Just what IS conservativism?

Turn off the propaganda outlets that are creating the fear, Fox News, Limbaugh, Levin, etc. *shrug*

I heard a retired CIA agent whose expertise was the old Soviet Union and the Soviet bloc compare the level of propaganda on Fox News to Pravda.

In russian Pravda means truth. It was the official govt newspaper like Faux News is the propaganda arm of the Repbulicon party.

A joke from a few yrs ago...

The difference between Pravda and Faux News is that the Russian people know Pravda is full of lies.
In russian Pravda means truth. It was the official govt newspaper like Faux News is the propaganda arm of the Repbulicon party.

A joke from a few yrs ago...

The difference between Pravda and Faux News is that the Russian people know Pravda is full of lies.

'You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Crashk again'
I really don't care about reps. but I'll play the game here.

Yea, I guess you won't need 'em where you're going...

Dixie, doesn't a creator have to be a being of some kind? It's kind of irrational to assert otherwise.

"Oh god isnt a being, but he created us and gave us our rights. " <<-- stupidity.

Uhm... Is there some "Universal Rule of God" that I am unaware of or something? No, God doesn't have to be, and ISN'T, a "being!" It's not irrational to assert this, in fact, it is irrational to believe God is a being. If God HAD to be a being to exist, I would think the idea was pretty silly, that an invisible omnipotent "being" existed. Maybe that's why so many non-God believers think the way they do?
Well Dixie, I defend your right to your beliefs. I was raised Catholic have different beliefs. But I subscribe to what my dad always said and how he lived his life; treat others the way you wish to be treated. IMO, that should be something all religions, atheists and nations should be able to agree on.

"For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life" (John 3:16).

I also believe in treating others the way I wish to be treated, and I fail to see what your point is. Do you believe conservatives wish to treat people differently than they wish to be treated? I'm not getting it.
I also believe in treating others the way I wish to be treated, and I fail to see what your point is. Do you believe conservatives wish to treat people differently than they wish to be treated? I'm not getting it.

I don't know what they 'wish'

During the Great Depression, conservatives were critical of New Deal programs for the unemployed. They said the economy if left alone, would recover in the long run. Secretary of Commerce Harry Hopkins replied":: "People don't eat in the long run, they eat every day."

Right wing solutions are great, just as long as some group of human beings evaporate...
And you can base life on a questioned study and ignore reality. What I see and hear from right wing 'christians' has nothing to do with Jesus, his life on earth or any of his teaching.

Trickle down economics is just a replay of Lazarus and the Rich Man, expecting THIS time that Lazarus will get more than just crumbs.

what you claim you hear versus contradictory scientific evidence.....I got news for you dude, your claims are far more "questioned" than this survey......
The 'Carter inflation era'? Do you mean inflation that started when Nixon hounded the Federal Reserve to open the money spigots and in 1972 the growth of the money supply went stratospheric? Or do you mean the monument of economic ineptitude, the wage and price controls that began in 1971 and didn't completely peter out until 1974? Or, do you mean The Nixon Shock, a series of economic measures taken by U.S. President Richard Nixon in 1971 including unilaterally canceling the direct convertibility of the United States dollar to gold that essentially ended the existing Bretton Woods system of international financial exchange?
wiki - The Nixon Shock

"Nixon was the most dishonest individual I have ever met in my life. He lied to his wife, his family, his friends, his colleagues in the Congress, lifetime members of his own political party, the American people and the world."
Barry Goldwater

actually no.....I meant the Carter inflation era.....I take it you weren't alive yet then.....
Cheap labor is at the core of conservative beliefs. This is all you need to know about them. All other issues are bullshit, immigration, abortion, gays, and on and on.

You are very incorrect. Conservatives want ALL MEN (who are Created equal) to achieve the same levels of wealth. However, we realize there are some who inherently won't, because some people have more drive and ambition than others.
You are very incorrect. Conservatives want ALL MEN (who are Created equal) to achieve the same levels of wealth. However, we realize there are some who inherently won't, because some people have more drive and ambition than others.
Or they know how to cheat others and pass the saving on to themselves!

Luck has a lot to do with it, too, a lot of small businesses fail, and it isn't due to bad management in all cases, within the first five years!
I don't know what they 'wish'

During the Great Depression, conservatives were critical of New Deal programs for the unemployed. They said the economy if left alone, would recover in the long run. Secretary of Commerce Harry Hopkins replied":: "People don't eat in the long run, they eat every day."

