Kamalama Ding Dong is tanking the markets

I am beginning to question my target split of 90% broad stock funds/10% short term bond funds. It is an aggressive split. I am using dollar cost averaging over this year to get there, so I am not there yet. By the time I am done, in December, I will feel every bump in the stock market.

But if I keep myself to 4%, it should have more ups than downs. We will see.
Everyone is in a different situation. I started with ten year treasuries in 1979 when yield were 13% and made a killing when I sold them a few years later. Went mostly growth, and completely reset in 2008. I’ve been heavy in preferred stock since, but I bought Royal bank preferred at 7 when par was 25. They missed five or six quarters but by the time it was called it had gone slightly over par. Capital gains was a KILLER but obviously the profit really set me up for life. I do mostly safe preferred and I usually earn around 7%. But I’m retired and 68 years old and growth is secondary for me now.
Teach is a bundle of passive aggressive angst. She never says anything just tries to annoy you into submission. Just laugh.
IF she is a teacher I think the parents of the kids she teaches should ask for their Tax money back because they sure the hell aren't getting what they thought they were getting and paying for.
just how can a moron like her be a teacher ?
well then again isn't the old saying , those who can do , those who can't teach.
Have a nice day
lets see

lets keep a common and truthful framework....budgets run from Sept to Sept.....except for any nonbudgeted spending, the four years a president would be responsible for would be from Sept following his inauguration till September following his successor's inauguration......

Bush 2 $5.807T to $11.9T less $0.65T nonbudgeted spending by Obama
Obama $11.25T to $20.245T
Trump $20.245T to first year $21, 516 2nd year $22,719T with Covid spending 3rd year $27,748 4th year $29.6T
Biden $29.6T to current debt of $35.255T through his third year ending next month with his fourth annual budget still to come......

What a crock of shit. You start with Bush which is doubled only if you use his fiscal budget years that he would have agreed to.
You include 9 years for Obama when you include Bush's budget year so you can try to make him double it. (Even with 9 years it isn't double.) You absolve Trump of any responsibility for the spending he signed by blaming Pelosi. (You didn't blame the GOP congress for any of Obama's spending.) Then you try to include Trump spending for Biden.

I guess honesty isn't really your thing.
sorry but everything in your thread is a lie....
Venart Luxury hotel. We had the canal view suite. Just boarded the Viking Sea. We’re in an explorer suite. Probably bigger than your double wide. Have a nice day. Oh, btw it’s 4:30 in the afternoon here. I’m sure teach will ask. You are SOOOOO jealous. It’s good to be king. And I don’t live in Venice (I guess a rube like you mixes up your cities that start with V) Just a three day stay. Used to be a castle. You can daydream if you want.
sorry I cannot reply.....I am currently stranded on the ISS......please tell Boeing to come rescue me.......
lets keep a common and truthful framework....budgets run from Sept to Sept.....except for any nonbudgeted spending, the four years a president would be responsible for would be from Sept following his inauguration till September following his successor's inauguration......

Bush 2 $5.807T to $11.9T less $0.65T nonbudgeted spending by Obama
Obama $11.25T to $20.245T
Trump $20.245T to first year $21, 516 2nd year $22,719T with Covid spending 3rd year $27,748 4th year $29.6T
Biden $29.6T to current debt of $35.255T through his third year ending next month with his fourth annual budget still to come......

so are you admitting Obama did NOT double the debt?
there are YOUR figures . 11.25 plus 11.25 is 22.5 . and your saying when Obama left it was 20.245 so by YOUR own figures OBAMA did NOT double the debt.
SO stop lying and stop spreading the right wing lie.
and I don't give a shit if he ran it up 99% Obama still would NOT have double the debt.
and again it is a FACT the ONLY Presidents that doubled the debt were BOTH REPUBLICANS.
Have a nice day
IF she is a teacher I think the parents of the kids she teaches should ask for their Tax money back because they sure the hell aren't getting what they thought they were getting and paying for.
just how can a moron like her be a teacher ?
well then again isn't the old saying , those who can do , those who can't teach.
Have a nice day
Gym teacher.
lets keep a common and truthful framework....budgets run from Sept to Sept.....except for any nonbudgeted spending, the four years a president would be responsible for would be from Sept following his inauguration till September following his successor's inauguration......

Bush 2 $5.807T to $11.9T less $0.65T nonbudgeted spending by Obama
Obama $11.25T to $20.245T
Trump $20.245T to first year $21, 516 2nd year $22,719T with Covid spending 3rd year $27,748 4th year $29.6T
Biden $29.6T to current debt of $35.255T through his third year ending next month with his fourth annual budget still to come......

so are you admitting Obama did NOT double the debt?
there are YOUR figures . 11.25 plus 11.25 is 22.5 . and your saying when Obama left it was 20.245 so by YOUR own figures OBAMA did NOT double the debt.
SO stop lying and stop spreading the right wing lie.
and I don't give a shit if he ran it up 99% Obama still would NOT have double the debt.
and again it is a FACT the ONLY Presidents that doubled the debt were BOTH REPUBLICANS.
Have a nice day
fine, he increased it slightly more than 90% instead of 100%.....if that's the kind of logic that makes you feel better I'm sure you believe VP HarmUs secured the border and Bidenomics is working.....good luck in November.....
fine, he increased it slightly more than 90% instead of 100%.....if that's the kind of logic that makes you feel better I'm sure you believe VP HarmUs secured the border and Bidenomics is working.....good luck in November.....
well it is a FACT Obama did NOT DOUBLE the debt like you have been saying so you are a liar and you don't want to admit it.
100% is 100% 90/ 91/92/ 93 ........ Percent is NOT doubling it.
say he ALMOST doubled it , then you would not be a LIAR but saying he doubled it IS A LIE.
have a nice day
fine, he increased it slightly more than 90% instead of 100%.....if that's the kind of logic that makes you feel better I'm sure you believe VP HarmUs secured the border and Bidenomics is working.....good luck in November.....
and I don't give a fuck if he ran it up 99.9% it still isn't double