Juicy details or?

darla, for the billionth time, jpp can pretty much never be in legal trouble if someone calls someone else a name. that's between the two parties. sex stuff involving kids though could directly effect JPP (not just the parties) and therefore it's not a road we want to go down.

and yes it's an insult directed towards mostly men on here, but it's also been said the most by men. so we are punishing something that men frequently use to insult others. almost every single person that has been banned for this rule has been a guy. (maineman, howey, 007, thedude..etc) so you can look at it either way.

So you are saying Dumb as dirt Yankee hasn't been banned for this yet?
I figured I did Howie a favor. He was so dumb he linked us all to his personal picture site.

Kinda sorta like when that dried up skag ID posted a picture of Darla from ID's own album and forgot to change the web address...what kind of dumb cow does Ice Dancer have to be to do something as full on retarded that?
Kinda sorta like when that dried up skag ID posted a picture of Darla from ID's own album and forgot to change the web address...what kind of dumb cow does Ice Dancer have to be to do something as full on retarded that?
Oh lookie who's denigrating women again.
They can do it without even mentioning the word, so to me, your reasoning is flawed, but hey, I am not a mod.

we've banned people for not explicitly mentioning the word either. we judge things on a case by case basis and evaluate peoples intentions and what they are conveying.
Why does this fucking thread keep getting closed and then re-opened? Who's the fucking dim-wit who thinks this is a good idea?