Kamalama Ding Dong is tanking the markets

well it is a FACT Obama did NOT DOUBLE the debt like you have been saying so you are a liar and you don't want to admit it.
100% is 100% 90/ 91/92/ 93 ........ Percent is NOT doubling it.
say he ALMOST doubled it , then you would not be a LIAR but saying he doubled it IS A LIE.
have a nice day
rofl.....you folks are fucking desperate to deflect.....he added more to the national debt than all presidents before or after him but you're taking victory laps because it was a 94% instead of 100%
Yeah, she should have gone through a real primary process. But no, she was coronated after stabbing Joe in the back.
Why should she have, Biden was the winner He had the votes. Running was a waste of time and money. Did Trump? They had phony debates and he did not even show up for them. He was the winner and everyone knew it.
Biden blew it when he froze. Even after that, it was still his if he wanted it. But he was convinced to drop out. Nobody had the power to force him.
rofl.....you folks are fucking desperate to deflect.....he added more to the national debt than all presidents before or after him but you're taking victory laps because it was a 94% instead of 100%
who said he didn't ?????
you keep telling the LIE he DOUBLED the debt when he didn't.
again get a THIRD GRADER to HELP YOU with the really difficult MATH of ADDING 11.9 plus 11.9 . we all can see it is VERY VERY hard for you.
and when you find one to help you I am sure they will tell you that it is 23.8 , and you can add the T to that standing for Trillions of dollars.
and then ask that third grader if 19. Trillion is MORE or less then 23.8 Trillion . I think they may be able to explain to you that 19 is LESS then 23.
and again YOUR OWN posts have shown that Obama did NOT double the debt and as YOUR post has shown us he left office and the debt was in the 19 T area and IF you ever learn to add all these HUGE numbers you would see 11.9 and 11.9 is way MORE then 19.
and as I have said before I do NOT give a FUCK if he ran it up 99.99999 % that is NOT doubling it ,
now if you had said he ALMOST doubled it I would agree but YOU keep repeating the LIE that he doubled it.
and I never said he didn't run up the amount of money spent on the debt more then all the presidents before him did I ?
and as for AFTER him YOU might want to look at just what YOUR BOY Trump did, OH he didn't run it up as much as Obama did but HE did run it up ALMOST as much as Obama did , and it took Obama 8 years and it ONLY took Trump FOUR YEARS to run it up almost as much.
Why aren't you crying about THAT FACT????
YES why aren't YOU and all the right wingers and MAGAS saying one word about Trump running the debt up ALMOST as much as Obama did and TRUMP DID it in FOUR years and it took Obama EIGHT years?
Have a nice day
who said he didn't ?????
you keep telling the LIE he DOUBLED the debt when he didn't.
again get a THIRD GRADER to HELP YOU with the really difficult MATH of ADDING 11.9 plus 11.9 . we all can see it is VERY VERY hard for you.
and when you find one to help you I am sure they will tell you that it is 23.8 , and you can add the T to that standing for Trillions of dollars.
and then ask that third grader if 19. Trillion is MORE or less then 23.8 Trillion . I think they may be able to explain to you that 19 is LESS then 23.
and again YOUR OWN posts have shown that Obama did NOT double the debt and as YOUR post has shown us he left office and the debt was in the 19 T area and IF you ever learn to add all these HUGE numbers you would see 11.9 and 11.9 is way MORE then 19.
and as I have said before I do NOT give a FUCK if he ran it up 99.99999 % that is NOT doubling it ,
now if you had said he ALMOST doubled it I would agree but YOU keep repeating the LIE that he doubled it.
and I never said he didn't run up the amount of money spent on the debt more then all the presidents before him did I ?
and as for AFTER him YOU might want to look at just what YOUR BOY Trump did, OH he didn't run it up as much as Obama did but HE did run it up ALMOST as much as Obama did , and it took Obama 8 years and it ONLY took Trump FOUR YEARS to run it up almost as much.
Why aren't you crying about THAT FACT????
