Just what IS conservativism?

you're here criticizing the right for being heartless bastards who just want people to suffer and die. But here is the interesting thing about all this overblown rhetoric from you fuckwits... Aside from a couple of sporadic periods within the past 15 years, the United States Congress has been controlled entirely by the Democrat Party. Even when Republicans had control, they lacked enough power to prevent filibusters and implement anything they wanted to implement. Everything that has been passed in Congress by Republicans over the past 100 years, has had considerable bipartisan support. Most of what has been passed was Democrat solutions, Democrat ideas, Democrat initiatives, Democrat objectives, and Democrat policy.

Wrong! The same thing happened as with HCR. Every democratic solution, idea, initiative, objective and policy has been twisted and bent to accommodate the Repubs. Just like refusing to get on board with a one payer health care plan the Repubs have taken every proposal and hacked at it until it ended up being a piece meal law.

Every social policy has become a maze for people to navigate with government more concerned with disallowing entitlement rather than helping people. Is it any wonder some people become embittered and attempt to abuse the system when the government is more concerned about finding ways not to help rather than help?

For the past 70 years, we've poured trillions of dollars into social programs to supposedly lift those in poverty out of it, and make their lives better, and to this day, we still have the same percentage of people living in poverty. We've adopted minimum wages, and raised them routinely, at the behest of Democrats, who whined and moaned and bitched and complained until we did. We've been brow-beaten into adopting hundreds of new 'entitlement' programs to help this group or that group, and yet... here you are, still complaining that Republicans are preventing us from helping people!

Your argument is illogical. Of course there are still poor people and there always will be poor people. That's why social policies are necessary. As long as people have to work to support themselves there will always be unemployed folks. That does not mean the same people are continually unemployed. While one person is helped and moves on another person experiences misfortune and requires help.

Nothing is static. There will always be newly unemployed and ill people. The idea is to have programs that are available immediately to serve those people rather than let them lose everything before they qualify for help. By the time they've jumped through hoops and lost their home, probably endured a family break-up due to the financial crisis/stress, we expect those folks to just jump up and get back in the game. Unfortunately, most lose motivation and many turn to drugs/alcohol after the government sat and watched them lose everything before offering a helping hand.

That's the problem. Instead of the government willingly offering to help they add to a person's lack of confidence and self-esteem by implying they are at fault and undeserving and the reason is some in government, mostly the Repubs, do not want to help so we end up with laws that claim to help while the reality is the effort is placed on finding ways not to help.

With ALL the political power at your disposal, the entire treasury of the country and all the credit we could muster, you've been given everything you've ever asked for and more, repeatedly, over and over, for years and decades....

Sure, just like with health care, right? Everything the Dems asked for like when the prospect of a universal health care plan would not even be considered for discussion even though every statistic, without exception, shows it is beneficial to citizens.


You know, I've listened to you pinheads bash Republicans and rail against conservatives for weeks, months, and years, here at this forum and others. Taichung Pinhead started a thread to rail on the right for outsourcing jobs, you're here criticizing the right for being heartless bastards who just want people to suffer and die. But here is the interesting thing about all this overblown rhetoric from you fuckwits... Aside from a couple of sporadic periods within the past 15 years, the United States Congress has been controlled entirely by the Democrat Party. Even when Republicans had control, they lacked enough power to prevent filibusters and implement anything they wanted to implement. Everything that has been passed in Congress by Republicans over the past 100 years, has had considerable bipartisan support. Most of what has been passed was Democrat solutions, Democrat ideas, Democrat initiatives, Democrat objectives, and Democrat policy. For the past 70 years, we've poured trillions of dollars into social programs to supposedly lift those in poverty out of it, and make their lives better, and to this day, we still have the same percentage of people living in poverty. We've adopted minimum wages, and raised them routinely, at the behest of Democrats, who whined and moaned and bitched and complained until we did. We've been brow-beaten into adopting hundreds of new 'entitlement' programs to help this group or that group, and yet... here you are, still complaining that Republicans are preventing us from helping people!

