Jay Z blasts Donald Trump

LOL...I guess I must have struck a nerve when I mentioned two of his favorite "songs"...
I could have sworn I've seen you criticize others around here....

Once you come after me ... all bets are off.

But I don't ever remember putting down anyone for the music they like, the cars they drive or the Women they marry ...

Are you still fishing or have you given up?
Kinda sounds like a few of our Forum Members ... and guess what, these idiots don't get paid jack shit for saying it.

But the White Women who buy his Music love them some Black Soup Bone.

Funny how the low class, and scummy attitude spreading, Getin The Ring thinks he can judge that. He can't spell the word getting correct in his screen name, and he's trying to judge what scum is, when he can't even understand class. I would laugh if it wouldn't ache right now.
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Re: the bolded...has he stated that? MOST songs, from the beginning of radio, were reflective of either an artist's interpretation or their rendering of other lives. Very few artists write all of their songs from their own POV - same with those who make movies, or write books (unless they're autobiographies, of course). It's a complete fabrication to assume that every artist's lyrics are a direct reflection of what they have done personally, and/or how they feel personally.

I thought Trump's comments were boorish and misogynistic. Trump WAS speaking about personal feelings, unlike Jay Z. You wouldn't have gotten a peep out of me if all Trump wanted to do was write songs and say that in a song, or even if he just said it as a businessman. But I set the bar higher for POTUS.

What blatantly opinionated claptrap! First, JayZ wrote that vulgar crap because he lived it, and believed it..

Trump was a private business mogul when he said it. He had fame and fortune, and commented about his experience with women who react to fame and money.

According to you he should have just rapped it to Billy Bush? You liberals twist logic until it’s laughable nonsense.
Once you come after me ... all bets are off.

But I don't ever remember putting down anyone for the music they like, the cars they drive or the Women they marry ...

Are you still fishing or have you given up?

Sorry liar but you came after me long before I retaliated. So tell your lies to your idiot racist pals.
LOL...I guess I must have struck a nerve when I mentioned two of his favorite "songs"...

According to liberals, Trump should have rapped his comment to Billy Bush.

ive put one together so that the hypocritical senses of liberals might be assuaged. Please forgive my first try.

When you got your riches you can grab some bitches
It don’t get messy they give up that pussy
Its your gift that fame makes real
They throw that shit up
and you cop your feel.
Once you come after me ... all bets are off.

But I don't ever remember putting down anyone for the music they like, the cars they drive or the Women they marry ...

Are you still fishing or have you given up?
Hmmm...I guess I should have noticed that you "specified" those three things. In that case, you didn't respond to my post. I was suggesting that you share J's "music" with your family. Would you? I don't fish, and I certainly don't "give up"..lol That's even silly of you to suggest...
Hmmm...I guess I should have noticed that you "specified" those three things. In that case, you didn't respond to my post. I was suggesting that you share J's "music" with your family. Would you? I don't fish, and I certainly don't "give up"..lol That's even silly of you to suggest...

Actually no I don't, but his choice to make a living is choice.

My choice is to buy or not buy ... see how this works?
According to liberals, Trump should have rapped his comment to Billy Bush.

ive put one together so that the hypocritical senses of liberals might be assuaged. Please forgive my first try.

When you got your riches you can grab some bitches
It don’t get messy they give up that pussy
Its your gift that fame makes real
They throw that shit up
and you cop your feel.
Not bad for a first try...Not exactly up to J's B...tches and Sisters, or P....y, but pretty fly for a white guy, first try:)
Actually no I don't, but his choice to make a living is choice.

My choice is to buy or not buy ... see how this works?
Ok...so you won't condemn language like that because you can choose to avoid it. Got it...
What blatantly opinionated claptrap! First, JayZ wrote that vulgar crap because he lived it, and believed it..

Trump was a private business mogul when he said it. He had fame and fortune, and commented about his experience with women who react to fame and money.

According to you he should have just rapped it to Billy Bush?
You liberals twist logic until it’s laughable nonsense.

Where did I say the bolded?

When you run for President, everything you've said is on the table. It will be that way if Jay Z ever runs.

Like I said before: let me know when that happens.