June 19th today, Juneteenth Day

Pointing out America's historical congenital racism/bigotry and it's long lasting effects to this day ALWAYS sets off the local sheet wearers.
SO why do you believe so many African Americans vote Democratic?
Because the Democrat party has effectively led black people to believe that they are looking out for the interests of black people. How long has the democrat party been working to make the lives of black people better? To hear you people tell it oppression and white supremacy continue to keep black people down. So apparently all the efforts of democrats have failed to help the situation of black people in America. Democrats have controlled major cities across America for decades and nothing is different. Black people are waking up to their mistake.
Because the Democrat party has effectively led black people to believe that they are looking out for the interests of black people. How long has the democrat party been working to make the lives of black people better? To hear you people tell it oppression and white supremacy continue to keep black people down. So apparently all the efforts of democrats have failed to help the situation of black people in America. Democrats have controlled major cities across America for decades and nothing is different. Black people are waking up to their mistake.
Finally an answer, I was beginning to believe you were ashamed of your beliefs.

I think lives of African Americans as a whole are a lot better now days. There is still work to be done, but a lot better.

Why do you think a vast majority of African Americans are so easily duped by the Democrats? I mean a lot smaller percentage of European Americans are supporters of the Democratic party?

Why are white Alabamans such strong supporters of the Republican party when they are the people who so strongly supported segregation and slavery?
You really are an intellectually deprived schmuck. aren't you. You are the prime example of, you just can't fix stupid.


Projection is the process of displacing one’s feelings onto a different person, animal, or object. The term is most commonly used to describe defensive projection—attributing one’s own unacceptable urges to another. For example, if someone continuously bullies and ridicules a peer about his insecurities, the bully might be projecting his own struggle with self-esteem onto the other person.

[ hip-uh-krit ]

a person who pretends to have virtues, moral or religious beliefs, principles, etc., that he or she does not actually possess, especially a person whose actions belie stated beliefs.

a person who feigns some desirable or publicly approved attitude, especially one whose private life, opinions, or statements belie his or her public statements.
I said you are silly, not mean.

Your comments about leftists keeping blacks on a plantation are "silly" emotional tripe without any data to back it up and thus not worthy of a response from me.

They are true. The Party of the KKK and segregationists, the Democratic Party, likes to keep black's dependent in their urban plantation shit holes.
Finally an answer, I was beginning to believe you were ashamed of your beliefs.

I think lives of African Americans as a whole are a lot better now days. There is still work to be done, but a lot better.

Why do you think a vast majority of African Americans are so easily duped by the Democrats? I mean a lot smaller percentage of European Americans are supporters of the Democratic party?

Why are white Alabamans such strong supporters of the Republican party when they are the people who so strongly supported segregation and slavery?
Ive answered plenty of times but your stupidity is an obstacle.

Now their lives are a lot better huh? What work? When will this "work" be completed? How will know when the lives of black people are a lot better, enough?

I didn't say easily duped. What is wrong with you? I don't care about your narrative but clearly you have to.

Robert byrd and George Wallace lifelong black hating democrats.
I've never heard that.

That's because your eyes and mind are tightly closed to facts and reality.

A huge majority of African Americans vote Democrat, I suspect they are voting their/America's interest. I do not believe they are a dumb group that would easily be duped into voting against their/America's interest.

Do you believe it is against an African Americans interest to vote for a Democrat?

Absolutely. What has the Democratic Party ever done for blacks other than turn them into dependent wards of the State and make their communities less safe with their anti-police rhetoric?
More whitey pontifications on the Black community :eek:

Race Hustler

A term coined to describe those individuals of a particular race who project themselves into the media spotlight as spokespersons whenever there is an alledged racial incident which involves their race. The use of the word "Hustler", included as a part of the term, also implies that these individuals expliot a racial situation to serve their own interests.