John Edwards To Appear on Maury Povich


I don't know about pigs? we sure have some neanderthal dumbfucks on this board though.
Half of these dweebs who say they would condem a family member for infidelity have nave seen a woman naked. the other half can't believe their fat wife actually sleeps with them.

Edwards is still a phoney, and Cypress is more crushed than when the band RAT split up.

Topspin, don’t be hatin’ on Ratt. Ratt was off the hook, and far better than that REO Speedwagon crap you had on your eight-track player.

I like this one. As a matter of fact, I harrassed my brother for cheating on his wife. He no longer speaks to me and I don't bother to worry about it. I don't know who he is anymore anyway. Enablers like you make me laugh. You don't have the courage to tell people what you think... unless you're a ******* too. that would explain it.

Wow, you're a hero! You disowned your brother! How many immoral acts have you committed, not including your two votes for Bush, and your cheerleading for the Iraq War? How many people died because of your voting choices, and blind support of an unneccessary war?

Jesus, bring out the clowns. See, this is the kind of rightwing nonsense that I’ve lost all tolerance for. This isn’t a good use of my time. I've actually lost valuable hours of my life reading the mindless crap that Tinfoil, Bravo, Dixie, Superfreak, Battleborne, Little Acorn, Jollie, WRL et al have put up here. Good God, drug rehab might be a better use of my time! This sexist crap, racist crap, war mongering crap, and islamophobia comes almost universally from the rightwing. On this board or any other. Whether it’s Cons giggling about Elizabeth Edwards being ugly, calling John Edward’s girlfriend a slut, or calling women hos, c*nts and b*tches. Same crap, different day. And please….Edward’s girlfriend got passed around like a cheap bottle of wine? Wow, is this for real? I haven’t heard that line in about 20 years.

Topspin is right about one thing: the wingnuts giggling about how ugly Elizabeth Edwards allegedly is, and bantering about sluts and whores are the dudes who generally ain’t getting any -- or who have limited success with women. There’s nothing wrong with the way Elizabeth Edwards looks. And there’s nothing wrong with John Edward’s girlfriend either. She looks fine to me. She’s not a slut, or a bad person for sleeping with a married man. I’m not going to fess up to anything, but let’s just say that a lot of single adult men have slept with a married woman at some point in their lifetimes. And every man is lying, if he hasn’t at least fantasized about hooking up with the hot, bored blonde housewife. Jesus, how many porno movies have been made with that shopworn theme? (Cawacko would know, probably) I’ve had a couple girlfriends who, at some point in their single adult life, had a tryst with a married man. Big freaking deal, I didn’t care. I would be more disturbed about their moral judgment if they voted for and supported a president who ordered illegal torture, or if they thought children of migrant workers should be denied medical treatment. Let the rightwing evangelical preachers do the scolding and moralistic lecturing -- they pull it off better than us!
Here’s a clue white dudes: No one’s asking us to be perfect, but at least make attempts to hide your misogyny and keep your overt objectification of women in the closet. You might get a date! Women who have a tryst with a married man are not necessarily bad people…although, the argument can be made that two-time Bush voters are immoral people. Y’all feel free, however, to continue to mock Superfreak’s repressed gayness. Mocking the lack of heterosexual fortitude in another male is still within the bounds of unrefined, yet perfectly acceptable male banter. For the exact same reason that calling Tinfoil a girly man doesn’t mean we hate women, or degrade women. It’s still just considered acceptable and hilarious heterosexual male hazing. Sorry, I don’t make society’s rules, I just follow them!
Topspin, don’t be hatin’ on Ratt. Ratt was off the hook, and far better than that REO Speedwagon crap you had on your eight-track player.

Wow, you're a hero! You disowned your brother! How many immoral acts have you committed, not including your two votes for Bush, and your cheerleading for the Iraq War? How many people died because of your voting choices, and blind support of an unneccessary war?

Jesus, bring out the clowns. See, this is the kind of rightwing nonsense that I’ve lost all tolerance for. This isn’t a good use of my time. I've actually lost valuable hours of my life reading the mindless crap that Tinfoil, Bravo, Dixie, Superfreak, Battleborne, Little Acorn, Jollie, WRL et al have put up here. Good God, drug rehab might be a better use of my time! This sexist crap, racist crap, war mongering crap, and islamophobia comes almost universally from the rightwing. On this board or any other. Whether it’s Cons giggling about Elizabeth Edwards being ugly, calling John Edward’s girlfriend a slut, or calling women hos, c*nts and b*tches. Same crap, different day. And please….Edward’s girlfriend got passed around like a cheap bottle of wine? Wow, is this for real? I haven’t heard that line in about 20 years.

