Juicy details or?

The mods here are right wingers, so calling people pedophiles is fine, provided you're a plutocrat. ;)

Except ILA isn't calling howey a pedophile. He's saying howey made sexual comments on this board about a minor, which Howdy did do. Howey has no one to blame but himself here.
By the way, our rules aren't hard to follow. Even some of our dumbest posters manage to obey them just fine without issue. If you're too dumb to follow our rules, its not our fault. We didn't make you that stupid, god did.
I'm bummed about top. I can't imagine what he was thinking. And his ban is too long. But I don't see what the problem with following this rule is. I think some people just can't follow rules. So if you tell them not to do this one thing, then that one thing becomes extraordinarily desirable.
Btw if I had any pull with grind like everyone claims I do, top would not have gotten 60 days. Which I consider a travesty ofjustice. Who is going to make me laugh with detailed posts about what they did to another poster's wife last night? No one. The rest of you don't have the panache to pull it off and it just sounds sleazy.
I'm bummed about top. I can't imagine what he was thinking. And his ban is too long. But I don't see what the problem with following this rule is. I think some people just can't follow rules. So if you tell them not to do this one thing, then that one thing becomes extraordinarily desirable.

more people started calling each other that stuff after we made the rule. it's amazing really.
we usually only make announcements for permas, unless prompted.

dude... after just getting off a ban semi-recently decided it would be a good idea to flat out call someone a pedophile. No dancing around, no cryptic messages, just straight out called someone it.

I dont know why people keep insist on doing this shit. We don't fucking want it on JPP. It's not a hard rule to follow, or something tough to interpret where anybody can fuck up.

Anyone that does that stuff knows what they are doing, so it's kinda hard to have sympathy

99% of the users on here don't have this problem.

I don't know what the solution is though... cause people aren't stopping.

You should have the same rule when someone calls someone else racist without proof. After all it's just as bad an accusation in polite society, and it stops serious debate. Of course, 1/2 the liberals here would be subsequently banned.
You should have the same rule when someone calls someone else racist without proof. After all it's just as bad an accusation in polite society, and it stops serious debate. Of course, 1/2 the liberals here would be subsequently banned.

Did you say something, Racist?
You should have the same rule when someone calls someone else racist without proof. After all it's just as bad an accusation in polite society, and it stops serious debate. Of course, 1/2 the liberals here would be subsequently banned.

no. shut up cracker.
re: dude getting a long ban......that's been our precedent for a while now for really obvious rule breaks by multiple time offenders (personal info/rule 12)

Usually it's 7 days first offense, then 14 (depending on context, but sometimes we skip the 14) then 60, then perma if egregious enough.

dude beens banned quite a few times (pretty sure at least twice before) and as billy said, it's not a hard rule to follow so it's not our fault if you can't keep yourself from doing something obviously against board rules. And if we don't bring the hammer down from time to time you guys will go all tourettes on us and giggle as you take your 7 day vacation from this derpfest.

yeah no one likes it when it's someone they like, but that's the way the cookie crumbles.
re: dude getting a long ban......that's been our precedent for a while now for really obvious rule breaks by multiple time offenders (personal info/rule 12)

Usually it's 7 days first offense, then 14 (depending on context, but sometimes we skip the 14) then 60, then perma if egregious enough.

dude beens banned quite a few times (pretty sure at least twice before) and as billy said, it's not a hard rule to follow so it's not our fault if you can't keep yourself from doing something obviously against board rules. And if we don't bring the hammer down from time to time you guys will go all tourettes on us and giggle as you take your 7 day vacation from this derpfest.

yeah no one likes it when it's someone they like, but that's the way the cookie crumbles.

So how long did you ban him for?

I am supposed to laugh at Tom's "jokes" for how long?
re: dude getting a long ban......that's been our precedent for a while now for really obvious rule breaks by multiple time offenders (personal info/rule 12)

Usually it's 7 days first offense, then 14 (depending on context, but sometimes we skip the 14) then 60, then perma if egregious enough.

dude beens banned quite a few times (pretty sure at least twice before) and as billy said, it's not a hard rule to follow so it's not our fault if you can't keep yourself from doing something obviously against board rules. And if we don't bring the hammer down from time to time you guys will go all tourettes on us and giggle as you take your 7 day vacation from this derpfest.

yeah no one likes it when it's someone they like, but that's the way the cookie crumbles.

I know, I just really don't like that rule. Sometimes I want to whine about it because whining feels good.
Except ILA isn't calling howey a pedophile. He's saying howey made sexual comments on this board about a minor, which Howdy did do. Howey has no one to blame but himself here.

Poor Howey hates being bested by a redneck cracker like me. Very funny.

You are right about my accurate description of Howeys deviant and reprehensible behavior.

I would argue that making sexual comments about underage boys as Howey allegedly did (I did not witness it) is a much worse offense than calling someone a nigger and most thinking people agree.
Btw if I had any pull with grind like everyone claims I do, top would not have gotten 60 days. Which I consider a travesty of justice. Who is going to make me laugh with detailed posts about what they did to another poster's wife last night? No one. The rest of you don't have the panache to pull it off and it just sounds sleazy.

This is why I could never be a mod, I'd shut down threads so fast the board would grind to a halt. Agreed, people shouldn't be calling others "pedophile". But what about all the sleazy, sickening sexual insults to the women on this board that just get a nod and a wink? The "n" word and the other race-based insults? The homosexual insults?

(Grind, no need to jump in and lecture me about how pedophile references are the worst thing you can call someone, I already agree they're bad.) But from a woman's point of view degrading sexist comments are just as bad and there are no shortage of them here. If someone had the bad judgment to make me a mod, several people would have been permabanned for their vulgarity ages ago.