With ALL the political power at your disposal, the entire treasury of the country and all the credit we could muster, you've been given everything you've ever asked for and more, repeatedly, over and over, for years and decades, and still... here you are, wanting people to believe that hasn't happened, and Republicans are standing in your way to help people make a better life. Republicans who have had absolutely NO power to stop the massive spending programs of FDR, Johnson, or Obama! Even when Republicans briefly gained control of Congress, the Democrats obfuscated, obstructed, kicked and screamed at every idea the right tried to advance, stating that our government was designed to give the minority the voice to object. Nothing that has been implemented into law from Republicans, hasn't had support of Democrats as well. Yet, from your perspective, all our problems, all our woes, all the misery the people are feeling, are solely the fault of Republicans who've stood in your way!

I don't really know what you want. Maybe you'd like to completely abolish the Republican party and let Democrats run a single-party dictatorship, but then, that's essentially what they've done the past century anyway. You'd still find some way to blame the abolished Republicans for the problems, even if we hunted them all down and sent them to gas chambers. It doesn't seem to dawn on you, the problem might not be the Republicans or Conservatism. It might actually be a century of liberal socialism, and runaway spending/taxation....nooo... let's not dare consider that! :eek3:
You know, I've listened to you pinheads bash Republicans and rail against conservatives for weeks, months, and years, here at this forum and others. Taichung Pinhead started a thread to rail on the right for outsourcing jobs, you're here criticizing the right for being heartless bastards who just want people to suffer and die. But here is the interesting thing about all this overblown rhetoric from you fuckwits... Aside from a couple of sporadic periods within the past 15 years, the United States Congress has been controlled entirely by the Democrat Party. Even when Republicans had control, they lacked enough power to prevent filibusters and implement anything they wanted to implement. Everything that has been passed in Congress by Republicans over the past 100 years, has had considerable bipartisan support. Most of what has been passed was Democrat solutions, Democrat ideas, Democrat initiatives, Democrat objectives, and Democrat policy. For the past 70 years, we've poured trillions of dollars into social programs to supposedly lift those in poverty out of it, and make their lives better, and to this day, we still have the same percentage of people living in poverty. We've adopted minimum wages, and raised them routinely, at the behest of Democrats, who whined and moaned and bitched and complained until we did. We've been brow-beaten into adopting hundreds of new 'entitlement' programs to help this group or that group, and yet... here you are, still complaining that Republicans are preventing us from helping people!

With ALL the political power at your disposal, the entire treasury of the country and all the credit we could muster, you've been given everything you've ever asked for and more, repeatedly, over and over, for years and decades, and still... here you are, wanting people to believe that hasn't happened, and Republicans are standing in your way to help people make a better life. Republicans who have had absolutely NO power to stop the massive spending programs of FDR, Johnson, or Obama! Even when Republicans briefly gained control of Congress, the Democrats obfuscated, obstructed, kicked and screamed at every idea the right tried to advance, stating that our government was designed to give the minority the voice to object. Nothing that has been implemented into law from Republicans, hasn't had support of Democrats as well. Yet, from your perspective, all our problems, all our woes, all the misery the people are feeling, are solely the fault of Republicans who've stood in your way!

I don't really know what you want. Maybe you'd like to completely abolish the Republican party and let Democrats run a single-party dictatorship, but then, that's essentially what they've done the past century anyway. You'd still find some way to blame the abolished Republicans for the problems, even if we hunted them all down and sent them to gas chambers. It doesn't seem to dawn on you, the problem might not be the Republicans or Conservatism. It might actually be a century of liberal socialism, and runaway spending/taxation....nooo... let's not dare consider that! :eek3:

Dixie, you have the right to your own opinions, but not your own facts. Here's how it works, I will not respond to arguments built on false facts. You just wasted a whole lot of time and effort building a straw man. So let's get the facts straight.

Dixie: But here is the interesting thing about all this overblown rhetoric from you fuckwits... Aside from a couple of sporadic periods within the past 15 years, the United States Congress has been controlled entirely by the Democrat Party.


Year Congress Senate (100) House (435)
2009 111th.......D - 55***.....D - 256
2007 110th.......D - 51**.......D - 233
2005 109th.......R - 55...........R - 232
2003 108th.......R - 51...........R - 229

2001 107th.......D*................R - 221
1999 106th.......R - 55...........R - 223
1997 105th.......R - 55...........R - 228
1995 104th.......R - 52...........R - 230

* There were 50 Ds and 50 Rs until May 24, 2001, when Sen. James Jeffords (R-VT) switched to Independent status, effective June 6, 2001; he announced that he would caucus with the Democrats, giving the Democrats a one-seat advantage.
**Independent Sen. Bernard Sanders (VT) gives the Democrats a one-seat majority.
** Two Independents and two vacancies (IL and MN)


OK Dix, you can start over based on facts this time instead of emotions or right wing victim-hood. I suggest you cut down on calling others 'pinheads' when you continue to demonstrate being one. Good luck to 'ya.

