Juicy details or?

This is why I could never be a mod, I'd shut down threads so fast the board would grind to a halt. Agreed, people shouldn't be calling others "pedophile". But what about all the sleazy, sickening sexual insults to the women on this board that just get a nod and a wink? The "n" word and the other race-based insults? The homosexual insults?

(Grind, no need to jump in and lecture me about how pedophile references are the worst thing you can call someone, I already agree they're bad.) But from a woman's point of view degrading sexist comments are just as bad and there are no shortage of them here. If someone had the bad judgment to make me a mod, several people would have been permabanned for their vulgarity ages ago.

I couldn't agree more. Yesterday I made the mistake of reading a thread without being signed in (something I hardly do anymore for just this reason, but I forgot), and I learned that I am on here bragging about all the guys I like to fuck! am always on my back! and a bunch of other made-up sexually degrading horseshit. this on a thread that got it's start by degrading Rana -twice! I was really pissed, I almost said something but then said fuck it. But to read the nonsense the male mods post about this bullshit, makes me really angry. To be clear; i am not speaking about posting depictions of sex with children as has been done by very very few posters in the past, and they really stand out, the two I know of being Icedancer and Mainman. I am talking about calling someone a pedophile. Oh shut the fuck up and get over it!

I just could not agree with your post more. And Grind, please do take her advice and don't chime in with your horseshit about it being different. I am so sick and tired of hearing that and I don't buy it and never have. Unless we are talking about actual depictions, i don't buy it, never have, never will.
This is why I could never be a mod, I'd shut down threads so fast the board would grind to a halt. Agreed, people shouldn't be calling others "pedophile". But what about all the sleazy, sickening sexual insults to the women on this board that just get a nod and a wink? The "n" word and the other race-based insults? The homosexual insults?

(Grind, no need to jump in and lecture me about how pedophile references are the worst thing you can call someone, I already agree they're bad.) But from a woman's point of view degrading sexist comments are just as bad and there are no shortage of them here. If someone had the bad judgment to make me a mod, several people would have been permabanned for their vulgarity ages ago.

The pedophile comments have nothing to do with the vulgarity involved and everything to do with where they inevitably have led in the past. Posts would get more detailed and that effectively becomes child erotica, which we do not want and can get the board in trouble. Rape stories, while disgusting, are perfectly legal to publish and therefore cannot get the board in trouble. It's a CYA measure and nothing more.
The pedophile comments have nothing to do with the vulgarity involved and everything to do with where they inevitably have led in the past. Posts would get more detailed and that effectively becomes child erotica, which we do not want and can get the board in trouble. Rape stories, while disgusting, are perfectly legal to publish and therefore cannot get the board in trouble. It's a CYA measure and nothing more.

And what about the numerous sexual slurs like Darla mentioned? Libeling someone as a whore is criminal, too.
And what about the numerous sexual slurs like Darla mentioned? Libeling someone as a whore is criminal, too.

First, libel would have to actually damage her reputation. 2nd, if you want to charge a poster here, go nuts. The board itself doesn't get in trouble.
I couldn't agree more. Yesterday I made the mistake of reading a thread without being signed in (something I hardly do anymore for just this reason, but I forgot), and I learned that I am on here bragging about all the guys I like to fuck! am always on my back! and a bunch of other made-up sexually degrading horseshit. this on a thread that got it's start by degrading Rana -twice! I was really pissed, I almost said something but then said fuck it. But to read the nonsense the male mods post about this bullshit, makes me really angry. To be clear; i am not speaking about posting depictions of sex with children as has been done by very very few posters in the past, and they really stand out, the two I know of being Icedancer and Mainman. I am talking about calling someone a pedophile. Oh shut the fuck up and get over it!

I just could not agree with your post more. And Grind, please do take her advice and don't chime in with your horseshit about it being different. I am so sick and tired of hearing that and I don't buy it and never have. Unless we are talking about actual depictions, i don't buy it, never have, never will.

That's exactly the thread I was thinking of and the sad thing is, it's just one of a long line of similar threads. Why is this okay and how does it advance any discussion going on in the thread? It's nothing but a shitload of gratuitous insults by scum who think they're clever, and are looking to be high-fived by their like-minded buddies.
This is why I could never be a mod, I'd shut down threads so fast the board would grind to a halt. Agreed, people shouldn't be calling others "pedophile". But what about all the sleazy, sickening sexual insults to the women on this board that just get a nod and a wink? The "n" word and the other race-based insults? The homosexual insults?

