January 6 ‘was a coup organized by the president’, says Jamie Raskin

if you care about the constitution and what it contains, you would know there was absolutely nothing that could be done on that day in January. If you are more interested in violent overthrow, you lost as well.

Several of your Oath Keeper buddies have just been charged with Sedition. Treason was being committed that day by the 1/6 rioters. The chickens are coming home to roost.
If they were seriously intent on 'saving' their country (sarcasm), they would all have been heavily armed and started the gunfighting..........

they either weren't that interested, wanted to make a bullshit show of 'patriotism', or were too cowardly to act out their intentions and beliefs

They WERE armed.
I haven't see anything that makes me believe Trump is responsible for Jan 6th any more than I've seen anything that makes me believe he colluded with Russia to interfere with the election. Did he and his people try, behind the scenes, to steal the election? Yes, but that's something separate from the riot.
stun guns, pepper spray, baseball bats and flagpoles wielded as clubs

the above is why I called them STUPID and COWARDLY. THAT is not armed for insurrection.........and they aren't my 'guys' and I am not your friend.

So.. caught in a lie, now and as a trump voter, your job is to lie. No prob. I'm used to it. Go crazy, man :)
Trump organized a violent coup. He needs to be criminally prosecuted.

organized? no. encouraged? most likely. prosecuted? every bit as much as hillary should have over her misuse of classified and deleted emails........but it's unlikely to happen because most democrats and republicans wouldn't want to be the next person prosecuted for corruption and criminality.
organized? no. encouraged? most likely. prosecuted? every bit as much as hillary should have over her misuse of classified and deleted emails........but it's unlikely to happen because most democrats and republicans wouldn't want to be the next person prosecuted for corruption and criminality.

House Comm. is explicitly stating Trump organized the coup.
LOL.............how long are you haters going to use the 'trump' card when you have no argument left? is that the new race card? is everybody you lose to a trump voter?

Never forget the guy who tried to tank out democracy - as much as you trump worshippers wish we would, we're not gonna. You know why? We know you're going to try it again, traitor.