I never gave anybody hell. I just told the truth and they thought it was hell.
Harry S. Truman
Hey, by the way, while we're here at medicine, researchers have just found the liberal gene that adults have a specific gene and they are more likely to be liberal as adults.
I KNOW... that's what is really scary!

Uhm....do you see a problem with your theory that only "beings" can create things?
That's your theory. you don't believe in evolution.
No, it actually means what you said before, something was "created" by something other than a "being!"
But it's just wind on sand. You think wind on sand is god?
Yes, but who established those properties and laws? A being? A man?

Verbs like "established" require an actor. And non-beings cannot act, unless you just want to say god is the sum total of all physical processes. But why call that god, when you can just call it " the sum total of all physical processes". IF you think god is everything, why not just call god "everything"?
I didn't switch anything. Go look up both words, a "grant" is not "endowment" and never has been. They are two completely different verbs, and most people are smart enough to know that. But, maybe you're not?

They're different verbs that mean almost exactly the same thing, and both require an actor.
Fascism or any other form of authoritarianism requires one thing. A group of followers that are able and willing to dehumanize and dismiss another group of people. It is only then that atrocities occur. The 'others' can be Jews, or as we see in America today, liberals.

But, history shows that liberals being portrayed as 'others' is not new.
The "others" from the internationalist fascist perspective are those who still will stick up for fellow citizens against internationalist fascism. The "others" in the new authoritarian scheme are those who reject the false unity of "global citizenship".
The Hard Road to Fascism

Today’s antiliberal revolt looks a lot like 1920s Europe.

Traditional conservatives have persistently criticized modern liberalism for its alleged “softness.” After the First World War right-wing German and Italian critics abused the governments of Weimar Germany and pre-Mussolini Italy for their commitment to social welfare, which their critics linked to an unwillingness to use force in international relations. To use Robert Kagan’s expression, the Weimar Republic could only do the dishes, not prepare the feast.

German and Italian critics of liberalism—writers such as Ernst Jünger and Giovanni Gentile—longed for the military spirit that allegedly typified the “front-fighter” generation that had lived through the horrors of trench warfare during World War I. The experience of war, they said, could redeem the anti-national Weimar Republic and the spineless decadence of Italian liberalism by reintroducing them to the necessity of using force—which would mean a much more ready resort to military power and a reorientation of government to promote its use. Both men and nations could thereby reestablish their virility.

Extreme right-wing theoreticians—for example, German jurist and political philosopher Carl Schmitt—believed that the European states in general had to choose between defending the interests of their national communities—at the end of the day by force—and sustaining a debilitating commitment to popular welfare, which more and more absorbed the energies of a weak-kneed liberalism that precariously clung to power in many European states. Schmitt believed that the state existed exclusively to oppose the enemies of the national community and ensure domestic order. Politics, he famously said, is founded on the friend-enemy polarity. Liberals had embarked on a fruitless crusade to escape inevitable political conflict within their societies by expanding the welfare function of the modern state to appease the demands of the masses, and thereby weakening its “executive function.”

The proximate causes of this revulsion against liberalism in Italy, Germany, and elsewhere are not far to seek. And the underlying anti-liberal logic was more cultural than political-economic. After defeat in World War I neither Germany nor Italy was able to advance its interests effectively in Europe. The Italians were widely regarded as pathetic soldiers. “The Italians,” Bismarck said, “have such large appetites and such poor teeth.” Giovanni Gentile, subsequently a Fascist minister for Mussolini, lamented the dolce far niente (“sweet do nothing”) that he found characterized the Italians as a nation. As for the Germans, they had of course lost the war, but they were encouraged to believe that their armies and fighting men had not been defeated on the battlefield but had been betrayed by an unpatriotic cabal of Jews, Francophiles, liberals, and socialists.