(Grind, no need to jump in and lecture me about how pedophile references are the worst thing you can call someone, I already agree they're bad.) But from a woman's point of view degrading sexist comments are just as bad and there are no shortage of them here. If someone had the bad judgment to make me a mod, several people would have been permabanned for their vulgarity ages ago.

It's just that they are not illegal Christie. Nothing else.
Words in cyberspace exist forever. And people who don't know you might just think there's a grain of truth in all the dirt.

Well if you find something here that meets the legal burden, like I and Grind, and Soc, and Damo have said before. Call. The. Mother. Fucking. Pigs.
I couldn't agree more. Yesterday I made the mistake of reading a thread without being signed in (something I hardly do anymore for just this reason, but I forgot), and I learned that I am on here bragging about all the guys I like to fuck! am always on my back! and a bunch of other made-up sexually degrading horseshit. this on a thread that got it's start by degrading Rana -twice! I was really pissed, I almost said something but then said fuck it. But to read the nonsense the male mods post about this bullshit, makes me really angry. To be clear; i am not speaking about posting depictions of sex with children as has been done by very very few posters in the past, and they really stand out, the two I know of being Icedancer and Mainman. I am talking about calling someone a pedophile. Oh shut the fuck up and get over it!

I just could not agree with your post more. And Grind, please do take her advice and don't chime in with your horseshit about it being different. I am so sick and tired of hearing that and I don't buy it and never have. Unless we are talking about actual depictions, i don't buy it, never have, never will.

Darla, perhaps you are not aware of how powerful an impact the word in your signature has on the brains and bodies of men? Could it be considered provocative in any way?
I don't mention my penis in many threads, nevermind every post I make.
This is in regards to being called a pedophile. Would also apply to being called a whore.

Three things must transpire for slander to legally occur within most jurisdictions.

1) A spurious and unsupported allegation must be made about a person. (Being called a pedophile certainly fits in this category.)

2) Other people aside from the slanderer and the slandered must hear this allegation. (I.e. If the slanderer and slandered are talking privately and no one can hear, no slander occurred. If the slanderer and slandered are talking in the middle of a shop around numerous customers and the same thing is said in a strongly disapproving tone, there may be slander pursuant to the third condition.)

3) Definable harm comes to the slandered individual on account of others hearing the slander. (Most commonly this is economic - i.e. termination, reduction in hours, reduction in business (if a storekeeper), or social - i.e. friend begin to abandon the slandered individual en masse. The social issues are harder to prove in a court of law.)

There is a second part of your question that many would not pick up on. "Can you sue" is both a question of permissibility (which was outlined above) and viability. Just because all three of the above criteria are checked does not mean that the civil lawsuit will be successful or that any firm will take the slandered's claim. If there are insufficient witnesses, the damages are too hard to prove, etc. a firm may not believe the case can bring enough windfall to pursue the claim.
The pedophile comments have nothing to do with the vulgarity involved and everything to do with where they inevitably have led in the past. Posts would get more detailed and that effectively becomes child erotica, which we do not want and can get the board in trouble. Rape stories, while disgusting, are perfectly legal to publish and therefore cannot get the board in trouble. It's a CYA measure and nothing more.

I thought any porn was against the rules of this board, not just child porn.

12. No Porn. This is not a porn site. It will be deleted. If it is constant you will likely lose access to the board. The board is for debate not sexual content. This includes nude photos and links to such as well as graphic stories of sexual encounters. This is a politics site, not a site for sexual gratification. It should be particularly attended to, to avoid any and all mention of descriptive encounters with children. It is unacceptable to bring that onto the board in any context. Do not suggest encounters with another poster and a child, or with yourself and another poster's child.
Darla, perhaps you are not aware of how powerful an impact the word in your signature has on the brains and bodies of men? Could it be considered provocative in any way?
I don't mention my penis in many threads, nevermind every post I make.

Are you serious? I am not mentioning my vagina at all. My signature has an impact on your brain and body?
I thought any porn was against the rules of this board, not just child porn.