Topspin is right about one thing: the wingnuts giggling about how ugly Elizabeth Edwards allegedly is, and bantering about sluts and whores are the dudes who generally ain’t getting any -- or who have limited success with women. There’s nothing wrong with the way Elizabeth Edwards looks. And there’s nothing wrong with John Edward’s girlfriend either. She looks fine to me. She’s not a slut, or a bad person for sleeping with a married man. I’m not going to fess up to anything, but let’s just say that a lot of single adult men have slept with a married woman at some point in their lifetimes. And every man is lying, if he hasn’t at least fantasized about hooking up with the hot, bored blonde housewife. Jesus, how many porno movies have been made with that shopworn theme? (Cawacko would know, probably) I’ve had a couple girlfriends who, at some point in their single adult life, had a tryst with a married man. Big freaking deal, I didn’t care. I would be more disturbed about their moral judgment if they voted for and supported a president who ordered illegal torture, or if they thought children of migrant workers should be denied medical treatment. Let the rightwing evangelical preachers do the scolding and moralistic lecturing -- they pull it off better than us!
Here’s a clue white dudes: No one’s asking us to be perfect, but at least make attempts to hide your misogyny and keep your overt objectification of women in the closet. You might get a date! Women who have a tryst with a married man are not necessarily bad people…although, the argument can be made that two-time Bush voters are immoral people. Y’all feel free, however, to continue to mock Superfreak’s repressed gayness. Mocking the lack of heterosexual fortitude in another male is still within the bounds of unrefined, yet perfectly acceptable male banter. For the exact same reason that calling Tinfoil a girly man doesn’t mean we hate women, or degrade women. It’s still just considered acceptable and hilarious heterosexual male hazing. Sorry, I don’t make society’s rules, I just follow them!

LOL. Man I totally missed Tinfoil head's posts on this.

I think that you and Onceler take these dopes too seriously. Damo is wound so tightly he's petrified of what he'll do if he ever pops. Tinfoil, I don't think that guy's ever been laid. Totally serious.

So, who cares?
I'm sorry if talking about recent history of notable Democrats is disgusting to you. However, it is current political news.

While I have no real opinion of Edward's wife, other than I think she's been treated terribly and I hope she heals, dumps the jerk, and finds real riches with somebody who helps to heal her soul.... Well, as for the other one, I cannot figure out how people think women who sleep with other women's husbands are all that attractive.
Did you talk this ugly about Vito Fossella, Larry Craig, Mark Foley, Ted Haggard, Jeffrey Patti, who was a republican party chairman that was convicted on child porn charges, not to mention Packwood and Hyde and Bob Livingstone. Your party is every bit as full of sexual miscreants as the Democratic party. This sort of thing is partisan hackery at its best. These are some of the RECENT republican sexual deviants. here for the whole kit and kaboodle in the party. I am not saying that dems are any better but I am not putting a coat of paint on it like you where you are "sorry if talking about recent history of notable Democrats is disgusting" Your party is not pure and chaste. Shit the bulk of your party would not vote for you if you ran for office because of their relgious bigotry so don't pretend that the dems laundry is any dirtier than your "bigot tent" party.
Did you talk this ugly about Vito Fossella, Larry Craig, Mark Foley, Ted Haggard, Jeffrey Patti, who was a republican party chairman that was convicted on child porn charges, not to mention Packwood and Hyde and Bob Livingstone. Your party is every bit as full of sexual miscreants as the Democratic party. This sort of thing is partisan hackery at its best. These are some of the RECENT republican sexual deviants. here for the whole kit and kaboodle in the party. I am not saying that dems are any better but I am not putting a coat of paint on it like you where you are "sorry if talking about recent history of notable Democrats is disgusting" Your party is not pure and chaste. Shit the bulk of your party would not vote for you if you ran for office because of their relgious bigotry so don't pretend that the dems laundry is any dirtier than your "bigot tent" party.
I did. I hate nothing more than seeing the "stand by your man" photo opportunities.
Topspin, don’t be hatin’ on Ratt. Ratt was off the hook, and far better than that REO Speedwagon crap you had on your eight-track player.

Wow, you're a hero! You disowned your brother! How many immoral acts have you committed, not including your two votes for Bush, and your cheerleading for the Iraq War? How many people died because of your voting choices, and blind support of an unneccessary war?