So for these men and like-minded others, there was a necessary connection between reviving militarism and imperialism and curtailing the state’s commitment to popular welfare. Only a new political elite—battle-hardened, ruthless, and devoted to authoritarian government—could achieve the reforms needed to restore these states to the ranks of the European powerful. The new governments would not be parliamentary: talk shops never get anything done. In Italy the Fascist elite developed an imperial ideology focusing on Rome; in Germany, too, there was an imperial element—the “Thousand Year Empire”—although we correctly understand the racism of the National Socialists to have been their most memorable contribution to the horrors of the 20th century.

* * *

Mutatis mutandis, we find a similar cultural bond between the Bush administration’s imperial foreign policy and its tax cuts, which not only benefit America’s richest people and institutions but are deliberately aimed at starving the welfare state. The United States has achieved its overwhelming military power at the same time and in close connection with a revolt against liberalism, which is arguably as deep as the one that reached its climax with the establishment of the totalitarian regimes of the 1920s and 1930s. Local crises are emerging at the state level all across the United States. Educational institutions are being starved; benefits to the poor are being cut; the proportion of Americans living in poverty is up, as is inequality; crises in Medicare and Social Security loom. And these results are a product of deliberate policy, promoted through a program of deep tax cuts which promise to erode the financial capacity of the state to undertake any but the most minimal welfare functions.

There are still other parallels with the past. The earlier anti-liberal revolt was marked by an attack on cultural decadence and a demand for a return to religion and order. Culture, according to conservative critics, was becoming trash, and the mess had to be cleaned up, by resolute means. In Italy and Germany, and in a different way in the Soviet Union, far more authoritarian or “totalitarian” government came to prevail as state power swelled. In other nations as well, constitutional guarantees were abolished or weakened: authoritarian and traditionalist governments came to power in Spain, Portugal, Poland, Hungary, and Austria, and a quasi-Fascist government formed in Rumania. Liberals were seen as weak-kneed wimps, unwilling to use force internationally and preoccupied with social welfare internally; local patriotisms prevailed everywhere. Eventually, except on the Iberian peninsula, the “totalitarian nations” took over the indecisive authoritarian disciples they had spawned.

Intellectual isolation was also important. In Germany and Italy, competing intellectual points of view were crowded out, just as had occurred earlier—and even more decisively—in the Soviet Union. Foreign opinion and foreign nations were demonized for being run by the wrong classes, religions, races, or politicians.

More... http://bostonreview.net/BR28.3/gleason.html

And the liberals justify the damages of internationalist fascism because of the belief that americans need to be punished, even though we are just pawns controlled by the financial funders of government. The formula is to mislead the people, and then blame them for following, and justify atrocities against them in this manner.
The "others" from the internationalist fascist perspective are those who still will stick up for fellow citizens against internationalist fascism. The "others" in the new authoritarian scheme are those who reject the false unity of "global citizenship".

And the liberals justify the damages of internationalist fascism because of the belief that americans need to be punished, even though we are just pawns controlled by the financial funders of government. The formula is to mislead the people, and then blame them for following, and justify atrocities against them in this manner.

Why are you reading posts from normal people in General Politics?

Go hang out here, Just Plain Politics - Conspiracies and Conspiracy Theories, and take Glenn Beck with you, maybe he has access to meds that would control your paranoia.
Why are you reading posts from normal people in General Politics?

Go hang out here, Just Plain Politics - Conspiracies and Conspiracy Theories, and take Glenn Beck with you, maybe he has access to meds that would control your paranoia.

But don't you consider yourself a "global citizen"? Isn't this your enlightened view?

Don't you consider globalization to be some "inevitable" development?

And glen beck is a globalist brainwash victim too.
But don't you consider yourself a "global citizen"? Isn't this your enlightened view?

Don't you consider globalization to be some "inevitable" development?

And glen beck is a globalist brainwash victim too.

No I don't consider myself a 'global citizen'. I consider myself an American citizen that cares about all human beings and all forms of life created by God.
No I don't consider myself a 'global citizen'. I consider myself an American citizen that cares about all human beings and all forms of life created by God.

yep, You're a global citizen wacko, who believes in sky fairies. You need to be deprogrammed.
ASSHOLE Zombie. Your post is not based on my childhood. It can only be based on YOU. Seek professional help.

