JD Vance breaks polling records in the worst way

I’m actually considering voting for Trump for the first time. I just wish he was better at communicating his policies and contrasting them with the shadow Obama administration.
FFS, I could do better. He comes across as sophomoric.
I never doubted you're a through and through MAGAt, Obte. :)
Wishy washy is better than what Pedo Don has brought to the Republican Party. Nikki's PAC is supporting Harris because Nikki isn't on the ballot. If she was, I suspect they'd return to her.

Our nation is better served by two viable, stable political parties. Not just one party as the Trumpers want nor an insane party like the Party of Trump has proven to be. While I appreciate the bleeding heart, nurturing, mothering aspect of the Democratic Party, I'd rather vote for a party that supports personal accountability, national defense and a stable national economy. Unfortunately, We, the People, don't have such a party and haven't had it since the 1990s.

The Party of Trump is truly a danger to the American Republic and the Great Experiment. There's no way I could support such a party.
Supporting Trump shows a lack of character, even worse when you come at him full force, then turn around and endorse him. She has no spine, no moral character.
Supporting Trump shows a lack of character, even worse when you come at him full force, then turn around and endorse him. She has no spine, no moral character.
Let it go. She’s not running for anything
Supporting Trump shows a lack of character, even worse when you come at him full force, then turn around and endorse him. She has no spine, no moral character.
From another poster: “Cackler harris basically called joe biden a racist during their debate, but lo and behold she obviously wasn't worried about
her calling him a racist (although she was right about joe being a racist) once biden picked the ho for his veep. “

That’s normal behavior for typical politicians. It’s why I respect Lisa, Collins, and Liz Cheney, et al.
Why don’t you openly admit you’re a wokeratus antifa/BLM supporting domestic terrorist ? You make it obvious. FFS your e-lover Bowel/Phantasal isn’t afraid to.
Because that'd be a lie, Obte. You're the proven liar here, son. Your obsession with this proves that you are Perry PhD.
Supporting Trump shows a lack of character, even worse when you come at him full force, then turn around and endorse him. She has no spine, no moral character.

OTOH, I see her trying to stay relevant in the Republican Party. It can't be easy being a both a woman and non-white in the Party of Trump.

Her actions are one reason why I was never active in the political side of my union and chose to remain apolitical by sticking with Safety. I've seen situations where we were severely outvoted by the airlines, the airport and the Feds. Usually the Feds were pretty good about safety, but there's politics there too. The airlines and the airport are motivated by money. A federal meetings were by-invitation-only. Make too much of a fuss runs the risk of being disinvited. Although rare, since the Feds really are interested in safety over money, in such situations we could choose to quiet down and try to mitigate the damage from the inside or get tossed out and be left tossing rocks from the outside.

As you might know, I can be a bit combative at times, but, even though I didn't like it, understood the logic of mitigating the damage from the inside. That said, I drew the line at actually agreeing with bullshit. I simply abstained. Is that spineless? Lacking moral character? Not in my opinion. It was simply pragmatic given the circumstances.

Remember when GW Bush had to go general shopping to invade Iraq? Several generals resigned into retirement rather than follow orders of leading an invasion of another country. Some stayed for the reason mentioned above: trying to mitigate the damage, such as protect the troops, from the inside.

IMO, Nikki is doing the same.
Yet your e-lover is BowelWoman/Phantasmal.
And the misogynist's obsession with your betters continues apace....

The last time I laughed at him was this…

Now I just pity him.
You actually thought that flaccid juvenile attempt at comedy by Perry the PhD was genuinely funny and clever?

I was always told that rightwingers aren't funny, and lack any sensibility for comedic talent. It's probably why you see very few professional rightwing comedians on the comedy circuit.
You actually thought that flaccid juvenile attempt at comedy by Perry the PhD was genuinely funny and clever?

I was always told that rightwingers aren't funny, and lack any sensibility for comedic talent. It's probably why you see very few professional rightwing comedians on the comedy circuit.
Obte claimed it as his own. Funny how the meme was deleted from Perry's files but Anymouse still has it in his.
Oh, I remember that flaccid attempt at clever comedy was originally by Perry the PhD. It's weird that anymoose would have made it a point to keep Perry the PhD's image.
Exactly. Very odd. Notice how off "they" gave each other virtual handies, agreed with "each other" and used many of the same personal attacks.
I would have never guessed Anymoose was a sock puppet of Perry the PhD, but stranger things have happened on JPP dot com.
It's certainly an odd couple, but like you said, stranger things have happened.

OTOH, their hatred of you and me, their use of the same insults/personal attacks and their general lack of intelligence and education indicate they're close in some way. Maybe they just like swapping dick pics and virtual spit together like more MAGAt incels?
It's certainly an odd couple, but like you said, stranger things have happened.

OTOH, their hatred of you and me, their use of the same insults/personal attacks and their general lack of intelligence and education indicate they're close in some way. Maybe they just like swapping dick pics and virtual spit together like more MAGAt incels?
I'm not going to begrudge an internet love affair between anymoose and Perry the PhD.

Live and let live is my motto :thumbsup:
I'm not going to begrudge an internet love affair between anymoose and Perry the PhD.

Live and let live is my motto :thumbsup:
The thought of me makes Commander Douche’s balls tingle.
Good. I'd hate to break up a well-paired couple. :)

Good motto!
Appears the well-paired couple are you two this morning. Does Crypiss make your balls tingle when he’s doing his virtual reach around on you?
The thought of me makes Commander Douche’s balls tingle.

Appears the well-paired couple are you two this morning. Does Crypiss make your balls tingle when he’s doing his virtual reach around on you?
Wrong again, Perry. Try sobering up and reading the post again, son....then post so my balls can tingle again. LOL

Here, let me help you so you don't have to stop drinking:
I apparently hit a nerve. Ouch!
No, but you certainly made my balls tingle when you revealed your sock:
