John Edwards To Appear on Maury Povich

Only you said I enforced it on others. I simply follow it, others sometimes get upset.

You again are assuming, because you desperately want to pretend I am "evil" for some reason. It isn't me who said one woman was disgusting for doing it, but not another. Neither of these women are "disgusting", they are simply less attractive to me. As I said previously. Disgusting is sleeping around on a dying wife. Or sleeping with a dying wife's husband.
Only you said I enforced it on others. I simply follow it, others sometimes get upset.

You again are assuming, because you desperately want to pretend I am "evil" for some reason. It isn't me who said one woman was disgusting for doing it, but not another. Neither of these women are "disgusting", they are simply less attractive to me. As I said previously. Disgusting is sleeping around on a dying wife. Or sleeping with a dying wife's husband.

I personally think that if you are going to enforce strict moral standards, they should be for Republicans too. I'm sorry if it bothers you that I feel compelled to point out that runaround Johnny and his former mistress don't make the cut under those standards, but that's too bad.

This isn't about you and your wonderfulness.

There's one reason why this is an issue. He would have lost us the election had he been nominated.

Nobody cares what my personal moral standards are, anymore than they care what yours are. Give it a rest.
I personally think that if you are going to enforce strict moral standards, they should be for Republicans too. I'm sorry if it bothers you that I feel compelled to point out that runaround Johnny and his former mistress don't make the cut under those standards, but that's too bad.

This isn't about you and your wonderfulness.

There's one reason why this is an issue. He would have lost us the election had he been nominated.

Nobody cares what my personal moral standards are, anymore than they care what yours are. Give it a rest.

I agree with that. I think If I am going to "enforce" strict moral standards they should be for republicans too. However, I don't enforce any moral standards except on myself. If you don't care you've sure spent a ton of time trying to dehumanize me for them for no reason whatsoever.

This is a discussion in which personal ethics can take a salient role, if you are uninterested then, instead of pushing yours onto me, don't participate. If you are interested in something other than trying to bash me, you can try asking questions, I'll answer, maybe ask a question or two of my own. It will be this newfangled thing called a "conversation". Come on, say it slowly with me... "Con-Ver-Say-Shun"....

When we are done we can maybe have a better understanding of each other that will never come from assumption and innuendo, or an attempt to justify or make oneself feel better at the supposed expense of another.
I agree with that. I think If I am going to "enforce" strict moral standards they should be for republicans too. However, I don't enforce any moral standards except on myself. If you don't care you've sure spent a ton of time trying to dehumanize me for them for no reason whatsoever.

This is a discussion in which personal ethics can take a salient role, if you are uninterested then, instead of pushing yours onto me, don't participate. If you are interested in something other than trying to bash me, you can try asking questions, I'll answer, maybe ask a question or two of my own. It will be this newfangled thing called a "conversation". Come on, say it slowly with me... "Con-Ver-Say-Shun"....

When we are done we can maybe have a better understanding of each other that will never come from assumption and innuendo, or an attempt to justify or make oneself feel better at the supposed expense of another.

Here's my understanding: Men are pigs.

Men who say "oh his wife forgave him", are pigs, men who say "everyone does it" are pigs, and men who call the women involved "sluts" are pigs.

Questions, comments?
I don't know about pigs? we sure have some neanderthal dumbfucks on this board though.
Half of these dweebs who say they would condem a family member for infidelity have nave seen a woman naked. the other half can't believe their fat wife actually sleeps with them.
Edwards is still a phoney, and Cypress is more crushed than when the band RAT split up.
Here's my understanding: Men are pigs.

Men who say "oh his wife forgave him", are pigs, men who say "everyone does it" are pigs, and men who call the women involved "sluts" are pigs.

Questions, comments?

Men often are pigs (read: sluts), but often so are women. Here is my question for you. Previously you made a point of telling me how I should continue to be friends with people who put me into situations where I violate my own morality (admittedly left-handedly by pointing out how terrible I was for not keeping close contact with a brother who would do something like that to me, and how you keep a collection of friends that have done so, and then promoting a belief in how much better you were than me because of such), why should I do such a thing? Where should I compromise my morality for such a "friend"?
Men often are pigs, but often so are women. Here is my question for you. Previously you made a point of telling me how I should continue to be friends with people who put me into situations where I violate my own morality, why should I do such a thing?

No I didn't. Previously you made the claim that you would stop being friends with someone who committed an infidelity. And I said, I don't have any friends who would stop speaking to a sibling over a marital infidelity (which I think is ridiculous) Then, you added to it and said that your brother was trying to get you to cheat too.

Personally, for my own tastes, I like a man confident enough in himself and in our relationship, that he can be around his friends regardless of what they are doing, or "trying to get him to do". I'm not insecure enough to keep him away from his friends, nor try to. I don't think he's insecure or immature enough to do something because his friends are pressuring him to. He's way too manly for that crap. That's how I like them. That's just me. To each their own.
No I didn't. Previously you made the claim that you would stop being friends with someone who committed an infidelity. And I said, I don't have any friends who would stop speaking to a sibling over a marital infidelity (which I think is ridiculous) Then, you added to it and said that your brother was trying to get you to cheat too.

Personally, for my own tastes, I like a man confident enough in himself and in our relationship, that he can be around his friends regardless of what they are doing, or "trying to get him to do". I'm not insecure enough to keep him away from his friends, nor try to. I don't think he's insecure or immature enough to do something because his friends are pressuring him to. He's way too manly for that crap. That's how I like them. That's just me. To each their own.

Regardless of whether my brother was asking me to cheat with him, it was enough that he wanted to me help him hide his infidelity. This is more than enough for me to feel uncomfortable around a "friend" who would expect something like that from me.

It really has nothing to do with "manly" or whether I felt tempted to "cheat" (didn't). How often a man will help a "friend" lie to a spouse is not the measure of manliness I will ever portray. I prefer to remove the conflict than to help such, regardless of whether I would feel tempted.
Regardless of whether my brother was asking me to cheat with him, it was enough that he wanted to me help him hide his infidelity. This is more than enough for me to feel uncomfortable around a "friend" who would expect something like that from me.

It really has nothing to do with "manly" or whether I felt tempted to "cheat" (didn't). How often a man will help a "friend" lie to a spouse is not the measure of manliness I will ever portray. I prefer to remove the conflict than to help such, regardless of whether I would feel tempted.

Well, if he's asking you to be part of his cover story, and thereby, asking you to lie for him, that's a different issue. I would just say, no. My brother did that, and my other brother lied for him, even to me. I thought they both looked like a couple of assholes when it all came out, as it all always does. But, his wife cheats too. That's how a lot of people choose to live. It doesn't involve me and never will, so I really don't care what they do. I don't have to avoid being around them, because they would never ask me to lie for them, because they know I would just look at them and say "No". I think they're missing out on some of the best stuff in life, but that's what they want, so whatever.
Well, if he's asking you to be part of his cover story, and thereby, asking you to lie for him, that's a different issue. I would just say, no. My brother did that, and my other brother lied for him, even to me. I thought they both looked like a couple of assholes when it all came out, as it all always does. But, his wife cheats too. That's how a lot of people choose to live. It doesn't involve me and never will, so I really don't care what they do. I don't have to avoid being around them, because they would never ask me to lie for them, because they know I would just look at them and say "No". I think they're missing out on some of the best stuff in life, but that's what they want, so whatever.

I wouldn't put a friend of mine in a situation where I believe they would be in a moral quandary, nor do I think a person who would do that to me is a "friend". Just telling him "no" made it so he doesn't contact me, and we have politeness between us at family gatherings.

Pretending I am some sort of ogre because I wouldn't continue to put myself into such a situation is, again, a value judgment that you place on me. You want me to seem "evil" in some way for my opinion of those who would put me into such a situation. If my "friends" are my friends they will know not to put me into such a situation, that my brother did was disconcerting at the least.

To aid in harming another in such a manner will never be someplace I will willingly go, and to continue to "aid" them through my own silence is just as disconcerting. It is far better to withdraw, and to find friends who value me for what I am, than it is to violate my morality for another.

Had my brother asked for help in resolving the conflict in himself, had there been something more than an expectation of complicity I would have been there for him. It was not such a promising scenario.
"I don’t know why you’re laughing. "

Superfreak is a hater, specifically an Edwards hater. This is a big "I told you he was the sleaze of the earth" moment for him, even though he adores & worships his Messiah, who also had an extramarital affair, but "changed" since then.

oh come on. the Maury Povich thing was hilarious!

I looooove those shows!!!!!!!!!!
My favorite part is where Damocles says that Edwards "passed the slut around" as if Edwards were just tossing around a football or a passing around a bottle of booze.

Note to Damocles: women are people, not objects.

Damo pwnt.:eek:
I wouldn't put a friend of mine in a situation where I believe they would be in a moral quandary, nor do I think a person who would do that to me is a "friend". Just telling him "no" made it so he doesn't contact me, and we have politeness between us at family gatherings.

Pretending I am some sort of ogre because I wouldn't continue to put myself into such a situation is, again, a value judgment that you place on me. You want me to seem "evil" in some way for my opinion of those who would put me into such a situation. If my "friends" are my friends they will know not to put me into such a situation, that my brother did was disconcerting at the least.

To aid in harming another in such a manner will never be someplace I will willingly go, and to continue to "aid" them through my own silence is just as disconcerting. It is far better to withdraw, and to find friends who value me for what I am, than it is to violate my morality for another.

Had my brother asked for help in resolving the conflict in himself, had there been something more than an expectation of complicity I would have been there for him. It was not such a promising scenario.

Damo did you major in Drama in college? Head of the Drama Club in high school? Anything like that?

The neanderthals around here remind me of a cover of "Watchtower" magazine I once saw. Two clean cut men in suits at a bar, trying to mind their own business, and a woman in a low-cut red dress with long hair, and red lipstick on, swinging her leg as she was sitting there at the bar, tempting them into evil.

It's always the women's fault.
Damo did you major in Drama in college? Head of the Drama Club in high school? Anything like that?

No, did you?

I've simply taken your posts as another chance at introspection, to clarify for myself what steps took me to the place I wound up.

First you attempted to tell me I was horrid because I think people who do these things are "less attractive", then you told me that I was terrible because I believe life is too short to continually put myself into situations that are uncomfortable morally for me. Then you told me that I was some sort of hypocrite because I wouldn't reject friendship with people who are males who would do this, then when you found out you were wrong you tried to say I was forcing people into some sort of moral code of my own devising, then when that was found to be wrong you attempted to say I was a bad person for not wanting to be around people who would put me into such situations.... life is too short for such things (yes, I said that one earlier and still believe it to be so)....

On and on and on as you attempt to twist my actions into something "evil", I just clarify as these bold statements of my "evilness" bring forward questions that I ask myself, putting it into words helps to clarify to myself where I stand and why.

I simply take the chance to either solidify and verify my beliefs and actions, or to question them and change them if I believe myself to be too cemented into something that may be wrong or too compartmentalized. I like these chances to look into myself, to find flaw and/or to refine my explanations.

Even if it comes in such a manner that makes anonymous internet posters think me "evil", it is certainly a grand opportunity and I should pay attention and take the opportunity.

In short: Thank you for the opportunity at introspection and for continuing a healthy conversation that allows for such an opportunity.
The neanderthals around here remind me of a cover of "Watchtower" magazine I once saw. Two clean cut men in suits at a bar, trying to mind their own business, and a woman in a low-cut red dress with long hair, and red lipstick on, swinging her leg as she was sitting there at the bar, tempting them into evil.

It's always the women's fault.

I'm not very Biblical, but doesn't Eve get the blame for leading Adam astray?

It's just always been that way. I'm always amazed when I hear that the way a victim dresses or behaves is somehow admissable in rape trials.
No, did you? (Another "I know you are but what am I?" comeback)

I've simply taken your posts as another chance at introspection, to clarify for myself what steps took me to the place I wound up. (Really, no drama class, huh?)

First you attempted to tell me I was horrid because I think people who do these things are "less attractive", (You can keep saying this as much as you want, but the truth is on the thread for anyone to see. I told you you were fucking disgusting for claiming that "Edwards passed the slut around". Stop lying) then you told me that I was terrible because I believe life is too short to continually put myself into situations that are uncomfortable morally for me. (I said you are an santimonious prick if you end friendships because your friend cheated on their spouse, I still hold that opinion.) Then you told me that I was some sort of hypocrite because I wouldn't reject friendship with people who are males who would do this, then when you found out you were wrong you tried to say I was forcing people into some sort of moral code of my own devising, then when that was found to be wrong you attempted to say I was a bad person for not wanting to be around people who would put me into such situations.... life is too short for such things (yes, I said that one earlier and still believe it to be so)....

On and on and on as you attempt to twist my actions into something "evil", I just clarify as these bold statements of my "evilness" bring forward questions that I ask myself. (I've never called you evil, ever. This is more drama on your part, and also a very incorrect use of quotation marks)

I simply take the chance to either solidify and verify my beliefs and actions, or to question them and change them if I believe myself to be too cemented into something that may be wrong or too compartmentalized. I like these chances to look into myself, to find flaw and/or to refine my explanations. Even if it comes in such a manner, it is certainly a grand opportunity. (Umm, yeah, Ok. You're deep, and not at all sanctomonious or dramatic. )

I'm not very Biblical, but doesn't Eve get the blame for leading Adam astray?

It's just always been that way. I'm always amazed when I hear that the way a victim dresses or behaves is somehow admissable in rape trials.

Yes, I guess that it all started with Eve, and Damo...err I mean Adam.