YES why aren't YOU and all the right wingers and MAGAS saying one word about Trump running the debt up ALMOST as much as Obama did and TRUMP DID it in FOUR years and it took Obama EIGHT years?
Have a nice day
fine....you win....it wasn't double, just nearly double....but I'm glad I have finally gotten a demmycrat to agree that it was Obama who added the most to our national debt......you know I have actually had people with more pimples than brains try to pretend Republicans are the ones who suck ass on fiscal responsibility......I'm glad THAT particular lie is finally dead.....
fine....you win....it wasn't double, just nearly double....but I'm glad I have finally gotten a demmycrat to agree that it was Obama who added the most to our national debt......you know I have actually had people with more pimples than brains try to pretend Republicans are the ones who suck ass on fiscal responsibility......I'm glad THAT particular lie is finally dead.....
and now if I could get a MAGA to admit Trump ran it up almost as much as Obama did but Trump did it all in just 4 years it took Obama 8.
but they don't want to talk about that.
and Obama had to deal with a Recession when he took over, a Recession that was almost as deep as a depression when Trump took over the economy was doing good and He didn't have to do anything to keep it going .
their Orange GOD can't do anything wrong.
by this chart https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/IN/IN11754/2
Obama ran it up 9.32 t in 8 years and Trump ran it up 7.805 T in just 4 years.
just what would it have been now IF Trump was reelected 16 T?
Have a nice day
Indeed and "joy" won't bring down inflation or secure the border or decrease the out of control crime.
The "joy" won't dhange anything... And not enough money or time in the world to redefine her...
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Indeed and "joy" won't bring down inflation or secure the border or decrease the out of control crime.
and not a word from the MAGAS about companies like Exxon making record profits raping the American people.
Exxon made 99.7 Billion on the sales of 14Billion gallons of gas it sold at it's stations alone , then what about all the other fuel they sold to other distributors , how much more did they make on that?
their profits are up 141.9 % , if they cut their price 1 dollar a gallon they would have still had a massive profit of 85 .7 Billion.
and that alone would have helped lower the cost of about everything else we buy.
because Transportation costs would have dropped .
yes lets NOT say a word about that, OR all the other companies making exorbitant profits.
Have a nice day
Why should she have, Biden was the winner He had the votes. Running was a waste of time and money. Did Trump? They had phony debates and he did not even show up for them. He was the winner and everyone knew it.
Biden blew it when he froze. Even after that, it was still his if he wanted it. But he was convinced to drop out. Nobody had the power to force him.
All the MAGAT whining and lying about "Harris didn't go through a primary" and was "crowned" is nothing more than their desperation and panic that she has surged way ahead of the #TangerineTyrant and has a far more enthusiastic -- and generous donators -- base than he does.
https://www.npr.org/2022/02/13/1080...ican people because they can. have a nice day
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and now if I could get a MAGA to admit Trump ran it up almost as much as Obama did but Trump did it all in just 4 years it took Obama 8.
but they don't want to talk about that.
and Obama had to deal with a Recession when he took over, a Recession that was almost as deep as a depression when Trump took over the economy was doing good and He didn't have to do anything to keep it going .
their Orange GOD can't do anything wrong.
by this chart https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/IN/IN11754/2
Obama ran it up 9.32 t in 8 years and Trump ran it up 7.805 T in just 4 years.
just what would it have been now IF Trump was reelected 16 T?
Have a nice day
I could do that if it wasn't true that Pelosi and the Demmycrats were responsible for most of Trump's deficit....I guess the real problem isn't what you call my "Orange GOD" but your Black one.....
I could do that if it wasn't true that Pelosi and the Demmycrats were responsible for most of Trump's deficit....I guess the real problem isn't what you call my "Orange GOD" but your Black one.....
and again YOU blame the President for the debt when it is a DEM but when it is a Republican it is all Congresses fault.
I see how it goes ,
just like the Dem Presidents the Republican ones have the power of the veto and can send the budget and spending bills back to congress.
and IF they don't and sign them they have to take the blame.
They have the FINAL say.
Have a nice day