June 19th today, Juneteenth Day

If will forever be the question, as America becomes more diverse what is the best way to deal with the effects of slavery going forward? (and i don't mean simply which political party to vote for).

Knowing that there is not a simple easy one line answer, what are your thoughts from a 30K ft level?
Who's of guessed this Christian Nation SCOTUS George Washington University Hospital Washington, D.C. born USA citizens are Islam & Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate drug trafficking fiefdom would still be practicing thieving US Constitution arsonists as acceptable medical practice for Juneteenth.....
Who's of guessed this Christian Nation SCOTUS George Washington University Hospital Washington, D.C. born USA citizens are Islam & Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate drug trafficking fiefdom would still be practicing thieving US Constitution arsonists as acceptable medical practice for Juneteenth.....
Appropriate place for the "I don't always smoke crack, but when I do I like to post on JPP" GIF.
They should have done something years ago. All those African kings who rounded up thousands of prisoners from other tribes, sold them to Muslim slave traders who transported and put them on ships bound for Europe where they were transported and sold all over the world never should have happened.

BTW, one of the very first slave owners in America was Anthony Johnson, a black man.

BTW 2, Heels Up Harris is the direct descendent of a slave owner. Perhaps she should resign her position in shame.
^This is called deflection and rationalization, folks.
No. It's the truth no matter how long ago it happened. There is no "statute of limitations" on the truth.

You seriously believe in the ol' "party switcharoo" conspiracy theory??!! :rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2:

TOO FUNNY! :rofl2: :rofl2:

The Republican Party has always been the Republican Party and the Demonkkkrat Party has always been the Demonkkkrat Party. They've never "switched places" with each other.
Appropriate place for the "I don't always smoke crack, but when I do I like to post on JPP" GIF.
More of that Christian Nation SCOTUS "serve the Pope or die" medical care of thieving US Constitution Bill of Rights arsonists not so master race not so master plan.......
Can’t see too many on the right celebrating, it took them a hundred years to get over slavery being abolished, and they are still less than two decades removed from America actually electing a Black American President, twice, and by large majorities

The later going a long way in explaining why many of them are so bitter and insecure in today’s America

Another useless race hustling day off for the Government.

Morgan Freeman Explains Why He 'Detests' Black History Month: 'My History Is American History'

"This whole idea makes my teeth itch. It’s not right," Freeman told Variety while speaking about his new project 'The Gray House'