Jay Z blasts Donald Trump

I didn't say it was ALL Trump's fault, but he has changed the discourse. People have a misconception of what "PC" is, but certainly many have expressed that Trump has freed them up to say what they really feel, whether it's about women, race, immigrants, et al.

I don't think it's really too disputable that the childish, insulting nature of his near-constant tweeting has had an effect. If you don't see POTUS as setting any kind of example in that regard, we'll really just have to disagree on that.

95% negative coverage by media, much of it misleading, or flat out fabrication. THATS what has changed our discourse.
I was simply trying to figure out why p...sy, etc. is ok for some to use (and some to use quite a bit) but not for others. I understand. You just have two different sets of rules...

Victim card! Victim card! lol

Gotcha...lol...what say you? I'm all Ears...:eek: See what I did there? Hope the relocation went well:)
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LOL...the only people who matter know what I'm talking about...Guess you didn't think when Ear first claimed home to(of course we have the original "screenshot" of that account...well, you know:) You guys should think a bit before you post...It's always a pleasure to point out the oops, though.
Be proud...New record bannings for this place....keep it up! What happened to all the peeps here? ETA: Gotcha:)
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Talk is cheap. What have you ever done to preserve our freedoms?

Translation: NOT ONE FUCKING THING!!!!

Cool ...

But me an the Mrs think it’s amazing that we’ll be retiering early enough to sit back and laugh at your Not One Fucking Thing.

What’s in your Wallet ... :)