The fifties nirvana you presented is known to be based on patriarachal sex abuse of women and jingoism. It has nothing to do with me.
Wrong! The same thing happened as with HCR. Every democratic solution, idea, initiative, objective and policy has been twisted and bent to accommodate the Repubs. Just like refusing to get on board with a one payer health care plan the Repubs have taken every proposal and hacked at it until it ended up being a piece meal law.

Uhm, no the same thing didn't happen as with HCR. There was NO Republican who voted for HCR... NONE! So, how do you figure "single payer" was dropped to garner Republican support? Republicans weren't voting for it with or without the 'single payer' option ...that idea was dropped to garner DEMOCRAT support!

Your argument is illogical. Of course there are still poor people and there always will be poor people. That's why social policies are necessary. As long as people have to work to support themselves there will always be unemployed folks. That does not mean the same people are continually unemployed. While one person is helped and moves on another person experiences misfortune and requires help.

So then it really doesn't matter how many TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS we spend to try and lift people out of poverty, it will never work, is that what you are admitting? GOOD JOB! But it seems you have set yourselves up with a never-ending excuse to continue passing measure after measure, to chase a problem that can never be solved. That's pretty convenient if you're a Democrat.

Nothing is static. There will always be newly unemployed and ill people. The idea is to have programs that are available immediately to serve those people rather than let them lose everything before they qualify for help. By the time they've jumped through hoops and lost their home, probably endured a family break-up due to the financial crisis/stress, we expect those folks to just jump up and get back in the game. Unfortunately, most lose motivation and many turn to drugs/alcohol after the government sat and watched them lose everything before offering a helping hand.

Like I said, we've been playing this game for pretty much the last CENTURY with Democrats leading the way! We've adopted your ideas, we've made the changes you thought we should make, we have borrowed all the money we could get our hands on and taxed people to the point of bankruptcy, to implement the programs you claimed we needed to help these people, and as you admit, there will always be more people to help, we'll never solve the problem. When do we stop and say, you know what--It's not working--We need to try something different? According to Democrats, we never stop, we just continue to pour money into an endless pit, trying to fix a problem that you admitted, can never be fixed!

That's the problem. Instead of the government willingly offering to help they add to a person's lack of confidence and self-esteem by implying they are at fault and undeserving and the reason is some in government, mostly the Repubs, do not want to help so we end up with laws that claim to help while the reality is the effort is placed on finding ways not to help.

Again, with the exception of a sporadic period during the past 15 years, Democrats have had total and complete control of Congress. There has NEVER been a Republican initiative of ANY kind, ever passed in Congress without bipartisan Democrat support! For the past century, every program, every idea, every supposed "solution" the Democrats have wanted to implement, they have been able to. Even when Republicans briefly held the gavel in the House and Senate, the party was racked with Olympia Snowe/Susan Collins Republicans who didn't march in lockstep with the GOP, who often sided with the Democrats and rendered the majority status of Republicans irrelevant. So how do you get this idea that Republicans are obstructing Democrats?

Sure, just like with health care, right? Everything the Dems asked for like when the prospect of a universal health care plan would not even be considered for discussion even though every statistic, without exception, shows it is beneficial to citizens.

Health care reform was a Democrat idea, not a single Republican supported it, not a single Republican voted for it. Every statistic shows it will destroy our health care system, make health care costs more expensive for all, and less available to all. But still, the Democrats wanted it, the Democrats got it! They rammed it through without a single Republican vote, without consideration for anything Republicans had to say about it. AND STILL, it's not enough for you! STILL, you want to blame Republicans because it doesn't go far enough, even though you admit that it can never solve the problem, there will always be people who need help.
Dixie, you have the right to your own opinions, but not your own facts. Here's how it works, I will not respond to arguments built on false facts. You just wasted a whole lot of time and effort building a straw man. So let's get the facts straight.

Dixie: But here is the interesting thing about all this overblown rhetoric from you fuckwits... Aside from a couple of sporadic periods within the past 15 years, the United States Congress has been controlled entirely by the Democrat Party.


Year Congress Senate (100) House (435)
2009 111th.......D - 55***.....D - 256
2007 110th.......D - 51**.......D - 233
2005 109th.......R - 55...........R - 232
2003 108th.......R - 51...........R - 229

2001 107th.......D*................R - 221
1999 106th.......R - 55...........R - 223
1997 105th.......R - 55...........R - 228
1995 104th.......R - 52...........R - 230 <--15 years ago!