Right wing solutions are great, just as long as some group of human beings evaporate...

Keep in mind, the "Great Depression" did not become known as that until afterward. During the Great Depression, it was merely a depression, we had been through several over the years. Most economists will tell you, the depression lasted about 7 years longer than it should have, because of FDR's socialist spending programs. Otherwise, it would have been about 3rd or 4th on the list of historical depressions, and not The Great Depression.

Left wingers don't believe in God endowing man with inalienable rights, therefore, they rely on faith in The State to solve man's problems.
You are very incorrect. Conservatives want ALL MEN (who are Created equal) to achieve the same levels of wealth. However, we realize there are some who inherently won't, because some people have more drive and ambition than others.

Bullshit. You wish to profit from slave labor held captive by dictatorial governments. Stop lying.
Uhm... Is there some "Universal Rule of God" that I am unaware of or something? No, God doesn't have to be, and ISN'T, a "being!" It's not irrational to assert this, in fact, it is irrational to believe God is a being. If God HAD to be a being to exist, I would think the idea was pretty silly, that an invisible omnipotent "being" existed. Maybe that's why so many non-God believers think the way they do?

How can a non being create anything, or grant rights?

I'd say you're fucked in the head?
How can a non being create anything, or grant rights?

I'd say you're fucked in the head?

How can you be so simple-minded and still function? Surely you are joking, right?

Did a "being" create this?

How bout this?

Gee... I'm glad some being created magnetism, or else we would have never been able to have that other being create gravity, and we'd just float off into space!

Oh... and God didn't "grant" rights, we were endowed rights.
How can you be so simple-minded and still function? Surely you are joking, right?
Im completely serious.
Did a "being" create this?
this is just a pattern in the sand created by wind. regular patterns appear all throughout nature and are just a function of physical propterties being consistent.
How bout this?
yes, nature is beautiful. it doesn't mean it's anything other than physical properties.
Gee... I'm glad some being created magnetism, or else we would have never been able to have that other being create gravity, and we'd just float off into space!

Oh... and God didn't "grant" rights, we were endowed rights.

Properties of matter and laws of physics are not god, you moronic dip.

WHo endowed us with the rights?

Why do you think switching verbs makes your argument better?
Im completely serious.

I KNOW... that's what is really scary!

this is just a pattern in the sand created by wind. regular patterns appear all throughout nature and are just a function of physical propterties being consistent.

Uhm....do you see a problem with your theory that only "beings" can create things?

yes, nature is beautiful. it doesn't mean it's anything other than physical properties.

No, it actually means what you said before, something was "created" by something other than a "being!"

Properties of matter and laws of physics are not god, you moronic dip.

Yes, but who established those properties and laws? A being? A man?

WHo endowed us with the rights?


Why do you think switching verbs makes your argument better?

I didn't switch anything. Go look up both words, a "grant" is not "endowment" and never has been. They are two completely different verbs, and most people are smart enough to know that. But, maybe you're not?
You are very incorrect. Conservatives want ALL MEN (who are Created equal) to achieve the same levels of wealth. However, we realize there are some who inherently won't, because some people have more drive and ambition than others.

If all men were wealthy no one would be wealthy. To be wealthy one has to be able to obtain the services of others and others who are wealthy are not going to be offering their services at cheap prices.

That's why a person living in China would be considered wealthy if they earned $70,000 US/yr. The current, above average wage is the equivalent of $560.00/mth. or $6720.00/yr. (http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_is_the_average_wage_in_China)

Compare to the US where the average wage is $40,934.93 /yr. (http://www.ssa.gov/OACT/COLA/AWI.html) An individual would have to earn over $400,000/yr.

The point is the person in China making $70,000/yr is wealthy because the majority of others are making 1/10 of what he is. He can afford the services of others which is the definition of wealth, not the amount of money per se.

Conservatives do not want all men to be wealthy. That is why they are against unions and minimum wages and guaranteed incomes and social policies, in general. In their unbridled greed they not only do not want others to be wealthy but they want others to suffer needlessly.

That's precisely what Crashk noted and is explained in the link he posted in msg. 42.

K. Marx :)