June 19th today, Juneteenth Day

Been out eating all the good food. Frankly the food holidays are my faves. Like Cinco de Mayo, Juneteenth!, Independence Day, Thanksgiving...

You go into town, get good food and celebrate with folks. Fantastic stuff. Even the entirely useless ones like Cinco de Mayo which nobody celebrates in Mexico, but we celebrate here.... good food though so WHO CARES?!
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I guess you didn’t notice the “many,” not “all,” or “the right,” rather, “many” as the deliberate adjective

It isn’t coincidental that anger and outrage emerged and sold in the right wing media when Obama was elected
Shocking, Republicans don’t like a Democrat.

And that has what to do with Juneteenth or your OP?
We had a holiday on June 19th? And tell us what old American holidays have disappeared
Columbus Day and Presidents Day are the first to be disappeared....MLK Day will come next.

The Regime is doing it very slowly but there is no doubt where they are going.
I guess you didn’t notice the “many,” not “all,” or “the right,” rather, “many” as the deliberate adjective

It isn’t coincidental that anger and outrage emerged and sold in the right wing media when Obama was elected
If we’re going to have this discussion we can talk that the liberals love for black people (and P.O.C.) goes as far as how they vote.

Hence the attempt to dehumanize them with the ‘you ain’t black’ ‘Uncle Tom’ and any other slur. Want to see liberal anger, outrage and hate? Watch the reaction to a P.O.C. taking a heterodox view on almost any issue.
Been out eating all the good food. Frankly the food holidays are my faves. Like Cinco de Mayo, Juneteenth!, Independence Day, Thanksgiving...

You go into town, get good food and celebrate with folks. Fantastic stuff. Even the entirely useless ones like Cinco de Mayo which nobody celebrates in Mexico, but we celebrate here.... good food though so WHO CARES?!
If you want a chuckle ask a Hispanic person why they celebrate May 5th. I asked my Mexican office manager and she didn't have a clue neither did my office nurse.
Halloween is also likely on the chopping block...deeply problematic on several fronts.

Easter as well....obviously this new religon is not going to celebrate a Christian holiday.
Been out eating all the good food. Frankly the food holidays are my faves. Like Cinco de Mayo, Juneteenth!, Independence Day, Thanksgiving...

You go into town, get good food and celebrate with folks. Fantastic stuff. Even the entirely useless ones like Cinco de Mayo which nobody celebrates in Mexico, but we celebrate here.... good food though so WHO CARES?!
more Americans need to take this view - but in addition to it being a food holiday, it is other cultural contributions as well - the musical contributions are what I like to celebrate
If we’re going to have this discussion we can talk that the liberals love for black people (and P.O.C.) goes as far as how they vote.

Hence the attempt to dehumanize them with the ‘you ain’t black’ ‘Uncle Tom’ and any other slur. Want to see liberal anger, outrage and hate? Watch the reaction to a P.O.C. taking a heterodox view on almost any issue.
Haven’t a clue what P.O.C. is or how it relates to the thread

And it was the left that initiated the Civil Rights Amendments, Civil Rights Movement and Civil Rights Legislation, and today is still fighting against racial gerrymandering
Haven’t a clue what P.O.C. is or how it relates to the thread

And it was the left that initiated the Civil Rights Amendments, Civil Rights Movement and Civil Rights Legislation, and today is still fighting against racial gerrymandering
You don’t know what People of Color are (the term used to describe them)?

You didn’t address what my point, the dehumanizing outside the voting the way you want. White people don’t get accused of not being white. Why the double standard for P.O.C.?
You don’t know what People of Color are (the term used to describe them)?

You didn’t address what my point, the dehumanizing outside the voting the way you want. White people don’t get accused of not being white. Why the double standard for P.O.C.?
I have not ever heard :You Aren't White Enough" :laugh:
You don’t know what People of Color are (the term used to describe them)?

You didn’t address what my point, the dehumanizing outside the voting the way you want. White people don’t get accused of not being white. Why the double standard for P.O.C.?
Wait a minute, one statement by Biden and now the entire left is guilty of taking “POC’s” vote for granted?