12. No Porn. This is not a porn site. It will be deleted. If it is constant you will likely lose access to the board. The board is for debate not sexual content. This includes nude photos and links to such as well as graphic stories of sexual encounters. This is a politics site, not a site for sexual gratification. It should be particularly attended to, to avoid any and all mention of descriptive encounters with children. It is unacceptable to bring that onto the board in any context. Do not suggest encounters with another poster and a child, or with yourself and another poster's child.

The fact is anyone ever called that name here was male. And unless someone does it to be funny or to prove a point now, that's who is always going to be called that name. They are three white men who reflexively privilege men over women. They will never admit it. They dont even know it. Billy could give a shit less about it if he did know it. And it won't ever change.
I couldn't agree more. Yesterday I made the mistake of reading a thread without being signed in (something I hardly do anymore for just this reason, but I forgot), and I learned that I am on here bragging about all the guys I like to fuck! am always on my back! and a bunch of other made-up sexually degrading horseshit. this on a thread that got it's start by degrading Rana -twice! I was really pissed, I almost said something but then said fuck it. But to read the nonsense the male mods post about this bullshit, makes me really angry. To be clear; i am not speaking about posting depictions of sex with children as has been done by very very few posters in the past, and they really stand out, the two I know of being Icedancer and Mainman. I am talking about calling someone a pedophile. Oh shut the fuck up and get over it!

I just could not agree with your post more. And Grind, please do take her advice and don't chime in with your horseshit about it being different. I am so sick and tired of hearing that and I don't buy it and never have. Unless we are talking about actual depictions, i don't buy it, never have, never will.

It doesn't matter if you agree that it is different. It doesn't matter if you don't like. Their rule. Live with it. Stop yer bitching.
Darla, perhaps you are not aware of how powerful an impact the word in your signature has on the brains and bodies of men? Could it be considered provocative in any way?
I don't mention my penis in many threads, nevermind every post I make.

Are you saying <gasp> that Darla is asking for it. It is an interesting theory because just by me quoting a democrat president using the word nigger I was labeled a racist. Nobody considered that I was pointing out the democrats long history of racism.

But you have a point. Maybe I was asking for it. Maybe Darla is too
Darla, perhaps you are not aware of how powerful an impact the word in your signature has on the brains and bodies of men? Could it be considered provocative in any way?
I don't mention my penis in many threads, nevermind every post I make.

Granuloma's sig makes us angry, too. "Get the sluts off their backs and into traditional marriages." His is an either-or comment, you're either traditionally married or you're a slut having unholy sex.

I'm not directing my rant at you. You're one of the good guys who's always stuck up for women. There's only a small number of posters who I call the egregious offenders. I'm speaking for Rana and Darla when I say we can recognize who's joking or being a smart ass, and who's dead serious in their comments. I think you know who I'm talking about. So it doesn't mean we can't laugh at ourselves or at woman jokes, just that we're pretty good at picking out the seriously nasty posters from their comments.
This is in regards to being called a pedophile. Would also apply to being called a whore.

Three things must transpire for slander to legally occur within most jurisdictions.

1) A spurious and unsupported allegation must be made about a person. (Being called a pedophile certainly fits in this category.)

2) Other people aside from the slanderer and the slandered must hear this allegation. (I.e. If the slanderer and slandered are talking privately and no one can hear, no slander occurred. If the slanderer and slandered are talking in the middle of a shop around numerous customers and the same thing is said in a strongly disapproving tone, there may be slander pursuant to the third condition.)

3) Definable harm comes to the slandered individual on account of others hearing the slander. (Most commonly this is economic - i.e. termination, reduction in hours, reduction in business (if a storekeeper), or social - i.e. friend begin to abandon the slandered individual en masse. The social issues are harder to prove in a court of law.)

There is a second part of your question that many would not pick up on. "Can you sue" is both a question of permissibility (which was outlined above) and viability. Just because all three of the above criteria are checked does not mean that the civil lawsuit will be successful or that any firm will take the slandered's claim. If there are insufficient witnesses, the damages are too hard to prove, etc. a firm may not believe the case can bring enough windfall to pursue the claim.

How have you been economically harmed by being called a whore on this message board and can you prove it? If you can then get your ass to court