Jay Z blasts Donald Trump

Where did I say the bolded?

When you run for President, everything you've said is on the table. It will be that way if Jay Z ever runs.

Like I said before: let me know when that happens.

You wouldn't have gotten a peep out of me if all Trump wanted to do was write songs and say that in a song,”
You wouldn't have gotten a peep out of me if all Trump wanted to do was write songs and say that in a song,”

Exactly. But he went beyond that - he decided to run for President.

This shouldn't be that hard to understand: I set a higher bar for POTUS. You should too.
Exactly. But he went beyond that - he decided to run for President.

This shouldn't be that hard to understand: I set a higher bar for POTUS. You should too.

BS! He commented about what groupies let you do. Trump did not invent groupies. He is certainly not the first guy to brag about what groupies let a guy do, and he likely won’t be the last. JayZ rapping about hood groupies is the same thing.
I honestly don't care, if it's something you deeply care about, then do something.
I was simply trying to figure out why p...sy, etc. is ok for some to use (and some to use quite a bit) but not for others. I understand. You just have two different sets of rules...
BS! He commented about what groupies let you do. Trump did not invent groupies. He is certainly not the first guy to brag about what groupies let a guy do, and he likely won’t be the last. JayZ rapping about hood groupies is the same thing.

Re: the latter. It sort of is, and I'm happy to concede the point - but you do not know that for sure. As I said, artists more often than not write about the experiences of others. Trump was clearly talking about himself.

But regardless, it's not the "same thing" because Jay Z didn't run for President. If he ever does, he'll have to answer for every lyric he has put out there. Until then, I set a higher bar for POTUS than I do for rappers. You should too.
Re: the latter. It sort of is, and I'm happy to concede the point - but you do not know that for sure. As I said, artists more often than not write about the experiences of others. Trump was clearly talking about himself.

But regardless, it's not the "same thing" because Jay Z didn't run for President. If he ever does, he'll have to answer for every lyric he has put out there. Until then, I set a higher bar for POTUS than I do for rappers. You should too.

Jay Z has acknowledged his personal experiences. Criminal records attest to its likeliness.

Trump did answer to it- like you with Jay Z, his voters didn’t hold it against him.
Butthurt 101: If an artists starts bugging you just because he speaks out against the government, or it's leader, don't forget how you acted with the last leader yourselves.

I guess I really could condemn most republicans under this logic, since it was all you people seemed to do under Obama, and still somehow do it to Obama, under Trump. I'm not going to, so grow up losers. I can shop at walmart, I like Papa Johns pizza, I still like Star Wars despite the new movies sucking. If you have to boycott, hate on, or shame yourself with other piddly responses of butthurt, for everyone that does something that makes you tighten your sphincters, you'll be left with nothing eventually.
Jay Z has acknowledged his personal experiences. Criminal records attest to its likeliness.

Trump did answer to it- like you with Jay Z, his voters didn’t hold it against him.

Trump's voters have a lower standard for POTUS than I do. That's really all that's important.
Re: the latter. It sort of is, and I'm happy to concede the point - but you do not know that for sure. As I said, artists more often than not write about the experiences of others. Trump was clearly talking about himself.

But regardless, it's not the "same thing" because Jay Z didn't run for President. If he ever does, he'll have to answer for every lyric he has put out there. Until then, I set a higher bar for POTUS than I do for rappers. You should too.

What makes you so sure he was talking about himself? He said - they let you - - not they let me.
How noble you sound.

I don't know if it's necessarily noble - but I do think Trump's brand of boorishness and amorality can filter down. I think we have seen that in the national discourse since he was elected.

What has really surprised me is how quick most in the GOP were to abandon things that they had professed were so important before, particularly in the areas of morality, fidelity and honesty.
Let's just say that chances of Bourbon's kids hearing J-Zs "Smile" are more likely than them hearing what President Trump might have said.
"Mama had four kids, but she's a lesbian/had to pretend so long that she's a thespian"...Is that J awesome, or what? Just one lyrical surprise after another:)
So, I'm not why that doesn't concern him...
I don't know if it's necessarily noble - but I do think Trump's brand of boorishness and amorality can filter down. I think we have seen that in the national discourse since he was elected.

What has really surprised me is how quick most in the GOP were to abandon things that they had professed were so important before, particularly in the areas of morality, fidelity and honesty.

Seriously? It’s trickled down? It’s Trumps fault? The discourse from liberal America prior to Trump, was filled with ugly rhetoric. Rap music and its adherents pre-date Trump. The far left had no problem with nasty language, and sexually vulgar content in public much earlier than Trump.
Seriously? It’s trickled down? It’s Trumps fault? The discourse from liberal America prior to Trump, was filled with ugly rhetoric. Rap music and its adherents pre-date Trump. The far left had no problem with nasty language, and sexual used public content much earlier than Trump.

I didn't say it was ALL Trump's fault, but he has changed the discourse. People have a misconception of what "PC" is, but certainly many have expressed that Trump has freed them up to say what they really feel, whether it's about women, race, immigrants, et al.

I don't think it's really too disputable that the childish, insulting nature of his near-constant tweeting has had an effect. If you don't see POTUS as setting any kind of example in that regard, we'll really just have to disagree on that.