Jeramiah Wright the Willie Hortin of 2008.

Side note... I did ASSUME you meant something else by that, but to be honest I still have not figured out what.

Ill explain it another time when I am more alert. But basically I mean that this is an attempt to inject people's greatest fears about black people into the presidental race. Many fear ALL blacks are racist against whites, like J. Wright seems to be. If you can tie a black canidate to J.W. you are playing on those racist fears.
I often listen to him. He is entertaining and although I disagree with him, he understands the political process well, and he understands the right wing.

I am overtired today... Up three times with the kids. The two year old is going through a whining phase.

I wonder which parent he gets THAT from?
So all the crying about the Reps playing mean wasn't whining. Gotcha.

No, it was serious intelectual conversation about abuse of the political process and a cynical taking advantage of the fears of many Americans.

To me thats not whining.