Jay Z blasts Donald Trump

Are you kidding ... I laugh everyday I'm on this Forum watching White Crybabies whine about being victims ...
It's like Christmas everyday

LOL -- it is, isn't it?

Psst -- She's leading up to An Important Announcement of everything she's personally going to do to celebrate Black History Month So We Won't Think She's a Racist. I bet at least two activities will be eating watermelon and fried chicken, like she did to honor Dr. King. lol

Are you kidding ... I laugh everyday I'm on this Forum watching White Crybabies whine about being victims ...

It's like Christmas everyday

So you're black, is that right?

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I'm worse than that, I'm your worse nightmare that you can't control ...

But I'm the Guy you'll never confront, unless you have miles and miles of internet between us.

Enjoy your freedom of internet expression ... it's all the Balls you need and all the Balls you have.

You're Hercules's

Perhaps he wants to be...

He claims to be a "contractor" that's a code word for welfare whore.
LOL -- it is, isn't it?

Psst -- She's leading up to An Important Announcement of everything she's personally going to do to celebrate Black History Month So We Won't Think She's a Racist. I bet at least two activities will be eating watermelon and fried chicken, like she did to honor Dr. King. lol

Bowel Woman is in the house, why can't she take a shit elsewhere?

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LOL -- it is, isn't it?

Psst -- She's leading up to An Important Announcement of everything she's personally going to do to celebrate Black History Month So We Won't Think She's a Racist. I bet at least two activities will be eating watermelon and fried chicken, like she did to honor Dr. King. lol


I betting D-Money Shifty and Smoothy ... got a Everything a Women really needs. :cool:
lol...you can tell she's missing all the sock support...5 in what, a week?
(there was a complete soul food menu that day...no melon. Yes, fried chicken... Sweet potato pie and peach cobbler..)
She's my personal stalker. She follows me everywhere...lol No one knows why...

You wish! Ironic, coming from the twat who followed me all across the forum last night snarking about something she thinks she knows, like the preschooler that she is. lol

Quick, run and tell the teac.... er, mods!
Only asked you a simple question, if you want to get shitty about it then I'll not bother in future.

Sent from my Lenovo K8 using Tapatalk

He is nothing but an internet tough guy, in real life he cowardly hides in the closet only to come out at night like the parasite he is.
Hey ... dumb shit, I own a Firmware Solutions Business that employ's Contractors. :lolup::rofl2: in addition to Military Subcontracting.

Yea and you're a millionaire, ride around in a chauffeur driven Rolls while living in a 80 room mansion in Beverly Hills.

But you have the time to spend all day every day posting on the internet. star trek.jpg