Jesus, bring out the clowns. See, this is the kind of rightwing nonsense that I’ve lost all tolerance for. This isn’t a good use of my time. I've actually lost valuable hours of my life reading the mindless crap that Tinfoil, Bravo, Dixie, Superfreak, Battleborne, Little Acorn, Jollie, WRL et al have put up here. Good God, drug rehab might be a better use of my time! This sexist crap, racist crap, war mongering crap, and islamophobia comes almost universally from the rightwing. On this board or any other. Whether it’s Cons giggling about Elizabeth Edwards being ugly, calling John Edward’s girlfriend a slut, or calling women hos, c*nts and b*tches. Same crap, different day. And please….Edward’s girlfriend got passed around like a cheap bottle of wine? Wow, is this for real? I haven’t heard that line in about 20 years.

Topspin is right about one thing: the wingnuts giggling about how ugly Elizabeth Edwards allegedly is, and bantering about sluts and whores are the dudes who generally ain’t getting any -- or who have limited success with women. There’s nothing wrong with the way Elizabeth Edwards looks. And there’s nothing wrong with John Edward’s girlfriend either. She looks fine to me. She’s not a slut, or a bad person for sleeping with a married man. I’m not going to fess up to anything, but let’s just say that a lot of single adult men have slept with a married woman at some point in their lifetimes. And every man is lying, if he hasn’t at least fantasized about hooking up with the hot, bored blonde housewife. Jesus, how many porno movies have been made with that shopworn theme? (Cawacko would know, probably) I’ve had a couple girlfriends who, at some point in their single adult life, had a tryst with a married man. Big freaking deal, I didn’t care. I would be more disturbed about their moral judgment if they voted for and supported a president who ordered illegal torture, or if they thought children of migrant workers should be denied medical treatment. Let the rightwing evangelical preachers do the scolding and moralistic lecturing -- they pull it off better than us!
Here’s a clue white dudes: No one’s asking us to be perfect, but at least make attempts to hide your misogyny and keep your overt objectification of women in the closet. You might get a date! Women who have a tryst with a married man are not necessarily bad people…although, the argument can be made that two-time Bush voters are immoral people. Y’all feel free, however, to continue to mock Superfreak’s repressed gayness. Mocking the lack of heterosexual fortitude in another male is still within the bounds of unrefined, yet perfectly acceptable male banter. For the exact same reason that calling Tinfoil a girly man doesn’t mean we hate women, or degrade women. It’s still just considered acceptable and hilarious heterosexual male hazing. Sorry, I don’t make society’s rules, I just follow them!

To those who couldn't read through all of the above crap.... it translates to.....

"I am going to pretend to be a champion for the poor, the women and all minorities, because by golly I am full of myself and typing stuff like this makes me feel all warm and special inside..... and oh yeah, I am going to call Superfreak gay again because that makes me feel special using gay as an insult... because that is what I think 'male banter' is all about... calling someone gay... God I am a funny little leg humper"
LOL. Man I totally missed Tinfoil head's posts on this.

I think that you and Onceler take these dopes too seriously. Damo is wound so tightly he's petrified of what he'll do if he ever pops. Tinfoil, I don't think that guy's ever been laid. Totally serious.

So, who cares?

Puhlease. Never get laid? I'm a fucking slut. That's why I'm not married. I like variety. But I'm also honest about it and I don't lie to people.

And as far as my brother, it was his choice to not talk to me after I asked him why he was cheating on his wife. His choice. Do you understand?

So fuck off, you liberal retards. I hope your lovers cheat on you and laugh in your face when you find out.
Puhlease. Never get laid? I'm a fucking slut. That's why I'm not married. I like variety. But I'm also honest about it and I don't lie to people.

And as far as my brother, it was his choice to not talk to me after I asked him why he was cheating on his wife. His choice. Do you understand?

So fuck off, you liberal retards. I hope your lovers cheat on you and laugh in your face when you find out.

You'll be waiting a long time. It's never happened yet darlin. And I mean, never.

You are one sick twist though. Interesting how this thread has shown some very ugly colors.
Sweet I was just phishing on the Rat Cypress!!!!
I totally agree with what Cypress wrote, but I couldnt' have done that many sentences without 40 misspelled words.
You'll be waiting a long time. It's never happened yet darlin. And I mean, never.

You are one sick twist though. Interesting how this thread has shown some very ugly colors.

Yeah, I'm sure your lover is gonna let you know when they're cheating on you. Being that that stuff doesn't bother you, It wouldn't matter anyway, right?
btw maury povich is jewish...........................

just thought i'd throw that out their as a little fact of the day.