like you've lost all ability to think and analyze things on your own..........or just don't care to do that. This makes you just as ignorant as the trumpers
Donald Trump attempted a coup on 6 January 2021 as he tried to salvage his doomed presidency, and that will be a central focus of forthcoming public hearings of the special House panel investigating events surrounding the insurrection at the US Capitol, the congressman Jamie Raskin has said.

This was a coup organized by the president against the vice-president and against the Congress in order to overturn the 2020 presidential election,” Raskin said in an interview with the Guardian, Reuters news agency and the Climate One radio program.


No shit!
The evidence is stacked against you, you support our government being overthrown. It’s that simple.

He is a traitor and he appeared to have advance knowledge of what happened at the capitol. IMHO he does not deserve a voice.
They should have killed some cops?

"We weren't saved by Pence" since The Constitution determines the process for electing a President, not the vice president pursuant to a a non-constitutional rule. Biden won a majority of the confirmed Electoral Votes - end of story. Nincompoops like SmarterthanMyDog will spout this stuff forever.
"We weren't saved by Pence" since The Constitution determines the process for electing a President, not the vice president pursuant to a a non-constitutional rule. Biden won a majority of the confirmed Electoral Votes - end of story. Nincompoops like SmarterthanMyDog will spout this stuff forever.

Pence did nothing. But the committee is trying to flatter him so he will volunteer to testify.