* There were 50 Ds and 50 Rs until May 24, 2001, when Sen. James Jeffords (R-VT) switched to Independent status, effective June 6, 2001; he announced that he would caucus with the Democrats, giving the Democrats a one-seat advantage.
**Independent Sen. Bernard Sanders (VT) gives the Democrats a one-seat majority.
** Two Independents and two vacancies (IL and MN)


OK Dix, you can start over based on facts this time instead of emotions or right wing victim-hood. I suggest you cut down on calling others 'pinheads' when you continue to demonstrate being one. Good luck to 'ya.

Yr --Congress Senate (100) House (435)
2009 111th D - 55*** D - 256
2007 110th D - 51** D - 233
2005 109th R - 55 R - 232
2003 108th R - 51 R - 229
2001 107th D*- 51 R - 221
1999 106th R - 55 R - 223
1997 105th R - 55 R - 228
1995 104th R - 52 R - 230 <-15 years ago
1993 103rd D - 57 D - 258
1991 102nd D - 56 D - 267
1989 101st D - 55 D - 260
1987 100th D - 55 D - 258
1985 99th R - 53 D - 253
1983 98th R - 54 D - 269
1981 97th R - 53 D - 242
1979 96th D - 58 D - 277
1977 95th D - 61 D - 292
1975 94th D - 60 D - 291
1973 93rd D - 56 D - 242
1971 92nd D - 54 D - 255
1969 91st D - 57 D - 243
1967 90th D - 64 D - 247
1965 89th D - 68 D - 295
1963 88th D - 66 D - 259
1961 87th D - 64 D - 263
1959 86th D - 65 D - 283
1957 85th D - 49 D - 232
1955 84th D - 48 D - 232
1953 83rd R - 48 D - 221
1951 82nd D - 49 D - 235
1949 81st D - 54 D - 263
1947 80th R - 51 R - 246
1945 79th D - 57 D - 242

What I said:

"Aside from a couple of sporadic periods within the past 15 years, the United States Congress has been controlled entirely by the Democrat Party."

Now, do you care to tell me where I created my own facts or was less than honest about what I stated? DEMOCRATS have by-and-large controlled BOTH houses of Congress. Even with the Republican congresses in the past 15 years, there were enough FAKE Republicans (aka: Democrats posing as Republicans) to prevent adoption of ANY Republican initiative without considerable bipartisan support.

So your whining and moaning about obstructionist Republicans just doesn't wash! DEMOCRATS have controlled Congress, with the full reign to do whatever they wished through all these years! You can't BLAME Republicans! If there is ANY party to blame, it HAS to be the one who has predominately controlled Congress!
Yr --Congress Senate (100) House (435)
2009 111th D - 55*** D - 256
2007 110th D - 51** D - 233
2005 109th R - 55 R - 232
2003 108th R - 51 R - 229
2001 107th D*- 51 R - 221
1999 106th R - 55 R - 223
1997 105th R - 55 R - 228
1995 104th R - 52 R - 230 <-15 years ago
1993 103rd D - 57 D - 258
1991 102nd D - 56 D - 267
1989 101st D - 55 D - 260
1987 100th D - 55 D - 258
1985 99th R - 53 D - 253
1983 98th R - 54 D - 269
1981 97th R - 53 D - 242
1979 96th D - 58 D - 277
1977 95th D - 61 D - 292
1975 94th D - 60 D - 291
1973 93rd D - 56 D - 242
1971 92nd D - 54 D - 255
1969 91st D - 57 D - 243
1967 90th D - 64 D - 247
1965 89th D - 68 D - 295
1963 88th D - 66 D - 259
1961 87th D - 64 D - 263
1959 86th D - 65 D - 283
1957 85th D - 49 D - 232
1955 84th D - 48 D - 232
1953 83rd R - 48 D - 221
1951 82nd D - 49 D - 235
1949 81st D - 54 D - 263
1947 80th R - 51 R - 246
1945 79th D - 57 D - 242

What I said:

"Aside from a couple of sporadic periods within the past 15 years, the United States Congress has been controlled entirely by the Democrat Party."

