June 19th today, Juneteenth Day

"It was the Republican Party who abolished slavery, dude.." Aren't you just a little off your rocker, consisdering that this happen 160 years ago.

In the !960s the South switched to the Republican party because the GOP became more tolerant of the southerner's racist view.
Thats a bunch if reputed malarky.
Its historical fact. But so what if it were made up, the reasons for the celebration are legit.
Even if it is a fact so what? We don't celebrate every fact. Beyond that you leftists have lots of black people convinced their still "enslaved" by white privilege. According to you leftists black people arent free. They are still oppressed, so whats being celebrated. It's amazing how every group you leftists claim to care about are always "victims". You don't encourage people to actually be free you encourage them to embrace their "victim" status and blame others for the problems they have. If there weren't any "victims" there wouldn't be a Democrat party. You're gone from enslaving their bodies to enslaving their brains. What is it you plantation owners call truly free black people? Oh yeah, uncle tom
As compared to HA MAS ! Oct 7 medical care of Israelis in that Christian Nation SCOTUS medical care granted standing for thieving US Constitution Bill of Rights arsonists as "one nation under God with equal justice under law" like Mengele "Angel of Death" Fourth Reich July Kristallnacht........
Even if it is a fact so what? We don't celebrate every fact. Beyond that you leftists have lots of black people convinced their still "enslaved" by white privilege. According to you leftists black people arent free. They are still oppressed, so whats being celebrated. It's amazing how every group you leftists claim to care about are always "victims". You don't encourage people to actually be free you encourage them to embrace their "victim" status and blame others for the problems they have. If there weren't any "victims" there wouldn't be a Democrat party. You're gone from enslaving their bodies to enslaving their brains. What is it you plantation owners call truly free black people? Oh yeah, uncle tom
You are silly. Are you against the celebration of the freeing of former American slaves?
Ah yes the old, "you're mean" bullshit. I noticed you ignored all the ways you leftists keep blacks on your plantation.
I said you are silly, not mean.

Your comments about leftists keeping blacks on a plantation are "silly" emotional tripe without any data to back it up and thus not worthy of a response from me.
I said you are silly, not mean.

Your comments about leftists keeping blacks on a plantation are "silly" emotional tripe without any data to back it up and thus not worthy of a response from me.
It's quite accurate.

"Well I tell you what, if you have a problem figuring out whether you're for me or Trump, then you ain't black."
It's quite accurate.

"Well I tell you what, if you have a problem figuring out whether you're for me or Trump, then you ain't black."
One quote does not support your silliness. What was it Trump said about Jews not being Jewish?
I don't know. I posted an actual quote. You're clearly intellectually lazy as well as physically lazy.

Is it now your contention that blacks who dont vote Democrat aren't called uncle toms?
I've never heard that. A huge majority of African Americans vote Democrat, I suspect they are voting their/America's interest. I do not believe they are a dumb group that would easily be duped into voting against their/America's interest.
I've never heard that. A huge majority of African Americans vote Democrat, I suspect they are voting their/America's interest. I do not believe they are a dumb group that would easily be duped into voting against their/America's interest.
Then you're an idiot or a liar.