John Edwards To Appear on Maury Povich


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WASHINGTON - Former Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards on Friday admitted to an extramarital affair while his wife was battling cancer. He denied fathering the woman's daughter.

Edwards told ABC News that he lied repeatedly about the affair with a 42-year-old woman but said that he didn't love her. He said he has not taken a paternity test but knows he isn't the father because of the timing of the affair and the birth.

ABC said a former Edwards campaign staffer claims he is the father, not Edwards.

In 2006, Edwards' political action committee paid $100,000 in a four-month span to a newly formed firm run by Rielle Hunter, who directed the production of just four Web videos, one a mere 2 1/2 minutes long.

Hunter's daughter, Frances Quinn Hunter, was born on Feb. 27, 2008, and no father's name is given on the birth certificate filed in California.

Edwards was a top contender for the Democratic nomination for president. He placed second in the Iowa caucuses last January but dropped out of the race a few weeks later.

Edwards, a former senator from North Carolina, was the Democratic nominee for vice president in 2004

I don’t know why you’re laughing. We nominated the guy who has only been married once and doesn’t cheat on his wife.

You can’t say the same.

You’d have a lot more to laugh about if Edwards had been the nominee, because this could have called the election.
He is also going to appear on Nightline tonight. ANd he will expect everyone to believe that the affair really did end in 2006 and the baby is not his.

Pffft... whatever.
"I don’t know why you’re laughing. "

Superfreak is a hater, specifically an Edwards hater. This is a big "I told you he was the sleaze of the earth" moment for him, even though he adores & worships his Messiah, who also had an extramarital affair, but "changed" since then.
"I don’t know why you’re laughing. "

Superfreak is a hater, specifically an Edwards hater. This is a big "I told you he was the sleaze of the earth" moment for him, even though he adores & worships his Messiah, who also had an extramarital affair, but "changed" since then.

So he says. Everyone dismissed that Ny Times story. I didn’t. (it was glaringly obvious McCain was lying when he addressed it, stuttering, that day) McCain has a blonde lobbyist in his closet, a lot more recent than what he did to his crippled ex wife 30 years ago. Let’s see if she stays in the closet between now and November.
Wow this is really sort of a downer. I don't like the guy's economic politics but he seemed a real genuine sorta guy. I wonder what Mrs Edwards will do now?

As a side, i told you that the Enquirer is not always lying about shtuff.
in 2006, misconduct took place between john edwards and rheele who is 42 of ages and preiviously had a child, however john edwards denies fathering child, in the course of seven campagins edwards have been coming complety narcissictict, and has embarssed his party and the american people will never forgive him. i think john edwards is a total fraud. its a cult of personality, we feed into it, and to the detriment of policts because guys like edwards think their begger than life
why should we be trsuting to policitians i mean, edwards was asked 2 months before the iowa caucus if he had an affair and he lied. what hypocrisy. and while his wife was bedridden
who cares about what hes doing. I just think its funny when these guys get outed and it upsets people who really liked them. just last week one of the turbo dems on here was ribbing me for posting a national enquirer rumor about it.

moral of the story is all these fuckers have skeletons and have no business preaching any moral or ideals onto us.
John Edwards To Appear on Maury Povich..

Thats pretty funny dung....

I can hear Maury now.
"The envelope please"........"John.....You ARE the father of little ...... "
John Edwards To Appear on Maury Povich..

Thats pretty funny dung....

I can hear Maury now.
"The envelope please"........"John.....You ARE the father of little ...... "

LOL that's funny

I'm sure he'll be a good dad. Hey, you know, I shouldn't judge John. His wife is dying and he needs to have a plan for the future. I guess it's what seperates a simpleton like me and someone super smart like John. I'd be sitting like a puppy at the side of my spouse. Dumb, huh?
His wife is pretty ugly.
So is his Mistress, and his poker face is teh suxor. The only things I believe is true in his admission are:

1. He slept around on his cancer-ridden wife.
2. He thought he was special.
3. He passed the slut around to campaign staff (the guy who 'admits' to fathering the child is a campaign staffer.)

I don't know that he isn't the father, that may also be true. I also don't believe he was in the hotel to "keep it a secret" just a few weeks ago. Nobody is stupid enough to actually spend time alone in a hotel room with his mistress knowing the National Enquirer is following them around in order to "keep it a secret".
This seems to be a typical behavior for Democrat superstars (Clinton, Kennedy,etc). I wonder if Obama is a good liar too? How can we tell anymore? Let's hope he confesses if he's got a lovechild
2 words.

Newt Gingrich.

So you think, Obama's a good liar too? I know Newt is a scumbag. That's why he's on board with the global warming scam. Newt wasn't considered for president though, was he? And if he was, did he lie right to the camera after the truth of his infidelity was revealed? If Newt ever did such a thing as well, that's exactly why I would never trust Newt in the same way I could never trust John Edwards. I'm sure John is a great guy to hang out with but I wouldn't want to have to trust him for anything.
So is his Mistress, and his poker face is teh suxor. The only things I believe is true in his admission are:

1. He slept around on his cancer-ridden wife.
2. He thought he was special.
3. He passed the slut around to campaign staff (the guy who 'admits' to fathering the child is a campaign staffer.)

I don't know that he isn't the father, that may also be true. I also don't believe he was in the hotel to "keep it a secret" just a few weeks ago. Nobody is stupid enough to actually spend time alone in a hotel room with his mistress knowing the National Enquirer is following them around in order to "keep it a secret".

What a disgusting conversation.

I don't think either of the women are "ugly", but this conversation certainly is.