Now, do you care to tell me where I created my own facts or was less than honest about what I stated? DEMOCRATS have by-and-large controlled BOTH houses of Congress. Even with the Republican congresses in the past 15 years, there were enough FAKE Republicans (aka: Democrats posing as Republicans) to prevent adoption of ANY Republican initiative without considerable bipartisan support.

So your whining and moaning about obstructionist Republicans just doesn't wash! DEMOCRATS have controlled Congress, with the full reign to do whatever they wished through all these years! You can't BLAME Republicans! If there is ANY party to blame, it HAS to be the one who has predominately controlled Congress!

Hey Dixie, why do you have to LIE?


1. (of similar things or occurrences) appearing or happening at irregular intervals in time; occasional: sporadic renewals of enthusiasm.

2. appearing in scattered or isolated instances, as a disease.

3. isolated, as a single instance of something; being or occurring apart from others.

4. occurring singly or widely apart in locality: the sporadic growth of plants.

bits and pieces, desultory, few, fitful, fits and starts, hit-or-miss, infrequent, intermittent, irregular, isolated, occasional, on-again-off-again, random, rare, scarce, scattered, seldom, semi-occasional, spasmodic, spotty, uncommon, infrequent

There is nothing 'sporadic' over the last 15 years. Republican control of Congress and been pretty much continuous for 12 of those 15 years.

I've been around since Harry Truman was President, so I lived through a good portion of the liberal era that started with the New Deal and ended with the Great Society. It was America's finest moment. It was an era with huge economic growth and shared wealth, fantastic successes in technology, vast expansion of citizen freedoms and liberties and the growth of a middle class that defined this country and made America the 'city on the hill', the envy of the world.

That era ended at the end of the 1960's and the conservative era began. It has continued ever since. It has been a negative mirror image of the liberal era. We now lead the world only in the dubious like incarcerating human beings, killing innocent people and launching Hirohito sneak attacks on sovereign nations.

So my question Dixie, what blame do Republicans and conservatives deserve? You can't have the power, profess 'personable responsibility', then turn around and blame those without power.

Why is it extra disturbing?

Because on November 3rd, the Fed hits the Weimar moment.

They call it quantitative easing.

I call it B.S. Weimar, because just like the Washington Monument ploy, they're covering up.

They're hiding their tracks in the hopes you don't notice the crime of the century.

We are buying our own bonds.

They promised never to do that.

Nancy Pelosi also promised in 2007 that there'd be no new deficit spending.

Since that time, the debt has increased $5 trillion.

Since 2007, $5 trillion.

That's the crime of the century.
Why is it extra disturbing?

Because on November 3rd, the Fed hits the Weimar moment.

They call it quantitative easing.

I call it B.S. Weimar, because just like the Washington Monument ploy, they're covering up.

They're hiding their tracks in the hopes you don't notice the crime of the century.

We are buying our own bonds.

They promised never to do that.

Nancy Pelosi also promised in 2007 that there'd be no new deficit spending.

Since that time, the debt has increased $5 trillion.

Since 2007, $5 trillion.

That's the crime of the century.

Crimes of centuries involve the extermination of large amounts of human beings...That would be the immoral invasion of Iraq and the war that followed where 100,000 innocent Iraqis perished.

What difference does it make to the dead, the orphans, and the homeless, whether the mad destruction is wrought under the name of totalitarianism or the holy name of liberty and democracy?
Mahatma Gandhi

While we're here on the soldiers, we're still fighting a never-ending war. There is indoctrination in the schools.

The anti-capitalist propaganda from George Soros' Tides Foundation is still being played in thousands of our schools.

They followed that up with propaganda video now that's being spread in our churches called, "Let There Be Stuff."

That's a whole six-chapter workbook for people in churches and synagogues.

I wonder if they have anything for mosques.

While we're here on the soldiers, we're still fighting a never-ending war. There is indoctrination in the schools.

The anti-capitalist propaganda from George Soros' Tides Foundation is still being played in thousands of our schools.

They followed that up with propaganda video now that's being spread in our churches called, "Let There Be Stuff."

That's a whole six-chapter workbook for people in churches and synagogues.

I wonder if they have anything for mosques.

This should relieve some of your red angst. The conservative 'history scholars' in Texas have a remedy...they removed Thomas Jefferson from the history books and replaced him with John Calvin