Judge orders stop to release of Trump documents

If a goal of the Commission is, as it should be, to get enough evidence to persuade the public of Trump's personal complicity in the attempted assault on Congress itself, not only the Capitol building, the documents may be that evidence.

I never said the documents are irrelevant. Will you illiterate fools please shut the fuck up.
I never said the documents are irrelevant. Will you illiterate fools please shut the fuck up.

Didn’t say you did. Two points on literacy. One is the difference between evidence being necessary and being relevant, which you’ve confused. The second
is your misspelling of “their” in your post that first advanced your argument and which you spelled, “there”. Might also be a good idea to keep your cool.
Didn’t say you did. Two points on literacy. One is the difference between evidence being necessary and being relevant, which you’ve confused. The second
is your misspelling of “their” in your post that first advanced your argument and which you spelled, “there”. Might also be a good idea to keep your cool.

shut up
Hello Martin,

Better for the liberal side of this forum if you did. You’re proof our Righties don’t have exclusive possession of assholes.

I think it's ridiculous to attack right wing posters personally. The left usually has the merit argument sewn up. All that is required is to merely apply the appropriate merit argument and the right is shut down. Going personal only detracts from the best argument, which is the argument of merit. Some of our left wing posters actually hurt their own arguments by going personal. Sad.

Going personal is at best just a petty distraction from the crux of the issues at hand.
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Hello Martin,

QUOTE=martin;4777284]Better for the liberal side of this forum if you did. You’re proof our Righties don’t have exclusive possession of assholes.

I think it's ridiculous to attack right wing posters personally. The left usually has the merit argument sewn up. All that is required is to merely apply the appropriate merit argument and the right is shut down. Going personal only detracts from the best argument, which is the argument of merit. Some of our left wing posters actually hurt their own arguments by going personal. Sad.

Going personal is at best just a petty distraction from the crux of the issues at hand.[/QUOTE]

Personal attack is mainly what they do. Remove "moron" and its synonyms from their debate vocabulary and this would be a one sided forum. Only means that if actual arguments exist for the positions they think they are arguing they haven't learned what those arguments are, though I guess it could also mean if you have a child's mind it's more satisfying to act out than act sensibly.
Hello Martin,

Personal attack is mainly what they do. Remove "moron" and its synonyms from their debate vocabulary and this would be a one sided forum. Only means that if actual arguments exist for the positions they think they are arguing they haven't learned what those arguments are, though I guess it could also mean if you have a child's mind it's more satisfying to act out than act sensibly.

It's easy to argue from the left. All that is required is to find the appropriate facts (which dismantle erroneous arguments from the right) and post them, while showing how they apply.

The right is at a loss to argue the merit on nearly any issue. The facts are not with them. That is why they resort to lies or personal attacks.

There are some posters from the right who are adept at arguing merit, but they are all quite moderate and include almost no Trump supporters.

I agree there are several posters on the left here who actually hurt the position of the left because they go personal too much, which really sadly only erodes any argument of merit. They make the left look so bad it would be better for the left if they simply switched sides.
Agreed. As you already noted, this is strictly procedural. The Trump faction, like Bannon, is hoping to draw out justice until the 2022 election in hopes they can kill the investigation of treason with a Republican Congress.

The Court could have denied the motion on the ground that it lacked any possible merit, a usual standard in injunction appeals, but it's probably better for the appeal to go forward first before the more liberal DC court than to the SC where Trump would have immediately gone and will go next when he loses this first appeal. That will give the justices two long, thought out opinions to deal with.

A federal appeals court on Thursday granted former President Donald Trump's request to pause the release of key White House records from his presidency to the House select committee investigating the January 6 attack on the US Capitol, as he appeals a lower court's decision that he can't claim executive privilege to keep them secret.

Typical Trump, take advantage of our slow system, and desire to ensure justice, so he can delay until the situation changes. If he can delay until the next congress is sworn in, they will likely end the investigation.
Typical Trump, take advantage of our slow system, and desire to ensure justice, so he can delay until the situation changes. If he can delay until the next congress is sworn in, they will likely end the investigation.

Trump isn't that smart. It's Trump's lawyers doing all of this.

A federal appeals court on Thursday granted former President Donald Trump's request to pause the release of key White House records from his presidency to the House select committee investigating the January 6 attack on the US Capitol, as he appeals a lower court's decision that he can't claim executive privilege to keep them secret.

What we are witnessing here is a very dangerous Fascist precedent if this is not stopped dead in it's tracks. If Presidents can no longer claim executive privilege, the Republic is in danger.

Executive Privilege

The doctrine of executive privilege defines the authority of the President to withhold documents or information in his possession or in the possession of the executive branch from compulsory process of the legislative or judicial branch of the government. The Constitution does not expressly confer upon the Executive Branch any such privilege, but it has been claimed that the privilege derives from the constitutional provision of separation of powers and from a necessary and proper concept respecting the carrying out of the duties of the presidency imposed by the Constitution. Historically, assertion of the doctrine has been largely confined to the areas of foreign relations, military affairs, pending investigations, and intragovernmental discussions.


Recognizing that the public has a right to every man's evidence, the Court has held that the President may be required to testify or produce documents in criminal proceedings when called upon by the courts.

There is no criminal case in this debate. Therefore, Trump will prevail and preserve the precedent and continued separation of power. Power grabbing Fascists in the Democratic Party of Lying Jackasses don't care about the Constitution or this Republic. They want to destroy their political opponents and empower themselves over everything else.
The Court could have denied the motion on the ground that it lacked any possible merit, a usual standard in injunction appeals, but it's probably better for the appeal to go forward first before the more liberal DC court than to the SC where Trump would have immediately gone and will go next when he loses this first appeal. That will give the justices two long, thought out opinions to deal with.

I guess we'll see if the Republican activist judges will bow to Trump instead of the American people.
He's afraid of something, but we won't know what until later.

He knows that the dishonest lying hacks in the Democratic Party of Lying Jackasses will use anything they can to destroy their political opponents. There is no criminality involved here and nothing to see.

BUT, to emotionally challenged delusional dumbasses on the left, it's all about TRUMP!!!

"The purpose of this administrative injunction is to protect the court's jurisdiction to address appellant's claims of executive privilege and should not be construed in any way as a ruling on the merits," the panel wrote in a brief two-page order.

Nixon tried to use "executive privilege" to cover up his misdeeds when he actually was President. The Supreme Court didn't uphold it.

This is nothing like Watergate. Nixon was accused of criminality. Trump is being accused of giving a speech in front of protestors.

By the way, the ONLY thing Nixon was guilty of was lying to protect the people who actually broke into the Watergate complex. Watergate was a massive NOTHING burger the Phony media and Democratic Party of Lying Jackasses turned into a massive and divisive impeachment attempt in order to get rid of a very popular President who trounced their idiot douchebag of a candidate.

Th break-in's had ZERO effect on the outcome of a massive landside election. But, as Democratic douchebags like to say, “Never Let A Crisis Go To Waste”, right?