Juicy details or?

It is funny to see how Vagina Trinity are crying foul about all f the "mean" things said about them when they look the other way when Bijou or Desh or Darla would attack someone's manhood.

Now I am not crying foul. Just pointing out their abject hypocrisy. If you want to be treated equally with men then don't cry like women when you get what you ask for. Men great other men like shit. Welcome to the party ladies
This is why I could never be a mod, I'd shut down threads so fast the board would grind to a halt. Agreed, people shouldn't be calling others "pedophile". But what about all the sleazy, sickening sexual insults to the women on this board that just get a nod and a wink? The "n" word and the other race-based insults? The homosexual insults?

(Grind, no need to jump in and lecture me about how pedophile references are the worst thing you can call someone, I already agree they're bad.) But from a woman's point of view degrading sexist comments are just as bad and there are no shortage of them here. If someone had the bad judgment to make me a mod, several people would have been permabanned for their vulgarity ages ago.

Christie, I basically agree with you. But there are also legal reasons jpp doesn't wanna go down the path of sex stuff with kids. We just blanket don't wanna deal with it. I do sympathize about the other stuff you are talking about as well though.
And what about the numerous sexual slurs like Darla mentioned? Libeling someone as a whore is criminal, too.
No it's not. Having sex for money or having your trysts videotaped and plastered on the internet is is a sure way into the headlines of popular culture.
Also to be clear, I am not "complaining" about the constant remarks which have gone on for many years. I am pointing out that a term used almost always, if not 100% solely, to insult men here is privileged above racial, orientation, and gender degradation. I am sick and tired of watching the men here whine and cry about being called a pedophile and others receiving two month bans for the insult, while this other crap goes on all day long.
darla, for the billionth time, jpp can pretty much never be in legal trouble if someone calls someone else a name. that's between the two parties. sex stuff involving kids though could directly effect JPP (not just the parties) and therefore it's not a road we want to go down.

and yes it's an insult directed towards mostly men on here, but it's also been said the most by men. so we are punishing something that men frequently use to insult others. almost every single person that has been banned for this rule has been a guy. (maineman, howey, 007, thedude..etc) so you can look at it either way.
darla, for the billionth time, jpp can pretty much never be in legal trouble if someone calls someone else a name. that's between the two parties. sex stuff involving kids though could directly effect JPP (not just the parties) and therefore it's not a road we want to go down.

and yes it's an insult directed towards mostly men on here, but it's also been said the most by men. so we are punishing something that men frequently use to insult others. almost every single person that has been banned for this rule has been a guy. (maineman, howey, 007, thedude..etc) so you can look at it either way.

You guys have made a mountain out of a molehill and don't know how to back down from it now. You were fine when you had "no descriptions of sex with children." For the billionth and one time that's my opinion on the whole thing. Calling someone a pedophile is calling someone a name and you can't get in legal trouble for that anymore than any other name.
Granuloma's sig makes us angry, too. "Get the sluts off their backs and into traditional marriages." His is an either-or comment, you're either traditionally married or you're a slut having unholy sex.

I'm not directing my rant at you. You're one of the good guys who's always stuck up for women. There's only a small number of posters who I call the egregious offenders. I'm speaking for Rana and Darla when I say we can recognize who's joking or being a smart ass, and who's dead serious in their comments. I think you know who I'm talking about. So it doesn't mean we can't laugh at ourselves or at woman jokes, just that we're pretty good at picking out the seriously nasty posters from their comments.

We compare notes often. ;)
Christie, I basically agree with you. But there are also legal reasons jpp doesn't wanna go down the path of sex stuff with kids. We just blanket don't wanna deal with it. I do sympathize about the other stuff you are talking about as well though.

Oh, I take back the one thing I thought about you the other day, lol!
You guys have made a mountain out of a molehill and don't know how to back down from it now. You were fine when you had "no descriptions of sex with children." For the billionth and one time that's my opinion on the whole thing. Calling someone a pedophile is calling someone a name and you can't get in legal trouble for that anymore than any other name.

it's about nipping it in the bud. we know from past history of the 7 years this board has been around that it never just stops there.
Are you saying <gasp> that Darla is asking for it. It is an interesting theory because just by me quoting a democrat president using the word nigger I was labeled a racist. Nobody considered that I was pointing out the democrats long history of racism.

But you have a point. Maybe I was asking for it. Maybe Darla is too

Darla doesn't ask for it.
She BEGS for it.